spy ace

Chapter 2320 Deadly Organs

Chapter 2320 Deadly Organs
Although they have the operation to explode later, in order not to reveal any flaws, they still want to leave no traces as much as possible.Therefore, when unlocking, you must choose technology to unlock.

After Lloyd Xuan inserted the small iron rod into the keyhole, he pressed all the lock springs inside.Use another small hook to pin it to the side, okay, the lock feels ready to be twisted in your hand.So the strength in his hand became softer, and without making a sound, he broke the lock into position.

Without pulling out the two small iron rods, he stretched out his hand to hold the door, turned his head and nodded to Bai Bingan, and the latter nodded in response immediately.Then Lloyd's hand used force to gently pull the door open.

When there was a slight gap, Lao Hexuan moved his eyes up and looked inside.It was found that there was a small outhouse inside, with a wall on the left side, and a separate door was also closed, which shows that this door leads to the inner room.

So Lloyd declared his hands a little bolder, and gently opened the door.Then flashed in.The same is true for Bai Bingan next to him, but he walked in quickly but lightly.

After the two entered the room, they turned back and closed the door.Follow them to the door of the back room.He didn't act immediately, but quietly stuck to the door and listened to the movement inside.

It's actually quite quiet inside, but there are many residents nearby, so in comparison, it seems that the sound outside is much louder than the sound inside.

After listening quietly for a while, I could hear the kid's breathing inside.Because Ku Jun may be prone to snore when he is sleeping.Therefore, if you concentrate on listening, even though there is a door, you can still hear it.

The two looked at each other again, and Bai Bingan stretched out his hand and gently pushed the door, eh!The back door was not locked.Therefore, he has been slowly pushed away.

I can already see the situation inside, the back room is actually not too small, and the usable area can be nearly [-] square meters.There is also a desk next to the window, with a few books on it, and a stack of newspapers in the upper left corner of the desk, which is as thick as a finger.Can't tell, this kid is still literate.

In addition, there are two wooden chairs placed under the wall on the other side.Next to it is a double cabinet.Under the window directly opposite Lloyd Xuan and Bai Bing'an, there was a single bed.There was a person on it covered with a quilt, sleeping flat on it, and was making a not-so-loud snoring sound.

Seeing this situation, Lloyd Xuan and Bai Bing'an felt that it was all right.So he stopped hesitating, bent over, and walked in as slowly as possible.Then Bai Bing'an pointed to the side of the door hinge.

Lloyd Xuan nodded, bent down and squatted on the side of the door, observing the situation on this side.The wall was bare, so he could only take a screw out of his bag.

Then gently aim at a gap between the door frame and the wall, then take out a screwdriver, and slowly screw the screw in most of it.Then I pulled it with my hand, it was very good and strong enough.

So I took out two more grenades, and pulled out the safety latch slightly, but not completely.Then he took out the string he brought, carefully tied the safety ring, and then gently hung the two grenades on the screws.Holding it in the same hand, slowly let go.Ah, very good.

Then Lloyd Xuan took out another screw from his bag, stood up carefully, and used a screwdriver to put Qi Ning directly above the door frame, and the end of the screw cap was screwed inward obliquely.The same screwed most of it in, and pulled it by hand again to test the firmness.

Then put away the screwdriver, put it in the bag, bent down and gently pulled up the other end of the string of the grenade on the side of the hinge, and hung the screw on the door frame.Then pull it down, all the way through the doorknob.But only through the doorknob, leaving a piece of rope.

After finishing the philosophy, Lloyd Xuan lightly pointed with his fingers, squatted down and stared at Bai Bingan, who had been snoring all the time.The latter understood that it was his partner Lloyd Xuan who had finished setting up the mechanism.

So gently, the two of them came out of the door and came to the outer room again.Bai Bingan came out last. When the door was closed, there was only a wrist gap, and Bai Bingan, whose right hand was always inside the door, held the handle and held the end of the thread blindly, relying on his feeling and estimated length , gently pulled the rope to make the rope as tight as possible, but it was not enough to pull out the safety of the grenade.

Feeling that his hands were getting a little stronger, he moved his wrist and fingers, controlled the end of the rope, circled around the handle inside the door, and then gently tied the rope in a knot because it was not very convenient. , and finally wrapped the excess thread ends around the invisible door handle.

It wasn't until there were no more threads left, that he carefully pulled his hand out from the crack in the door.Then slowly close the door.He did this because there were Japanese and puppet spies with high vigilance, in case he opened it and saw a rope end or something.And in doing so, the other party can't see anything even if they open the door and observe carefully.Because it's all hidden behind the door.

Of course, there is a flaw in this, that is, if a person has night vision and is standing, he needs to open a crack in the door and look up to see that there are actually two inconspicuous strings on it.But this is also very difficult to find, because the wire rope is originally dark, and it is still dark now, and the lights in the house are not turned on, so it is almost impossible to be found.

And it's okay to open a wrist gap.But, no one can get in.Unless the little devil's spies are all like villains in shadow puppetry.But obviously, such a person cannot exist.

After tying the rope, he withdrew his hand and closed the door.Lloyd Xuan and Bai Bing'an looked at each other again, raised their legs and walked lightly to the door leading to the outside.

Don't be in a hurry, open a gap, and first listen to the movement outside.Then slowly opened the door and looked at the situation.After finding no one, the two of them came outside again.

After Bai Bing'an closed the door, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the two small iron rods that were still stuck in the keyhole.Then I reached out and pulled again, well, it's locked.Put the iron rod in your pocket.Patting Lao Hexuan's arm, the two of them turned into a generous posture and left Ku Jun's house.

After completely leaving the range of Nanjiangkou Street, Bai Bingan turned a corner and walked into a public telephone booth.He picked up the receiver and started dialing a number...

(End of this chapter)

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