spy ace

Chapter 2319

Chapter 2319
And even if this happened, it would be after Shinoda Toshizo's actions.When I acted, everything that should be fixed was fixed, and the opponent's resistance was obvious.So the other party is [-]% problematic.What does this mean?It shows that what my informant provided is not nonsense.Then why do you ask me to share the information of my informant?
Even the head of the agency, Tsuruta Ichiro, would not ask for this after the incident.Unless the matter is particularly important, it has reached a certain level.Otherwise, the information from the informant did not allow me to announce this statement.

This is not nonsense, nor is it nonsense.Because it's the rule for agents.Even if you are not an agent, even if you are doing police work, the rules are the same.

Because once the informant's information is released, it means that it will be exposed, and it is useless.You let me lose an intelligence line for no reason, what nonsense here!And after the information of the informant is announced, who will be willing to be your informant in the future?Don't be afraid to retaliate!So, to be more serious, no one will be willing to be your informant in the future. How big is the loss in intelligence?Do you really have no idea about this?Therefore, this is also the necessity of this rule.

In this case, Shinoda Toshizo can just talk nonsense about a non-existent informant.Ichiro Tsuruta came in person and couldn't find anything wrong with it.Furthermore, Ichiro Tsuruta is sick. The matter is clear, and the suspicious person's resistance caused this situation to happen. How could it be possible for Shinoda Toshizo to directly release the informant's information.

After selecting the target, the other thing is to investigate the situation of Ichiro Tsuruta.This old devil is indeed cunning. He protects his information such as his address, where he often goes, and so on.If it weren't for Shinoda Toshizo's internal support, it would have been quite difficult to find out where to start.

But this matter is in Shinoda Toshizo, provided Tsuruta Ichiro's address, then everything will be easy to handle.Even if it's a mess, as long as you find out the thread, the situation will be sorted out sooner or later.Tsuruta Ichiro's address is equivalent to the thread.

Using this thread, Bai Fengtai's agents did not dare to underestimate this old devil.After all, the other party is the head of a secret service agency, so vigilance is definitely not a joke.

Therefore, the basic investigation methods adopted are very secretive.For example, to monitor when the other party returns home, the long-distance surveillance method is used.That is: at a certain point far away from his address, for example, a certain high point, such as the window of a certain room on the third floor of a hotel.Or it could be an open restaurant on the roof of the second floor of a hotel, etc.

With such a long-distance surveillance, Tsuruta Ichiro is not a god, no matter how cunning he is, it is impossible for him to check all the places where he can see his home before going home.If that's the case, it's okay, Ichiro Tsuruta can exhaust himself to death without using his hands.

Except Tsuruta Ichiro, the consul of the little devil's consulate, Inuyang Masaki is also an agent of the Security Bureau, using this method to investigate and monitor the other party's life trajectory.

The information of the two people is being collected, but this point is actually not in a hurry.Because killing them is not the purpose, the purpose is to make Shinoda Suizo and Akakura Daisho two people to be able to rise to the top.If this goal cannot be achieved, it is obviously of no use to kill the two of them.

So the first step is to make contributions to Shinoda Suizan, this step is mature and can be carried out.

Specifically, the executors who framed Ku Jun were two agents of the Security Bureau named Lloyd Xuan and Bai Bing'an.On this day, they finally found an opportunity, so they immediately reported the news to Bai Fengtai.Then start executing immediately.And Bai Fengtai's side was also passed on to Shinoda Toshizo.

Just talking about Lloyd Xuan and Bai Bing'an, they found Ku Jun, who had already had dinner before he came back today.After returning home, probably at night, just after eight o'clock, the lights in the house went out.

Therefore, this is what they thought was an opportunity, so they immediately reported it to Bai Fengtai.They all carry things, mainly two things, one is a grenade and the other is a string.All in the bag.

First of all, Bai Bing'an went over to investigate, and when he came back, he said: "The kid should be asleep, you can do it."

"Oh?" It's not that Lloyd's distrusts his partner, but because he likes to be more serious, so he still asked, "How can you be sure?"

Bai Bingan also knew his old man's personality, so he answered directly: "I, Xiaoli, Xiaojin knocked on the door, but there was no response from Ku Jun's family. Have you been watching? Is he still at home?"

"That's for sure." Lloyd Xuan said, picked up a bag next to him, and said, "Then hurry up, in case it's too late. It won't be so beautiful."

"Well, let's go." Saying that, Bai Bing'an looked down from the edge of the top floor of a three-story residential building.Well, no one.So I came to the patio cover first, gently opened the gap and looked down, and after listening, there was really nothing wrong, so I opened the patio cover forcefully.Jumped down first.

Lloyd Xuan at the back gently closed the patio cover, and then re-locked the lock that had been opened by technical means before.Then he climbed down lightly.

After landing, he took a pat and came down first, and Bai Bingan, who was in charge of keeping an eye on the movement downstairs.The two of them didn't speak, and went downstairs quietly one after the other.

After walking out of the residential building, the two went around and went straight to Ku Jun's house.In other words, it is not too late now, and most people may not sleep in future generations.But this year is different, the means of entertainment are not so rich.So those who have nightlife must have gone to dance halls and nightclubs, or they are still drinking in restaurants with friends.And those who have no nightlife must be sleeping at home.

Therefore, there are no people on the street, but there are really few.This effect is actually the best.Otherwise, the empty streets, even at night, are equally obvious.So there are a few people, but not many, that's the best.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at Ku Jun's address.This is an old-fashioned alley, a bit like an alley, where the residents of each family are next to each other.

After the two of them reached the door of a house, Lloyd Xuan acted very generously, but when he landed on the door, there was a movement of restraint, so the knock on the door was relatively quiet.After knocking on the door like this, hmm!There really wasn't much reaction in there.Good to go.So he immediately took out the lockpicking tool he had prepared and inserted it into the lock hole.

(End of this chapter)

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