spy ace

Chapter 2308 Unprepared

Chapter 2308 Unprepared
Bai Fengtai said: "If it is transferred, there is still time. The little devil and No. [-] have to make some arrangements."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "It's not impossible, but what I hope is that I can counter it once."

Bai Fengtai said: "You mean to use their plan to use their plan to cause losses to the little devils and the puppet government?" After asking, he got Fan Keqin's affirmation, and continued: "If that's the case, it's not true. It’s hard to calculate. Brother Heng, the little devil and the spies of the puppet government, don’t you want to fight for encirclement and suppression in a few places? Are we going to play tricks in these places? For example, turn these places into A big bomb. Or, deploying gunmen outside, when their siege begins, our people will surround them, and use the initial strong firepower, which will inevitably kill them in a very large wave."

Fan Keqin didn't answer immediately, but said, "Show me the map."

Bai Fengtai pulled out a civilian map from behind his desk and handed it to Fan Keqin.The latter turned out, spread it out on the table, and took a pen with it.Compared with the road section above, in three places that are not too far away, mark them with circles.

Fan Keqin said: "The information provided by Koichi Kondo is actually very specific. But some things are missing, such as the attack time. But there is no attack time, which means that the Japanese and puppet spies need to determine according to their own situation. The three places are basically in the original French Concession, where dragons and snakes are mixed. If you say it is prosperous, it is also prosperous, but if you say it is chaotic, it is really chaotic. Therefore, if you want to make achievements in these three places, the early preparations are not meant to be completed. , it can be completed immediately. I estimate that it will take a day or more. This is the fastest."

What Fan Keqin is planning now is basically using himself as a reference.Even if it is to substitute the other party's perspective, do so.For example, he substitutes the opponent's point of view, but in terms of his own ability, he is the fastest and most efficient, so how long should he be able to get it done.Because Fan Keqin's ability is not that Lao Wang sells melons, he sells and boasts, he is indeed strong.Therefore, if he substitutes in this way, as long as he can make a countermeasure, then there will be no problem in terms of time.After all, he still needs to improve his efficiency again, so there must be no problem with the superposition of the two.

Unless there is a real ghost, the other party says that the arrangement will be completed with a "whoosh".Otherwise, it is almost impossible to exceed expectations.It's like flying, yes, the fastest form of transportation known.From point A to point A, Fan Keqin drove the fastest plane and made the best operations, always maintaining the fastest speed and the shortest route, which also required a three-hour flight.So unless there is a device that surpasses the most advanced aircraft, such as a teleportation device, otherwise, it is impossible to arrive in a time shorter than three hours.

Fan Keqin said: "If the Japanese and puppets want to achieve the greatest results, they must secretly station in the periphery of these three places in advance, and at the same time set up observation points and support points. But this is still the devil's home field, and we must consider what they will do. Use heavy troops to directly surround these three points. Once the devils really do this, we can't use gunmen to ambush. There are few people against adults, unless the battle can be ended in an instant. Otherwise, as long as we are bitten, it will be against us. For most people, it is almost a certain death situation. Therefore, it is the most cost-effective for us to make a bomb trap."

Bai Fengtai said: "If it's a bomb, the devil will still focus on the ghost afterwards."

"It's okay." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "No matter what, the devils will still look at the ghosts. So so what, as long as they can't find us, this is the most important thing."

Bai Fengtai said: "Then I'll go get TNT. The last time I killed Wang Zhaohai, I spent a lot of money, and the devils have stricter inspections on this kind of contraband. I'm afraid it's a little slow to get it in from the outside."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, then we don't need those things, we can just use grenades."

Bai Fengtai, with some concerns, said: "The power of the grenade is limited. It's okay to deal with a few people. If it's like what you said, Brother Heng, if the devils and puppet Wang send heavy troops, they just want to use absolute strength to fight. Too many, I'm afraid the grenade won't work."

Fan Keqin said: "It's okay, use more grenades. And it depends on how to use them. Aren't they going to attack the newspaper building here?" As he said, Fan Keqin pointed to the locations marked with three finished characters, including the one in the lower right corner .

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "Yes, the devils don't know where to get the information. This is an important stronghold and transfer station of the military command in the local area. The building of this newspaper office has a total of four floors, and the top two sides It is the newspaper office, and the company below is a company run by local people. The newspaper office is not only staffed by military commanders, but to better cover up, several of them are real newspaper employees."

Fan Keqin said: "How many? How many? Doesn't this newspaper office have two floors? Why does it feel like a tabloid?"

"That's right, it's a tabloid." Bai Fengtai said: "After I got the information just now, I inquired a little. Its name is Yingge Weekly, and it specializes in entertainment and celebrity gossip, with a small circulation. Only one floor of it is an office building. The other floor has been converted into a dormitory."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Well, it's no problem like this. It's easier to handle the general direction, and the people move away secretly. Each room is equipped with a grenade wrapped in steel balls. In the innermost room, there is only a trap. Touch the mechanism in the innermost room, and the grenades in all rooms will explode together."

Bai Fengtai understood a little bit, if the Japanese and puppets wanted to attack a building.When there is an advantage of actual control locally.Will the other side still send small-scale people to attack one by one?Then why not adopt the method of direct attack with superior force?

First surround the building, all entrances and exits, and defend with machine guns, grenades and other weapons.Unless it's a superman inside, who can run out with a physical body?In this way, it is easy to attack the building.Anyway, the people in the building are like turtles in an urn.Even if it is a little bit of grinding, it can directly grind the people inside to death.

And dispatching small-scale troops little by little, and raiding in, is likely to succeed.But it is definitely not as strong as crushing with a large superior force.Because a small-scale troop goes in, although it can catch the opponent by surprise, there is still a risk of loss...

(End of this chapter)

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