spy ace

Chapter 2313 Goal

Chapter 2313 Goal
Fan Keqin said: "So it is possible to lay a mine in advance. If this is the case, it will be even more disgusting."

Bai Fengtai said: "Well, and there is nothing we can do. At this stage, we really can't fight against the military commander."

Fan Keqin said: "I reckon, the Chongqing side is even more fucked up, and the situation may be more stressful. Let's see, it will happen sooner or later."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, as if thinking of something, and said: "Well, the Hetian Agency, since its inception, has been engaged in searching for anti-Japanese fighters. So there may be something in the Hetian Agency. The clues of the Red Party are unknown to us. You contact Shinoda Toshizo and ask him to pay attention to the situation in this regard, and even check some past files to find out what is left. Ask him to provide it.”

"Brother Heng. It can't be useful." Bai Fengtai said: "The Hetian agency is a regular secret service agency, and it's all professional. I believe there must be some information about the Red Party in the past. But It should be some clues that cannot be investigated, otherwise the Hetian mechanism would have been activated, and it must have been activated long ago."

Fan Keqin nodded his head and said, "Think about what you're saying."

Bai Fengtai was startled, and then he understood, and said: "Oh, I see, this is the clue we have worked hard to investigate. It's not that we haven't done anything, and everything can be clearly displayed. Who can say that we Didn't do anything. It's just that the Red Party is too cunning, they don't leave many clues, and they deal with it from beginning to end. So if anyone is capable of investigating, let them investigate."

Fan Keqin nodded with a smile, and said: "Yes, after all, Shangfeng has sent a mission, we must work hard. As you said, the Red Party is indeed cunning. At the beginning, the commissioner personally directed the encirclement and suppression, but failed Annihilating the opponent, we have already investigated to this point, it is already not good. If the military commander is powerful, let them investigate, we can directly provide these clues to the military commander, right? "

About the next day after the discussion between the two of them, Shinoda Toshizo also received the news.The reason for this is because of the way of dead mailboxes.

When Shinoda Toshizo first saw the dead mailbox mark, he was still very dissatisfied.Because he hadn't been back for a long time from the train station to be inspected.If you take actions one after another, the risk of your own exposure will inevitably increase.

However, when he saw the content of the mission, Shinoda Suizan was a little surprised, and at the same time relieved.After all, searching for the Red Party was one of the original intentions of the establishment of the Tsuruta Agency.You must know that the Red Party can be said to be very destructive in dealing with little devils and puppet governments.Although it looked inconspicuous, it made the little devil feel uncomfortable.It was like grinding blood, as if there was no fatal injury.But after a while, you look back and say, fuck, why did my blood tank drop so badly.

Therefore, if I look at the past, Shinoda Toshizo thinks there is no problem with the clues and records of the Red Party that cannot be traced.Even Ichiro Tsuruta, the head of the agency, would only think that he was dealing with the Red Party when he saw him doing this, and even wanted to encourage him.

So Shinoda Suisan naturally felt at ease.It is normal to come to work at the Tsuruta office and return to the office to arrange work.He was originally Tsuruta's deputy, so his work in Tsuruta's agency was comprehensive.Just do almost everything.However, some people in the Hetian agency specialize in dealing with the Red Party, so during normal work, it is unavoidable to come into contact with some news about the Red Party.

"That's it." A team leader of the intelligence investigation team finally reported: "With regard to the clues of the suspected Red Party on Masnan Road, we have determined after investigation that there is no value in continuing to follow up. I suggest that you focus on On Haig Road, Weiss Cafe. Although it is still a bit of a gamble, but at this stage, there is no way to prove the suspicious person, and he will definitely not go to Weiss Cafe again. Therefore, it is still valuable to continue to guard .”

"Well." After hearing this, Shinoda Suisan nodded, and said, "Okay, then do as you want. In addition, you bring the report on the situation before and after the suspected Red Party on Masnan Road. Take a closer look. I heard that this situation was reported by a small businessman? Where is he now?"

The leader of the intelligence investigation team said: "His name is Zhao Luori, and he is the owner of a small grocery store on Masinan Road. He is a bit powerful. But this is beneficial to us. Although the information he provided seems to be impossible to follow up now, But for the sake of encouragement, he was rewarded with money. Let him contact us at any time if he has news about this in the future. His grocery store is at No. [-], Masnan Road."

Shinoda Suisan nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, you can go."

"Hi one." The leader of the intelligence investigation team bowed, turned and left Shinoda Toshizo's office.It didn't take long to send someone to send over the records of the case.

Shinoda Toshizo still knew about this case, but in order to understand it better, he read it again carefully from beginning to end.

The reason for the situation on Masinan Road is what the leader of the intelligence investigation team said. It was a small grocery store owner named Zhao Luori who provided information to Hetian Agency for money.It can be said to be a proper traitorous behavior.

He reported that a person came to Zhou’s Pu’er Tea House on Masinan Road half a month ago (it was a day ago). Thief.The thief was a habitual thief, and even some of the houses and business owners on Masnan Road knew about the thief.

But there is nothing to do with this thief, because he reported it to the patrol room and caught the thief, so he went in and stayed for a while before releasing him.Moreover, this thief later learned to make a confession, and gave money to some police officers, police officers and so on, so even if he was caught, he still had good food and drink.

In addition, later, the thief did not steal the shops on Masnan Road, nor did he steal the houses here, but only attacked outsiders.After that, no one cares about him anymore.

But also because he is like this, he has a lot of experience in stealing, and his stealing skills are getting stronger and stronger.So here it is.Most people don't even realize it's been stolen.

But, at that time, the thief came out of Zhou's teahouse, and walked across from the person who came...

(End of this chapter)

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