spy ace

Chapter 2298 Forced Marriage

Chapter 2298 Forced Marriage
Fumio Tegoshi glanced at Liu Ye Qingming, and said: "Station Master, what Liu Ye-kun said is also a solution. But...it's a bit too troublesome. Now, there are only a few train routes to our Shanghai. They come from the northeast. The direction of Beiping, the direction of Suzhou, etc. We don’t need to know all the lines. We only need to know these few lines, from the last station to our Shanghai. "

Kanzuki Hideyoshi nodded and looked at the others.Although Liu Ye Qingming felt that Fumio Tegoshi might have refuted his words a bit, but he felt that the other party's words were not unreasonable, so he was the first to speak, saying: "Well, Tegoshi-kun's method is more flexible, and it can Reduce the input of labor costs. The same can also play a very good effect."

Kanyue Hideyoshi looked at Yan Xingwei again, and the latter also said: "Station Master, I think it works. The core idea of ​​Liuye-kun's method itself is to defend in advance, and it will allow us more time to identify. As for Tegoshi-kun, On this basis, he can be more precise, so I think it is transferable.”

After listening to the summary of his subordinates, Kanzuki Hideyoshi said: "Then let's do it this way. You will be responsible for the secret training class, Tegoshi-kun, you are fully responsible for this matter. If you need anything, just come to me."

"Hi one." Fumio Tegoshi stood up immediately and bowed.

After discussing this matter, Kanyue Hideyoshi let them go out, but Yan Xingwei was left alone.Kanyue Hideyoshi said: "Behavior, the Tsuruta agency sent an official letter of hope for cooperation. Their agency chief, Tsuruta Ichiro, wants to cooperate with our train station for a long time. You go to the same Tsuruta agency and go to the Tsuruta agency. Director Tian, ​​let's see what he wants to do."

Yan Xingwei nodded and said, "Understood, then I'll go now."

Kanyue Hideyoshi said: "Well, you go."

Yan Xingwei came out of the station master's office.As I walked forward, I first summarized today's findings in my mind.He even once felt that he was a little too insensitive.All this is just my imagination.But soon he denied the answer.

Fumio Tegoshi and Hideyoshi Kanzuki looked at his state a few times, it was by no means imaginary, but real.And now I have just passed the so-called review period, but who knows whether the review period is over or not?Or maybe it's just that the ostensible end is over, and the secret review is still going on.

So, I can't be too careful now.In this case, if Kanzuki Hideyoshi asked him to go to the Tsuruta Agency, he would have to be more careful.Originally, I wanted to continue the opportunity to go out and pass this situation on to the organization and the Security Bureau, but now it seems that I really can't do that.Need to find a better opportunity...

In other words, Fan Keqin didn't know what happened at the train station at this time.Because he has to face another matter.That is, Miss Tong really can't wait.

Although winter has just passed, Miss Tong really can't wait.This woman really wants to be with me, how can I do it?

He believed that even if he and Miss Tong were really married, nothing would happen.Because the matter is here, do you want to continue to stay in Shanghai?If you think about it, how can you procrastinate this thing.

But marriage doesn't work either, mainly because Fan Keqin knows that Miss Tong is really not a bad person by nature.Although her father is a high-ranking official of Wang Puppet.But Miss Tong herself has never done anything wrong.

But if two people like this really get married, what will happen to Lu Xiaoya?That is my real wife.So Fan Keqin was a little bit tangled, which is rare.

Miss Tong, who was opposite him, saw her lover, and after she mentioned this matter, she hesitated slightly.He asked eagerly, "What's the matter? You...don't want to be with me?"

"How could it be?" Fan Keqin knew he couldn't hesitate anymore, this was not a joke.So he said with a smile: "I... It's been last year. Didn't I just say that when the weather gets warmer, let's get engaged first, right? How could this change? I just think again, should I How do you prepare for the engagement ceremony?"

When Miss Tong heard what he said, she immediately rejoiced.In fact, Miss Tong really didn't dare to force Fan Keqin too much.At the very least, a real marriage is not an engagement, but a marriage. Miss Tong is not too dry to force Fan Keqin.why?Because she herself knew that Fan Keqin cared very much about his late wife, Hua Zhang.And from her understanding, it may have been only a year since Huazhang died.

In that case, if I forced Fan Keqin, I would be ashamed.Although I really want to be with Fan Keqin formally as soon as possible.Therefore, Miss Tong can only mention the engagement.However, Miss Tong did not evade when she heard that Fan Keqin was talking about how she wanted to prepare for the engagement ceremony.Although it is definitely not as good as getting married, but in this day and age, to be honest, there is almost no difference between getting engaged and getting married.

It's not that in later generations, an engagement is an engagement, and two people are just lovers.These days, in the eyes of everyone, as long as a couple is engaged, they are no different from a couple.Although they may still be called fiancee or fiance, they are actually a couple.Therefore, hearing what Fan Keqin said, how could Miss Tong be unhappy.

So Miss Tong hugged Fan Keqin's arm, arched her head again, and said, "We don't need to worry about the engagement ceremony, just let the housekeeper do it. Honey, when do you think it's appropriate?"

Things have come to this point, I'm still hypocritical.So Fan Keqin said with a smile: "The weather is still a bit cold now. After a while, at least we have to wait for the real spring to bloom.

Because of the engagement, you also have to wear a white and beautiful wedding dress, and then walk among flowers and so on. The weather is not open now, right?At that time, let's take some good photos. I want Director Zhan to get us a photography team to use color and professional film to shoot the entire ceremony.Let's take a look together when we revisit later, it's so romantic. "

After a few words, Miss Tong's heart beat faster. Women, no matter what age they are, like this tune. If it is romantic, how could they not like it.Besides, there is no such thing as engagement or wedding ceremony this year...

(End of this chapter)

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