spy ace

Chapter 2303 Serial Murder

Chapter 2303 Serial Murder
Fan Keqin went on to say: "I will review it myself, and after I agree, I will use means to absorb it. As for other actions, don't do it. We have to wait now and see the situation in Shanghai."

"Okay." Bai Fengtai said, "Then I understand."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, that's it, you go and make arrangements according to what you just said." After Bai Fengtai went out, he began to arrange one by one according to his means.

In a small courtyard in an alley in Chongqing, Huazhang was wearing a lady's shirt and carrying a bag, looking like a trendy girl.But at this time, she looked serious and said: "Remember. Break in later and identify the target clearly. The target has been confirmed to be in the teahouse, wearing a white shirt. The one with him may be the target's accomplices, let's take them together .If there is a fatal danger, you can shoot and kill directly!"

In front of Huazhang, there was still a row of special agents from the special investigation department.After hearing Huazhang's instructions, they all expressed their understanding, and they were all old people, so Huazhang didn't need to say more.So he waved his hand and walked out of the yard first.

On the street outside, Huazhang was carrying a small bag, twisting and twisting, walking in a very charming way.After a while, she looked up at the signboard of the teahouse, maybe after recognizing it clearly, she walked in.Wei Wei looked around, but found no target.So he said to the waiter in the teahouse: "I am waiting for a gentleman named Fan who is looking for me. He is here. Just let him go to the second floor to look for me. First serve me a pot of...lighter tea, whatever you like." Here are some dried fruits."

"Okay, I'll bring it to you in a while." The guy said with a smile.

Huazhang then came to the second floor from the stairs next to him, and just as soon as he showed his head, he glanced at it with his eyes.Very well, a man in his twenties in a white shirt came into her sight.From Huazhang's point of view, the other party is facing him sideways.I am drinking tea.However, Huazhang still recognized that the other party was a suspect in a serial murder case.

In more than two months, it has been confirmed that eleven women were killed, and all the victims had traces of violence during their lifetime.The places where the corpses were dumped are all over several large districts in Chongqing.There were even several corpses that were thrown on the street in plain sight.As if provocative.

This case can be said to have had a great impact on the local capital.It even caused a sense of panic, because many women, especially among the female students, dare not stay outside after work and school.Even without parents picking them up, they dare not go to work and school.

It was also because of such a great influence that Shangfeng sent an order to directly let the Security Bureau take over, and Huazhang took the lead in investigating the case.

After Huazhang took over, he first clarified the direction of the investigation. The first point was the cases of dumping corpses in the street.According to the description of the person who called the police, he got up early in the morning and was about to go out to make breakfast.As I was walking, I saw a corpse wrapped in a canvas bag. Maybe I didn't care much when throwing the corpse, so the bag pocket was open, and the head and half of the arm were leaking out.Just shining brightly on the street...

So Huazhang immediately clarified a few points, the murderer may have a car, and the family conditions are good.And she has been studying with Fan Keqin, so she made a psychological profile.The murderer is a wealthy family, well-dressed, usually cowardly and introverted.The family encountered changes when I was a child. It is very likely that one of the parents is gone, and the father is even more likely to be absent. He is about [-] meters tall and has helpers.Helpers are around two people...

Then Huazhang combined several case files and began to send people to visit the vehicles.Finally, a key witness was found near one of the cases.The eyewitness once saw a car in the middle of the night. It passed by the place where the body was dumped. The car was identified by the car label. It was a Citroen. Although it was midnight, the car drove past the eyewitness. , so it can still be seen clearly that the car is relatively new.

So Huazhang immediately searched for all Citroen, and it was a relatively new Citroen.Combined with her psychological profile, she locked in a person named Dian Wenyu.This person happened to be twenty years old this year, and he was not tall. During the investigation, it was found that he could measure [-] meters.This is consistent with Huazhang's statement that the murderer is about [-] meters tall.

In addition, the condition of Dianwen Yu's family is really good.Their family used to be a well-known and wealthy family in the local area when his father was alive.There are more than [-] medium-sized trucks in the family, which are dedicated to transporting goods around.In addition, more than a dozen cargo ships have been raised, running in Sichuan and outside water transportation.When their family was the strongest, there were more than sixty transport ships at one point.This strength is already very strong.And those who run transportation can talk about both black and white.I know a lot of officers and bosses on the road.

But just five years ago, Dian Wenyu's father fell ill.And it is an incurable disease, what should I do?If the family has money, they can only use money to continue their lives.Buy penicillin, which is more expensive than gold, and there was even less penicillin in the market at that time.Depending on what your family needs, sometimes you may not be able to buy it no matter how much money you spend.So Tuomenzi, if you have a relationship, it will cost you money.Therefore, until the death of Dian Wenyu's father, the family was not as good as before.

All the boats on the waterway have been sold, and your family is in urgent need of money, but someone may not necessarily buy it when it is sold, what should I do?That can only be sold at a low price.As a result, almost all the money was spent, but the patient was not cured.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse.Although Dian Wenyu's mother is not a business genius, don't tell me, she can maintain the rest of the shipping business.With the remaining dozen or so cars and a freight company, their family can still live well.Afterwards, the population of Chongqing increased, and it was also the capital of the capital, so the business of the freight company also improved.

Dian Wenyu's father died, and her mother basically put all her thoughts on her son.In addition, after his father died, Dian Wenyu's personality changed drastically, even though he was originally introverted.But that is a relatively healthy introversion, and there is nothing wrong with my heart.It's not like now, the introverts are a bit extreme, and you can feel it after a long contact, and this person becomes very gloomy.

Today, Huazhang found that this guy had come out and entered a teahouse after receiving the investigation from his subordinates, so he directly arranged to arrest him.

After Huazhang came in, he sat by a window against the wall, aiming at him from the corner of his eye.Dian Wenyu glanced at Huazhang when it came up, but didn't look at anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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