spy ace

Chapter 2309

Chapter 2309
even the risk of large losses.For example, what if someone responds quickly.Then when you come out of the wall and shoot at the door?You said it is impossible for you to have a loss?In addition, wouldn't it be a fool not to use superior troops?The reason why little devils are called little devils is because one of their characteristics is that they are as smart as ghosts.In terms of tactics, the little devil is still very clever.

When Da Laomei beat devils, he crushed them with absolute strength.And it was fighting on the ocean, and the little devils guarded the islands one by one.Da Laomei uses absolutely superior warships, aircraft carriers, various artillery shells, aerial bombs, etc. to scrub the ground crazily and so on.To put it bluntly, the entire island has been cut off from the outside world.You can only have the strength and supplies on the island.To put it bluntly, you can win if you change the direction of a layman, it just depends on the size of the loss.

And even so, when Da Laomei attacked the various islands, he was very uncomfortable by the little devils.why?It is because of the little devil's tactical ability, which is actually very powerful.Especially the ability of local tactics is really good.

In terms of the little devil's grand strategy, it may indeed not work well.For example, at that time, when they chose to invade us, their grand strategy was bound to fail.Because of the domestic battlefield, the devil's resources are indeed limited.Anyone who knows a little about this war knows this.The resources of the devils are getting worse and worse.It can be seen from the military strength.In the early days, the devil's veterans were indeed very elite.

But as more and more people died, at the end of the war, the quality of the little devil's troops was really exaggerated compared to the early days.On the other hand, the more we play, the more experience we get, and the stronger we play, so even if there are no external factors.It may take longer, but the little devil will definitely be defeated in the end.Therefore, their grand strategy is actually very lacking. As an island country, it is normal that there is no grand pattern, which is exactly the opposite of their tactical ability.

"Tactics." Fan Keqin said: "When you have superior forces, how do you deploy tactics? The same is to expand the advantage, station in batches, or even attack from several sides. However, because of the three-story and four-story buildings, it is The target of the devils and Wang's pseudo-spies. Therefore, after they enter, they will first guard the passage from the second floor to the third floor. Then enter with superior forces and advance layer by layer."

"Well." Bai Fengtai said: "This is almost necessary, otherwise, if one room is not taken, it will become a threat instead."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "In this case, it is inevitable to attack one by one. When they enter the last room and activate the mechanism, then the other devils and puppet spies on the third floor and the fourth floor will join together. Meet the explosion of the grenade. As long as we arrange the grenade cleverly, we will definitely be able to inflict objective damage on the Japanese and puppets.”

Bai Fengtai said: "For example, it can be hidden in the lampshade on the roof. Once it explodes, it will explode in the air. Then the small steel balls will fly in all directions, and the lethality is stronger. As long as the little devil and Wang puppet spies are within the range Within, they will be beaten into a sieve."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Yes, the key is first, how to let the people in this building evacuate secretly, I believe that there must be Japanese puppet eyes around this building at this time."

Bai Fengtai said: "The Japanese and puppets will not send surveillance personnel on a large scale. Otherwise, there may be a risk of exposure before they take action. This is not what they want to see. Since there are only a few surveillance personnel, they must There is a chance to evacuate. For example, when the flow of people after get off work is the highest, they can go to and from get off work normally, pretending to go out for a drink. This is already possible to go out."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "In this way, the spies of the Japanese puppet will come out to follow them. Then you can determine where the surveillance point is. Just avoid the field of vision of the surveillance point. It used to be the French Concession, up and down. The water is all ready. See if you can’t use this to make a fuss. Before the devils attack the building, it’s the same as long as they secretly use this to evacuate. In this way, there is no need to determine the location of the surveillance point of the Japanese and puppets.”

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said: "Foreigners like to enjoy themselves, there must be a complete drainage system. A four-story building must have an underground well. For three or four floors, this location is the top two floors of the building. It’s very secretive. So should only a few people be left behind to maintain the operation of the newspaper?”

Fan Keqin thought for a while, but didn't answer right away.After a while, he said: "It should be possible. As you said, it is the top two floors of the building. Will the devils and Wang puppet spies allow people to enter the building to guard it? Although the building itself has room to move. But relatively speaking, it is still a bit closed, and it is not easy to hide. As long as they are discovered, the devils and the others may lose all their previous efforts. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the devils to set up surveillance points in the building.

So in this way, as long as the people in the building don't go out.Activities in the building will also be more secretive.Leaving a few people in the newspaper office for the operation of the newspaper office can confuse the Japanese and puppet spies who are monitoring outside.Others on the second floor, tested secretly beforehand, were transferred through the groundwater system inside.In this way... the guards in the building, as long as they also move a moment before the attack, that's fine.But this transfer does have certain risks.Maybe he will be blocked by devils too. "

Bai Fengtai said: "Well, there must be risks, but I believe that the people in the military command can bear it."

Fan Keqin thought about it again, and said: "Let's prepare this plan first. You should contact the headquarters immediately to see if the people in the military command agree. If you don't agree, it's useless for us to plan here even if you agree. , Tell the people in the military command that we can secretly send grenades and other materials in, for example, to be a newspaper seller. You don’t need too many grenades, two for each room is enough. You don’t need anything else, so you should It can be successfully sent in. Let them watch it for themselves... If it doesn’t work, let them transfer it. Anyway, we have nothing to lose.”

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and said: "I believe they will agree. Contact the headquarters, and Boss Dai will definitely know. And Boss Dai still doesn't know that this important local stronghold has been discovered by the little devil, so It is inevitable to get angry, and even say that the responsibility is attributed to the carelessness of the local stronghold. Therefore, in this case, it is more likely to let them take the crime and make meritorious service."

(End of this chapter)

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