spy ace

Chapter 2322 Secret Service

Chapter 2322 Secret Service
Hearing the words, Tsuruta Ichiro understood what was going on after a little thought.This was Shinoda Toshizo's informant who gave him an extremely important clue.But why he was in such a hurry, Tsuruta Ichiro had no doubts.After all, they are engaged in intelligence work, and this kind of work itself is time-sensitive.It can be said that the situation of being in a hurry must account for more than the situation of not being in a hurry.

Therefore, Tsuruta Ichiro glanced at his watch and said, "I'll go with you."

"Hi one." Shinoda Toshizo bowed and said.

In this case, Shinoda Toshizo had thought of it.Tsuruta Ichiro joined the action, which is a variable.It's just that it will become more beneficial to oneself, or more unfavorable, it is not easy to say at present.But as long as that side is well prepared, it will really become beneficial to yourself.On the contrary, it will produce a negative image.

But in any case, it was already like this, and it was impossible for Shinoda Toshizo to say: "No, you can't go." Such words.So following Tsuruta Ichiro, the two came downstairs.

At this time, the operatives on duty tonight had already finished their preparations, and all got into the car, leaving only the heads of each team, waiting outside the car for Shinoda Toshizo to release the information before departure.

Tsuruta Ichiro stood aside and gave up his seat to Shinoda Toshizo.After all, Shinoda Toshizo is the upline of the informant, so in his eyes, Shinoda Toshizo is naturally the specific commander of this operation.

Shinoda Suizan was not polite, looked at the leaders of each team, and said: "The target address this time is a residential building on Nanjiangkou Street. The target's name is Ku Jun, [-] meters, to around [-] meters. According to information It shows that the target is resting at home. We try our best to catch alive, remember one sentence, when you act, you must move quickly, rush in, directly arrest the other party, conduct a body search immediately, and if there is nothing, immediately escort into the car and return Office building."

As he spoke, Shinoda Toshizo pointed to a special agent and said, "You and your team stay here and prepare the interrogation room. Once the target is escorted back, the interrogation will begin immediately. I will personally participate when the time comes. You must prepare in advance." .”

"Yes!" The spy immediately took the order.

Shinoda Suisan waved his hand and said, "I won't talk about discipline requirements. You are all veterans and understand. Now, get in the car and set off!"

At the last order, all the spies got into the car.Shinoda Suizo and Tsuruta Ichiro drove out of the gate of Tsuruta's office in a short time.

The convoy was moving fast, and it wasn't too far from Nanjiangkou Street.In about fifteen minutes, the arrest convoy of the Hetian agency had arrived near Nanjiangkou Street.

He didn't drive directly there, but a little further down the street, Shinoda Toshizo's lead car was already parked by the side of the road.All the devils and spies followed, and Shinoda Suisan began to make the final arrangements.

For example, which team is responsible for guarding the perimeter, which team is responsible for driving to meet them, and which team is responsible for assaulting Ku Jun's house.And after capturing Ku Jun, which team is responsible for conducting a thorough search of the target's house, and staying behind to see if any suspicious people come over, etc.

After everything was arranged, Shinoda Toshisan looked at Tsuruta Ichiro and said, "Your Excellency, do you have any instructions?"

Tsuruta Ichiro just looked at Shinoda Toshizo's arrangement, and he was still very satisfied.So he patted him on the shoulder and said, "You did a good job. Follow your ideas."

"Hiichi!" Shinoda Toshizo bowed again, then turned around and waved his hands, saying: "Start acting according to the arrangement just now!"

After the voice fell, a group of devils and spies began to walk quickly, but silently, towards the specific direction of the target.The total distance is only a little more than one street, so after walking for a while and turning a corner, we have already turned into Nanjiangkou Street.

Under the leadership of Shinoda Toshizo, everyone moved silently and quickly, that is, after three minutes.He has already arrived at the door of the target Ku Jun's house.

Both sides of the street have already been occupied by devils and spies, creating a safe space for action.As long as there is another car or person coming over at this time, they will directly intercept the other party outside the action space.

Tsuruta Ichiro was at the end, sitting in command and observing the whole operation.Of course, he could actually take over command at any time.But you have to know that Shinoda Suisan was originally brought here on his own initiative.Therefore, I feel more at ease with Shinoda Toshizo.Even though Wang Zhaohai, the biggest leader of the puppet, appeared some time ago, and Wang Zhaohai died, Shinoda Suisan was still trustworthy in his heart.

Because Wang Zhaohai's death itself has nothing to do with Shinoda Suizan.Speaking of which, Tsuruta Ichiro was also looking for ghosts at the beginning, and he himself did not complete this goal.So speaking of it, if the responsibility is hard to calculate, he, the head of the agency, is more responsible than Shinoda Toshizo.

Therefore, if Tsuruta Ichiro is so relieved of Shinoda Toshizo, there is no reason to take over the command.Unless there is some loophole in Shinoda Toshizo's command, but for now, Tsuruta Ichiro really didn't find anything wrong, but he was more satisfied with Shinoda Toshizo in his heart.Because if he himself directs, it may be like this.After all, the goal is a private house, how many tricks can be played.

Tsuruta Ichiro watched Shinoda Toshizo's last wave of his hand, and the attacking team was led by four people, two with empty hands in front and two with guns behind.Has silently arrived at the door of the target Ku Jun's house.In addition, there is a team led by Shinoda Toshizo in the back, which is called the follow-up support team.Once the front team's attack is blocked, or any other situation occurs, this group of people can immediately go up.

In fact, Shinoda Suisan, the current layout is a little bit too much energy.But Shinoda Toshizo thought he had to do this.Because after all, Tsuruta Ichiro is so mortal that he has followed, so it is definitely impossible for him to plan his actions under the eyes of Tsuruta Ichiro to be full of loopholes.Otherwise, if Tsuruta Ichiro sees something, wouldn't he be in danger?As for the lack of preparation on the part of the Security Bureau, Shinoda Toshizo really couldn't care less.

After all, Shinoda Toshizo was only doing it for his own benefit. To put it bluntly, that was a huge reward of one thousand dollars for each piece of information.So this kid must be thinking about his own safety first.

Just look at the two empty-handed people in the front, one of them took out two things.One is like a piece of iron, and the other is a small hook like a screwdriver.He first put the iron-like thing...

(End of this chapter)

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