spy ace

Chapter 2304 Transfer

Chapter 2304 Transfer
However, Huazhang noticed that although Dian Wenyu stopped looking, he adjusted his sitting posture, keeping Huazhang in a position where he could see from the corner of his eye.This shows that Dian Wenyu is still looking at Huazhang, after all, who wouldn't want to look at beautiful women.

After a while, Huazhang saw a person sitting beside Dian Wenyu, and the two seemed to be talking about something.But it's okay if you can't hear it at this time.So Huazhang put his hand on the window, and took it back after a few seconds.

At this time, a dozen or so people outside walked into the teahouse talking and laughing.A person is like a son, and the rest is all his help. After entering, he directly registers loudly, saying that his surname is Fan, and looking for a beautiful girl.

The waiter in the shop just finished brewing the tea and was about to serve it, so he walked up with them.After the man who looked like a son came up, he saw Huazhang generously, and said in his mouth: "Hehe, why are you here so early today." After saying that, he walked towards Huazhang with a smile.

But just as he was passing Dian Wenyu, Brother Gongzi yelled: "Do it!"

In an instant, the helpers who seemed to be following Brother Gongzi immediately rushed to Dian Wenyu's table.Originally, it was close, so Dian Wenyu didn't react at all.It has been directly pressed to the ground by four people.A person hugged his neck, locked his throat and pulled back while turning his waist, his face fell to the ground.Two of the other three hold down their hands respectively.The other person locked the opponent's legs.

Now the four people are working on him alone, let alone him, no matter how strong the person is, it will be in vain.But on the other hand, the person who followed Dian Wenyu might have some tricks.In fact, his vigilance is much higher than Dian Wenyu's. He was already on guard when the agent who pretended to be a son came up with a group of people who pretended to be helpers.

Therefore, when the agent playing the son-in-law yelled, he immediately knew something was wrong.He stood up abruptly, but that was it.The remaining five or six people were too close after all, he stretched his hands forward and wanted to block them up and down, but he hit the back of the head and was immediately punched.

Why is the back of the head not allowed to be hit in boxing and other competitions in later generations? It is because that is almost the most vulnerable part of the human body, and it is very easy to hit bad people.Therefore, after this blow, although this guy was not turned into a vegetable on the spot, his brain was still buzzing.

The rest of the people cheered, and they were all in place, and directly pushed this guy to the ground with force.Someone specially put on handcuffs and handcuffed these two people one after another.Taking advantage of this time, the rest of the people have searched Dian Wenyu and Dian Wenyu with all their might.

A knife was found on the body of the slightly older man.There is nothing left, just wallets, keys and stuff like that.

"Section Chief." The agent who played the role of the son turned to look at Huazhang.

"Take it back." Huazhang said: "Also, take someone to Dian Wenyu's house to see if the brothers in the other group have any results. It's almost done now, let the brothers search carefully. If you find anything suspicious All things, such as the tools used to commit crimes, are all photographed and kept as a record.”

"Yes." The person playing the son-in-law agreed, then ordered a few people casually, and immediately went downstairs to leave.The rest of the people worked together to carry Dian Wenyu and Dian Wenyu down.

When Huazhang came down, several vehicles from the Security Bureau had already parked at the door of the teahouse.Send both guys up.Hua Zhang also got into one of them.

Soon, the car started, and after a while, it had evacuated and left the range of the teahouse.Twenty minutes later, three vehicles had entered the compound of the Security Bureau.

Huazhang got out of the car, casually ordered two team leaders from the special investigation department, and said, "Lead the team and start the interrogation immediately. Don't use the punishment for now, and wait until his family finds out relevant evidence."

"Understood." After the two team leaders said something, they immediately led the people and pressed them into the interrogation room.

In fact, the rare thing about this kind of case is to find someone, that is, the process of solving it.Now that people hold it down, it's not difficult.Therefore, Huazhang does not intend to participate in the follow-up situation, and several team leaders under him can easily deal with it.Therefore, she went back to the office first and changed her clothes.

It's the same thing to do an investigation outside with make-up, but when you come back, there's nothing else to do at this time, so naturally you have to change your clothes.She is now wearing a women's suit handmade by a tailor shop, which is quite handsome.It is estimated that in the Internet age that will bring down future generations, a bunch of women have to chase after and call their husbands.

After changing his clothes, Huazhang lit a cigarette and was smoking it.Now she smokes too lightly. She may only smoke one cigarette for a few days. If a pack of cigarettes goes down for a month, there may be more than half of the pack left.However, Huazhang didn't intend to stop smoking at all. This is really not an excuse.But this is the general environment of this year, because smoking is very trendy in this era.She also works in an agency of the national government, so sometimes a cigarette can easily open up the situation.

In addition, Huazhang doesn't want to give the impression that he has quit smoking completely. That's because... Isn't there a slang saying: If a person can even quit smoking, how cruel is his heart.

In fact, this sentence was originally just a joke for smokers to find an excuse to be able to smoke.But there is also a point or two in it.That's why Huazhang creates the impression that he is actually still smoking.Of course, this is only one aspect of it.

In addition, Huazhang is an underground party, a person who engages in lurking, and the pressure in his heart is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.Doesn't that mean that as long as your will is like steel, it will be fine.Fuck me!It's so simple.I really think that everyone is like Fan Keqin, who really has a will of steel and a rock-like psychological quality!So sometimes in order to distract yourself, is it too much to smoke one?

A cigarette was half smoked, and there was a knock on the door.Huazhang flicked the cigarette ash and said, "Come in!"

The door was pushed open from the outside, and Lao Qi walked in from the outside with a smile.Huazhang stood up with a smile, and said, "Captain Qi, which batch of benefits did you bring back?"

"I just came back." Lao Qi said with a smile: "Brothers in the field, years ago, did a few votes. But the rumors were too strict at the time, so it has been delayed until now."

While talking, Lao Qi took out a piece of paper from his pocket, handed it to Hua Zhang, and said, "This is a telegram from Shanghai, and the boss personally instructed me. I will give this to you and pretend that I have never been here. "

Huazhang heard that it was a telegram specially sent by Fan Keqin to himself...

(End of this chapter)

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