spy ace

Chapter 2299 Looking for No. 1

Chapter 2299 Looking for Number One

This year, there is no such thing as engagement or wedding ceremonies being videotaped.Even if you are a trendy person, you just need to hire a few more photographers, use the most expensive color negative film, and take more color photos.

Therefore, when Fan Keqin said this, Miss Tong immediately imagined something in her mind, and Miss Tong almost laughed out loud at that time.

After a long while, after masturbating for a while, Miss Tong stood up abruptly, and said, "No, I'll let the housekeeper do it now." Saying that, she was about to run out.

Fan Keqin quickly grabbed her and said with a smile: "Hey, my dear. Isn't it easy to shoot a movie? What does our company do? We only got the latest camera two days ago, We have the color film in our warehouse. Wouldn’t it be enough to say hello to Director Zhan later?

That is to say, color film is more expensive, but we can't afford it.The main thing is what are you talking to the housekeeper now.Don't tell Uncle Tong about this right away, what do you tell the housekeeper.When Uncle Tong complained about you as a daughter again, he didn't tell Dad the first time. "

"Yeah, that's right." Miss Tong smiled and sat back on the sofa, hugged Fan Keqin again, got bored for a while, and said, "Honey, do you love me?"

Come on, Miss Tong was said to be happy by herself, and acted like a baby again.Don't think about it, love it!Anyway, come here as you please, coax women, just say something nice.

In fact, we have a misunderstanding, many people, especially straight men.For example, when seeing a young couple, where does the man say: You know, my dear, I chose you in my last life.You really can't escape in this life. "Anyway, it's a similar love story. It's fake and empty. But, the young couple is laughing and joking, looking very amiable.

When straight men see this situation, they will have a wrong idea in their minds.That is, how fake this man's words are!It looked like he was trying to trick that woman on purpose!Could it be that such a fake thing can't be seen by that woman?
In fact, this idea is completely wrong.Why?Because that's what women do.As long as you're with your partner, never mind the love talk, how fake it sounds.But your target will definitely eat it.This is different from deceiving people. Coaxing a woman and deceiving a woman are two different concepts.

There are many scumbags who know what women eat.So talking about love is the same as not wanting money.

Therefore, many people think that only scumbags can coax women like this.How should I put it, the scumbag took advantage of women's weakness, so he cheated successfully.

But this thing is like a knife. If you are in the hands of a master cook, it is a must-have item for home use, but if you are in the hands of a murderer, it is an undisputed murder weapon.

In itself, love talk is neither good nor bad.So straight men, don't think that love words are fake.As long as you don't have the intention of cheating, but really want to be with a woman.Wouldn't it be nice to talk about love and make a woman happy?

And don't think that those words are fake and scary. If I say it, will women think I'm a liar too?Don't think so!Because that's what women do.

As long as you have a normal, genuine attitude of wanting to be in love with the other person.Just say it, it doesn't matter how fake the love story is, the woman will definitely eat it.

Now Fan Keqin is like this, the love words he said seem to be free of money, and even sound obviously fake.Miss Tong will eat as she pleases.

It is because a woman is emotional, once she wants to be with you, she will think that her boyfriend is joking with her again, just to make herself happy, so she can’t eat it error.So... Read the books I wrote to increase your knowledge, right?

Fan Keqin and Miss Tong, both of them are tired and crooked, even a single dog can't see it.That's how Miss Tong left Fan Keqin's side until the evening when Tong's father came back.

She ran directly to Tong's father, and helped her father back, chattering non-stop.In fact, there is only one central thought: I am getting engaged to Fan Keqin, Dad!Hurry up and bless me.

How could Tong's father not know what Miss Tong was thinking.And in his eyes, Miss Tong is twenty-eight, it's already too late.So it must be a happy thing for my daughter to get engaged.Therefore, he also talked about "running the train" to make his daughter happy.

Miss Tong said there: "Papa! I want to hold an engagement ceremony among the flowers."

Tong's father said: "Do it! It's very simple among the flowers. There are many places in Shanghai that are suitable. Even if there is no place, let's buy a piece of land and get some flower seeds. It's too late to hire someone to plant flowers. There are professional flowers Carpenter. The season is here, and it won’t take long for a sea of ​​flowers to bloom, and then you can swim in it.”

Miss Tong said again: "Papa! I need a color camera for my engagement ceremony. The recording from beginning to end is like a movie."

Father Tong took it for granted, and said, "Isn't that what it should be? It's just to find more people who know photography. You still have this company. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough manpower or equipment. There are so many film companies in Shanghai. Please order more photographers, and everyone will send a big red envelope. At the ceremony, let all the photographers surround the scene, and they must shoot at [-] degrees without dead ends. Be sure to take pictures of my daughter like a fairy. If anyone If you can’t do it, then you’ll be embarrassed to be in this line of work.”…

Fan Keqin took a look and said, fuck it, Father Tong has some tricks.As far as this skill of coaxing people is concerned, if it is put outside, even I have to avoid it by three points.No wonder I went back to resettle one within a few days after I went to Nanjing.

When it comes to marriage and engagement, the most important thing is always the woman.So Fan Keqin and Tong's father knew that they had to make Miss Tong happy.As long as it doesn't spoil her interest, then everything will be fine.

When Miss Tong met this matter, her enthusiasm was unusually high.He was busy with this matter for several days in a row, but Fan Keqin stayed with him as long as he could, but on the third day, after being approached by Bai Fengtai, Fan Keqin felt that it was a bit troublesome.

Because Bai Fengtai brought him a telegram, which turned out to be from the headquarters, asking him to find someone codenamed No. [-].And indicate that this number one is a member of the underground party.

no!This is a matter of principle.Fan Keqin was a party member in his previous life, and an excellent party member at that.It is absolutely impossible for him to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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