spy ace

Chapter 2321 Emergency Contact

Chapter 2321 Emergency Contact

After dialing a number, it rang twice and hung up. After dialing, it rang twice again and hung up again.Finally dialed again, this time it rang and hung up immediately.Immediately afterwards, Bai Bingan walked out of the public phone booth, and he and Lloyd Xuan disappeared into the night after a while...

On Albert Road, in O'Henry's bar, Zhong Jiashu checked that it was almost time.Therefore, he paid for the drink and said hello to the drinker he had just chatted with, and walked out of the bar.Then he took out a cigarette, lit it and smoked it slowly, but after a while he felt that he might be a little uncomfortable. He held his chest with one hand, and then turned to the side.When he came to a wall, he seemed to be vomiting from drinking too much, and began to retch from time to time.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard the phone ringing in the phone booth diagonally across the street.So Zhong Jiashu still looked like he was about to vomit on the surface, but he counted silently in his heart: "One time, two rings... the second time, two rings! The third time, one ring!"

Then there was complete silence.Well, security is exactly right.This means that everything is going well, and I can follow the plan.

So Zhong Jiashu spit out two mouthfuls of phlegm "brokenly", and seemed to feel better, and propped himself up.walk along the road.Passed through two residential areas, followed by turning left and walking three streets.He also entered another phone booth.

Copying the receiver, he dialed a number according to the number he remembered.Not long after the call was connected, Zhong Jiashu said under his breath, "Hi, please transfer me to Mr. Tian."

"Sorry, sir, you made a mistake." A gentle female voice sounded on the phone.

Zhong Jiashu said: "There is no mistake, just transfer to number [-]."

"Okay sir, please wait a moment." The gentle female voice finished.The call started to transfer, and a calling tone rang in the west.

In other words, Shinoda Toshizo on the other end of the phone didn't come home on time today because Tsuruta Ichiro had something to do with him.The two of them studied it, and checked the key areas.But Shinoda Toshizo felt that it would be better if Tsuruta Ichiro was around.

This job is because of a radio station that was monitored in their telecommunications room.So if you want to investigate, Shinoda Toshizo doesn't know which side it belongs to, but you can be sure that it is definitely not from their side.So no matter what, it must be the enemy.

The two discussed a plan to check the electricity consumption.But agents, you must be very vigilant.And they can't lock the specific location.Therefore, we can only delineate a general location. Once the investigation is carried out to arouse the other party's vigilance, enter a dormant state or transfer, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, Shinoda Toshizo and Tsuruta Ichiro have discussed until now, and the general skeleton of the investigation plan has been worked out.But at this moment, a person walked in.Ichiro Tsuruta's confidential secretary.

Tsuruta Ichiro looked at his secretary and asked, "What's the matter?"

The secretary immediately replied: "It's Officer Shinoda's call, and the caller said Mr. Tian. The operator transferred the call to Officer Shinoda's office, but no one answered, but the other party refused to give up, so I reconfirmed with the operator to find a Mr. Wei Tian. I still said that I need to connect to Line [-], which is the office of Chief Shinoda. Then the operator found me and said that Chief Shinoda had greeted her, and as long as anyone insisted on calling me, he must be notified. "

After hearing this, Ichiro Tsuruta seemed to realize something.So he looked at Shinoda Toshizo.Hearing what the secretary said, the latter showed a solemn expression, immediately stood up, bowed to Ichiro Tsuruta, and said, "Your Excellency, it should be a call from an important informant of mine. I need to answer it. It should be a very important matter. I will report to you when I get back."

"Yeah." Tsuruta Ichiro nodded and said, "Okay, you can go now."

"Hi one." Shinoda Suizan bowed, turned around and walked out of the office quickly.After going out, he said, "Please, Yosuke-kun, ask the operator to connect the call to my office again."

"Understood." The confidential secretary named Yosuke said.

Back in his office, just as he closed the door, the phone on the desk rang again and again.Shinoda Suisan took a few steps and came to the front, picked up the receiver and said in Chinese: "Hello! Who is looking for me?"

A hoarse voice sounded from the other end of the phone, it was Zhong Jiashu, and said, "It's me!"

"Oh." Shinoda Suizo said, "Why did you make this call? Is there something important?"

"Yes, to be precise, it is more urgent." Zhong Jiashu said: "I found a suspicious person, he lives in Nanjiangkou Street... I think there must be something wrong with him. And, if I read correctly, he went to the train once today Station, it may be transferred. As for whether he will leave, I am not sure. So I dare not delay, so I have to activate the emergency contact method."

"Yeah." Shinoda Toshisan pondered for a moment, and said, "I see, I've remembered the address. Don't worry, I will pay you your work expenses according to the agreement."

"Okay." After Zhong Jiashu said this, the phone hung up.

That's right, Xiao Tian's three-year-old Zhong Jiashu and Zhong Jiashu are actually acting.But both of them are secret agents, so the acting is very real.The emergency contact methods of informants and uplines were activated, and it was impossible to talk endlessly.In addition, in order to protect himself, it is impossible for the informant to explain in detail what happened before and after what he observed.It is enough to only say the most critical situation.He was just providing information. As for how to deal with the information, the informant had no control over it.

Shinoda Suisan put down the phone and immediately walked out of his office. When he passed by the duty room, he immediately opened the door and walked in. He said loudly: "Call the action team on duty today, and gather downstairs immediately. Everyone gets in the car and waits for orders." I'm going down!"

"Hi one!" The attendant inside immediately replied, and started to run outside.

Shinoda Toshizo turned around and went to Tsuruta Ichiro's office again.But just after taking two steps, I saw Tsuruta Ichiro greet him and said, "Xiaotian-kun, what's going on?"

Because it was in the corridor, Shinoda Toshizo leaned close to Tsuruta Ichiro's ear and whispered: "Your Excellency, I have an informant report that there is a person in Nanjiangkou Street who is very suspicious, and the other party may have lost the train station today. So He judged that the other party might be transferred. So he called me immediately. I have notified the duty officer and asked the action team to go downstairs and stand by in the car."

"En." Hearing this, Tsuruta Ichiro immediately said something...

(End of this chapter)

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