spy ace

Chapter 2310 Organization letter

Chapter 2310 Organization letter
Bai Fengtai said: "Okay, maybe there are grenades in that stronghold, we don't even need to provide equipment."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Okay, the plan we discussed is just to be prepared. In fact, the initiative still depends on the military command. We can't decide for them what they want to do."

After Bai Fengtai left, a little more than two days later, he reported: "The preparations have been completed." Fan Keqin felt that he didn't need to worry about it anymore, because the previous situation had been clearly explained. He was not a military commander, and he only had the right to suggest how they would act. .As for it, it's nothing compared to inquiring about Boss Dai's attitude.Because Boss Dai can do whatever he wants, whether he will use his own plan or not, he just needs to watch what happens next.

At this time, Wu Guansheng, a member of the Shanghai Underground Party code-named No. [-], came to a shop selling dried fruits on the street and weighed a catty of melon seeds according to the habit he had deliberately developed in the past.The reason why I came here is because Sanyuan Bookstore is also on this street.And it's about [-] meters away from this dried fruit shop.

This road is relatively prosperous, the road is also wide, and there are more shops on both sides.There is a special stop here for the tram station.Therefore, the wide road surface means that you can see clearly the situation on the other side of the road from a point on the road.

Sanyuan Bookstore serves as its own exclusive, secret contact station.Under normal circumstances, you will never contact yourself easily.But as long as you contact yourself, it often means that something very important has happened.The reverse is also the same, I will not easily contact the organization through the Sanyuan Bookstore, but once I do, there must be important information.

It can be said that the secret contact site of Sanyuan Bookstore is an infrequent but extremely important site.Therefore, although this site will not be used frequently, Wu Guansheng will never come to such an important place for a long time.But this one came to check, but couldn't always enter the Sanyuan Bookstore.Because in that case, it may increase the danger of Sanyuan Bookstore.

Therefore, Wu Guansheng made an agreement with the owner of Sanyuan Bookstore that if there is no such thing as usual, then everything will remain as usual.However, if there is a situation, an advertising light box with the words "The latest martial arts novels arrive" will be erected at the entrance of Sanyuan Bookstore.

In this way, even though Wu Guansheng is far away across the street, he can still see the situation in front of the Sanyuan Bookstore.If you look at it this way, you will know if there is something to look for yourself.However, Wu Guansheng has been working in Shanghai for many years.Sanyuan Bookstore has only put up light boxes three times on its own initiative.

After Wu Guansheng came out of the dried fruit shop, he took a normal look to the left, and with just this one look, he saw a light box at the entrance of the Sanyuan Bookstore, which is a hundred meters across the street.

When I saw the light box, my first reaction was: "The organization has an important task to issue." So Wu Guansheng, carrying dried fruits, walked on the side of the street in the direction of the bookstore.

I arrived at a hotel obliquely opposite the bookstore with the words "There is a public phone in the room" written on the door.Wu Guansheng walked over.Said to the person inside the counter: "Boss, make a call."

"Okay, you can use it." The boss inside the counter said.

Wu Guansheng picked up the phone and dialed a few numbers, as if he was turning sideways to look at the scenery outside while the phone was connected.However, while the boss was not paying attention, he pressed the tongue of the phone with his hand, so the call didn't go out at all.

In fact, Wu Guansheng's main energy is on the streets outside.One side of his mouth was talking vaguely about some so-called buying and selling, business and so on.Observe the various situations on the street.

In fact, before Wu Guansheng came back and went to that dried fruit shop, he had already confirmed the safety situation behind him, so the result of his observation is still safe, which is tantamount to a double insurance.In addition, he also needs to observe whether the situation of Sanyuan Bookstore is normal.

While Wu Guansheng was talking, he spent several minutes on the phone and observed him for several minutes.In the end, Wu Guansheng, who didn't find anything abnormal, said, "Haha, okay, that boss, please take care of me, I'll look for you later... Hey, okay, goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Guansheng paid the money.Turned around and went out and walked forward for a while, before crossing the road and entering the Sanyuan Bookstore.

Inside the Sanyuan Bookstore, there are still a few customers.They look like students, are they all wearing school uniforms?Several people were holding a book, and one of them was introducing it: "Hey, this is the book, The Legend of Shushan Swordsman, which is very well written. The sword fairy in it is too powerful, and there are various exercises. I saw the serialization of this book in the newspaper, but now I didn’t expect it to be published. If you want to read it, you should read this, believe me, it’s really exciting.”

"It's... a bit expensive." A student said, "Also, it seems that there are only the first three volumes."

"The first three volumes are already available. When the later ones come out, let's buy them. In addition, we can afford them. How about we pay for them together? We can take turns to read them at that time."

The classmate who seemed to have been persuaded asked, "Then... is it really beautiful?"

"Of course, it's really, really pretty."

After getting the answer, several students also nodded their heads, so they came to the counter and said, "Boss, we bought these three volumes of Shushan Swordsman Biography. Besides, do you only have these three volumes in your store?"

"It's not that there are only three volumes in the store, but that this book is now in the third volume." The bookstore owner has actually seen Wu Guansheng come in, but he is like a normal bookstore owner, unmoved, and first deal with the need to buy books of several students.

The bookstore owner continued: "This book is really good, but it hasn't been finished yet. When this book is published again in the future, I will definitely enter it."

"That's all right, we'll take this book." With that said, several students pooled their money and paid for the book.Then I was very happy and didn't stay any longer, so I left the bookstore.

At this time, there was no one else in the bookstore except Wu Guansheng.So he came to the counter with a book in his hand, and said, "What's the situation? Is the organization issuing a task?"

The bookstore owner said: "It is indeed an order from the organization, asking you to suspend all the work in hand for a period of time, go to sleep, and wait for wake up."

"What?" Wu Guansheng's psychological quality is very strong, but this situation still makes him a little surprised.You know, if you go to sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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