spy ace

Chapter 2302 Arrangement

Chapter 2302 Arrangement
Bai Fengtai said: "I'll give the secret signal to Lao Tang, don't keep any more, just leave."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Hey, that's what it means."

The two separated immediately, and it took about five hours for Bai Fengtai to return to the company.As soon as he came back, he took a document as a cover and entered Fan Keqin's office again.

Miss Tong didn't cling to Fan Keqin today, but chose the style of the engagement cake by herself.In fact, Miss Tong wanted to lure Fan Keqin. What she wanted was to let Fan Keqin stay with her from the beginning to the end.But later, I also learned that Tong's company, Fan Keqin's company could not have no one.So let Fan Keqin go for the time being today, and next time, just ask his subordinates to call for the things they need, such as the people in the store.

After Bai Fengtai closed the door back, Fan Keqin said, "It's done? Time...why did it take so long?"

Bai Fengtai took two quick steps, came to Fan Keqin, reached out his hand and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, handed it to Fan Keqin and said, "When I came back, I passed the signal area and saw the signal of the dead mailbox, so I went there. I read the content, and it should have been sent by Yan Xingwei's line. As for the transportation of the Great Sage, it didn't take long, but the journey was relatively long. According to the plan, I went in and met Manager Tang, and made a good signal , put down the telegram and I'll go."

"Yes." Fan Keqin agreed, and reached for the cigarette case.This is a pack of cigarettes that seems to be in good condition.After taking out the folded paper from inside, I put it in front of my eyes and looked at it.

The content is the general information of several people, height, age, what job they used to hide their identities in the past, etc.There are five people in total, and it is clearly written that it is an underground party, and the remaining four people are members of the Central Command and the Military Command.

The process of obtaining these materials is also written below, which was provided by Kanzuki Hideyoshi.What happened at that time was written in a concise and concise manner, including the news of Wang Zhaohai's death that was confirmed by Guanyue Hideyoshi at the time.There is still time on it, it was two days ago.

Fan Keqin handed the information to Bai Fengtai and said, "Destroy." He took out the lighter and threw it over.While Bai Fengtai lit the paper, Fan Keqin found two black, thick and long cigars from underneath.Passed one to Bai Fengtai.

After lighting the cigar, he held it in his throat for a while and then sprayed it out.Seeing that the paper in the ashtray had been completely burned to ashes, Fan Keqin said: "I don't know where Guanyue Hideyoshi got these materials. But the words on it are unknown, there are only two possibilities. First, Guanyue Hideyoshi Using this information to test and observe Yan Xingwei, in short, may be a little suspicious of him. The second point is that the people who provided these information are just a long-term observation, or guesswork, or indirect hearing. I’m not sure. Oh, there may be a third point, the above two points, happened at the same time.”

Bai Fengtai said: "Didn't Yan Xingwei pass the observation period a few days ago? Could it be suspicion of him?"

"This is the cunning of the little devil." Fan Keqin said: "After all, it is Wang Zhaohai who died. For such a big matter, Yan Xingwei was not killed as a scapegoat. It is already good. I believe that it will take Yan Xingwei almost I have been trusting with Guanyue Hideyoshi all the year round. Moreover, the Tsuruta Agency is responsible for protecting Wang Zhaohai and catching ghosts. It has no direct relationship with the train station. But a Dazheng Xiren died. Fortunately, this matter Schneider did a very good job, once he disappeared, all the doubts were attracted to him. Otherwise, Yan Xingwei might be really unlucky this time."

Bai Fengtai said: "Brother Heng, let alone this kid, he is really good at it. Stones are used as material for secret agents. How long has it been since you absorbed them? You have already reached this point. It would be a pity if you really threw them in. gone."

Fan Keqin glanced at him, and said with a smile, "Are you a little pity?" Then he stopped talking, thought for a moment, and said, "If there is a real danger, we can let him evacuate. After all, he is one of us, right?" , You can’t kill a donkey.”

Bai Fengtai also smiled and said: "Okay, I hope he can be lucky." Then he said: "What should we do with these materials? Can the four people in the military command and the central command inform? And that underground party... Brother Heng, You also know the attitude of the higher-ups, and now it seems that they are working together to fight devils. But Shangfeng has always wanted to kill the Red Party. Do we still need to notify the underground party?"

Fan Keqin said: "It's just one person. It's really no good for us to turn against the underground party now. What if we can sell them a favor? You know, the information acquisition methods of the Red Party are very powerful. Maybe we can use it in the future." They. What do you think?"

"That's right." Bai Fengtai said: "The underground party has become more and more professional in the past few years. It doesn't seem to have any movement at ordinary times, but it's like the audience of a movie. They seem to know everything. That's why they deal with all kinds of things. There is no need to make a big fuss. So in the future, it might be useful. It’s okay to sell a favor at this time. In the end, it’s nothing more than an underground party.”

Fan Keqin said: "Well, so be it. The Red Party has an office in the Kuomintang-controlled area. You send a brother to set off immediately. Once you arrive in the Kuomintang-controlled area, go directly to the Red Party's office and tell the other party the news. In addition, several other people directly Send it back to the headquarters, no! Including the information of the Red Party, send it back to the headquarters together, so that the headquarters can be at most. But I have to attach, the suggestion I just made. Let the bureau consider it carefully, after all, we are in Shanghai, if we can use it What is the effect of the information channel of the Red Party? It must be much stronger than it is now.

It's just a good sell, isn't it that some people are always making rumors about the leader, saying that he is always attacking the Red Party.You see, we have saved a red party now, and those rumors are tantamount to self-defeating.This is definitely killing birds with one stone, and you can make money without losing money. "

Bai Fengtai said: "Okay, I will go to the contact team later." After a pause, he continued: "Brother Heng, although Wang Zhaohai is dead now, the little devil must stabilize the mess of the Puppet Government. In addition, it is also because In this way, the little devils may focus all their firepower on us. The others are not known yet, but the Tsuruta mechanism must not relax."

Fan Keqin said: "No! Don't move for now. But we don't do nothing. Continue to develop our intelligence network. After someone is elected, it will still be the same. Let the brothers not move..."

(End of this chapter)

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