spy ace

Chapter 2318 Goal

Chapter 2318 Goal
Combining the two together: "Well, I didn't run away. Although he didn't catch anyone alive, he was killed on the spot, which is a great achievement." In this way, the credit of Shinoda Toshizo has been obtained.

Bai Fengtai's work is still very good, and Fan Keqin explained to him very clearly.In addition, Bai Fengtai's own ability is also very good, so things are arranged one by one.

First, after a few days, Bai Fengtai's agents screened out a person.This person lives in Nanjiangkou Street.Speaking of this Nanjiangkou Street, why did you choose to come here?Because the situation here is more complicated, there are quite a few rich people with some background, but there are also small businesses on this street, and there are even some street sneakers.It can be described as a mixture of dragons and snakes.

As for Fan Keqin and the others, they wanted to select someone to make contributions to Shinoda Suizan.Then there are several points that this person must meet, one of which is that this person must look like a secret agent.Regardless of whether he is like the military commander, the central commander, or the underground party.As long as he is an agent, he must be particular about the environment he lives in.

And the place where dragons and snakes are mixed, itself in the subconscious, means that it is convenient to hide this attribute.That's why Bai Fengtai's agents chose this way.

The situation of this person is also very interesting. His name is Ku Jun.This Ku Jun is about [-] meters tall and is [-] years old this year.Although he lives in Nanjiangkou Street, he is not from here. Ku Jun is renting a house.And it moved here eight months ago.

Before that, Ku Jun used to live in Xijiangkou Street.These are also in line with the attributes that have been hidden by the subconscious mind, and have even been transferred.And it's true, you can't find anything wrong with your investigation.But when there is nothing wrong with it, it will make people think more.That's right, what Fan Keqin and the others did this time was anti-psychological.It is the so-called combination of virtual and real.

Ku Jun doesn't have a serious job, but he basically does everything.According to the saying decades later, it can be regarded as a freelancer.And freelancers have a characteristic, that is, the word freedom.It means free time. He is still working today, but if he has something to do tomorrow, he can stop working and maybe go straight to work.

That's right, this is also in line with the hidden attribute, because agents are like this.Sometimes if something really happens, for example, it is something about the secret service, if you have a regular job, it is really difficult to respond in a timely manner.And in order to do some secret service work, you said you are going to ask for leave, or just absent from work?
If you really dare to play like this, you are not afraid of being exposed.Maybe once or twice, and you might get away with no one paying attention, but a little more?Can you guarantee that you won't attract attention?Therefore, Fan Keqin likes Ku Jun's freelancer attribute even more.

In addition, Ku Jun is very withdrawn, that is to say, he has nothing to do with his neighbors.Of course, the neighbors looked up and bowed their heads. They must have met each other, and he can't be invisible.It's just that we met at most. If you want to, I will nod to you, and then I will pass.Probably this kind of friendship.

The most important point is that Ku Jun is actually not a good person according to the vernacular.Because the agents under Bai Fengtai, when they are investigating and tracking, especially when Ku Jun is working, they all do odd jobs. It depends on the library management of the library or something.

From this point of view, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this person, but during the investigation, Bai Fengtai's agents found that this boy's hands and feet were not clean.It's not that they went to ask about the situation of their employer, Ku Jun.Rather, I saw it with my own eyes.

This kid Ku Jun can drive. In the past two days, he once served as a driver for a freight company for two days.But on the way to transport the goods, he stole something.It's not about stealing goods, this kid is quite smart, maybe because he knows that the goods are all in stock.Moreover, if you ship less goods, you may lose money.So this kid stopped halfway, and a lot of oil was pumped out of the fuel tank of the truck.

Generally, this situation is really secretive. When the freight car comes back with the goods, the main thing is to count the goods.Who said to look at the fuel gauge ah.

But oil is in short supply these days.To put it bluntly, it is very valuable, and it is not worried about selling.So don't look at what he stole is not a lot, but he can get a lot of money after selling it.

Moreover, the agents under Bai Fengtai are also professional. From Ku Jun's behavior, as well as the pipes and barrels that were prepared to steal oil in advance, it can be seen that it is absolutely impossible for Ku Jun to do this for the first time. , must be a habitual offender.If it's the first time, can he play so skillfully?Can you be so calm when stealing oil?Moreover, the tools for stealing oil have been prepared so completely in advance, is it possible?
This is even more in line with Fan Keqin's request.Yes, you may not be a nice person.For example, petty theft or something, according to the law, must be a crime not worthy of death.But sorry, who the hell made you a bad guy?Moreover, he still does things so secretly, and so meets the criteria for handsome selection.If you want to say that you are a good person, you may still have some scruples in your heart.But you are a bad guy, that’s fine, let’s say you contributed something to the War of Resistance, and you deserved to die.

After screening the target person, how to reasonably tell Shinoda Toshizo the information that this person is an agent?The answer is simple.Fan Keqin didn't need to worry about it.

What is Shinoda Suizan's place?Tsuruta agency, a proper special agency for little devils.What is this organ for?It's about intelligence.Therefore, there are some local intelligence personnel, external sources, informants, etc., that is [-]% there.It's not just a play, if there are none of these intelligence officers, peripherals, or informants, are you still a professional secret service?

Shinoda Toshizo said that it was his informant who delivered the news to him.It doesn't need to be too specific, just say that there is something wrong with Ku Jun.Going out and going in is always alone, single, without a fixed job, and mysterious every day, but I don't see any difficulty in spending.So I reported it to my superiors, is there something wrong?You also praised me for being vigilant and a good friend who contributed to the empire.

Then the informant reports, you find your informant, and I want to investigate.Fuck, what are you talking about?The reason why an informant is an informant is because he is secret, and only I know it, so that is called an informant.Otherwise, you can share your informant's information with me, do you agree?
(End of this chapter)

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