spy ace

Chapter 2312

Chapter 2312

If I really want to do this, what will be the consequences?Will Yan Xingwei be exposed?In addition, with such a secret investigation and such a method, if he really wants to find number one, what should he do?These, Fan Keqin felt, had to be carefully considered.

Another point is, if Yan Xingwei really wants to investigate, should he use Baifengtai?Using Bai Fengtai means that Bai Fengtai will also know that Yan Xingwei may be an underground party.So you must be cautious about this.

Just thinking of this, Bai Fengtai has already entered Fan Keqin's office, and said: "Brother Heng, there is a letter from the headquarters, please take a look."

Fan Keqin took it, unfolded it and looked at it.The first half is full of trying words.Because Wang Zhaohai's death has been confirmed, although he didn't see the body, it's the same.Therefore, both the Security Bureau and the Military Commission rewarded Fan Keqin.However, Fan Keqin is now in charge of the overall situation in Shanghai, so all the rewards were given to Lu Xiaoya.

Another thing is mentioned in the second half, that is, the internal chaos of the Wang puppet government, is it possible to find opportunities to further expand the results of the battle and make this chaos more intense.Of course, this is not a mandatory task.Because it has been clearly stated in the telegram that everything is subject to Fan Keqin's will, and safety is the most important thing.Let Fan Keqin think for himself as appropriate.

The last thing is about the Red Party.Fan Keqin pondered for a while after reading it before he understood what Sun Guoxin meant.That is, Boss Dai asked the Security Bureau to find an underground party code-named No. [-], but this matter was obviously not what Sun Guoxin meant.But he definitely couldn't refuse Boss Dai at this stage, that's why he issued the task.But now the situation has undergone some small changes, and Sun Guoxin also believes that it is necessary to plan ahead.Although the current stage is still unanimous, Sun Guoxin judged that the Red Party must be the target of the old man in the future.So let Fan Keqin pay attention to all the information of the Red Party in Shanghai.

To put it bluntly, this is not a mandatory task.But it is a long-term collection task.It doesn't mean doing something now.But this made Fan Keqin, who had only dealt with little devils for a long time, caught off guard.

What he has shown in the past is to concentrate on dealing with little devils, other than that, he has no interest in other things.But now it's finally here.So Fan Keqin had to think of a way.

How to make Shangfeng satisfied, and at the same time make the Red Party take precautions?In fact, Fan Keqin has almost no other options now, only one choice, and that is to procrastinate.delay in execution.Then, they revealed this information to the Red Party.In this way, the Red Party has taken precautions.You can almost avoid this from happening.Because after all, it's not time to do it now.

The people in the country all want to fight the devils together, so it is not easy for Lao Jiang to do it openly.Therefore, it must be in time.As long as you remind the Red Party yourself, by making preparations early, you can minimize the loss, or even have no loss.

After making up his mind, Fan Keqin lit the telegram, and then smoked with Bai Fengtai to cover up.Fan Keqin exhaled a puff of smoke, and said: "To deal with the Red Party, it's a bit unreasonable to do it now. And the risk is still high. Once the Red Party seizes the opportunity to spread a wave of propaganda, ah? Yes."

"That's right." Bai Fengtai also frowned and said, "The little devil hasn't been beaten away yet. Wang Zhaohai just played this game after he died. It's really a bit unreasonable. But brother, I guess, the seat is also won. It was only after Shangfeng's instructions."

"I know." Fan Keqin said: "Didn't you see that the bureau chief said in the secret message that it was about production preparations? People, a few guns, and all kinds of equipment are so low-level that the big shots in the government are afraid of this? How dare they have been eaten by dogs."

"Shh." Bai Fengtai laughed and said, "Brother Heng, you can't say that. Fortunately, we are in Shanghai now. The ones on the top move their mouths, but the ones on the bottom run away. If you want me to say it's true, the little devil is the biggest threat. Why are you in such a hurry to go up to the peak?"

Fan Keqin said: "Don't think about it, let's do this first. Remember what I told you? After your target is locked by you, don't listen to what others say. Even if it is Shangfeng, I tell you to act like an accident. Don't listen to it, because you are always the one who executes it, and what he means is that there should be no trouble after the target dies.

According to your own actual situation, you can be robbed, overdose, commit suicide, etc., all of which are fine.Don't have to make any surprises.It is also the same reason now. We are in Shanghai, and Shangfeng said that we need to collect information about the Red Party.How do you collect this?In the past, I was so devoted to playing with little devils that I didn't have any contact with the Red Party, so I collected them out of thin air?What a load of nonsense. "

Bai Fengtai nodded and agreed: "It's impossible to explain this to a layman. But Brother Heng, we can't be hard-pressed. The meaning above is to collect, but not to collect immediately. That's it. I will let the following Be careful, brother, if there is any information about the Red Party, let’s talk about it. It’s not that we quit, but that we have never had contact with people and the Red Party before, and now Shanghai is still controlled by the little devils. There is no way to investigate clearly. If Shangfeng smells it in the future, we will not do nothing. This way we can have a reasonable reply."

"It's easy for you to think." Fan Keqin said: "If you want to reply to those people on Shangfeng in this way, those people are very good at finding faults. For example... there is no need for example, they will definitely know the few people at the train station. An underground party who was hanged by devils said something. Said that this is an obvious clue, why don’t you investigate it. He doesn’t consider our actual difficulties at all. Why are all the devils at the train station? Can you still send someone over to investigate further? But if you say that, those people above will care. Fuck, I have a good temper, and now I think about it and get angry."

Bai Fengtai said: "Is this the mine that Dai... the military commander planted for our security bureau?"

"It's possible." Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "Now our security bureau is too quick and too aggressive. Wang Zhaohai was killed by us. It's normal for the military commander to have some thoughts. Should we shoot the first bird? I'm afraid We really can't control it..."

(End of this chapter)

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