spy ace

Chapter 2324 Check

Chapter 2324 Check

Although Shinoda Suizan felt in his heart, "It's done this time." But he was with the second team after all.In other words, although he didn't enter the house, he was at the door of Ku Jun's house.Therefore, after hearing the roar of the grenade, how dare you neglect it.If you blow yourself up again, wouldn't it be fucked up?Therefore, with a jolt, he immediately lowered his body and fell to the ground.

Maybe just lying on the ground and taking a breath, there was a bang in the room.The two grenades exploded almost in no particular order, and it sounded like one sound.

The windows of this house, the doorway, and anyway, all the leaking places, a huge shock wave and some dust rushed out immediately.After climbing up for a while, Shinoda Toshizo got up from the ground shaking his head, and said loudly: "Get up, help up!"

Little devils have a characteristic, that is, they pay attention to heroism in everything.For example, when fighting, a team of men and horses attack a high and low, and the opponent's firepower is very fierce. In this case, it is impossible to attack at all.Then you will be severely taught when you withdraw.You will be considered not brave enough!If you can be more heroic, how can you not attack!

This can be seen from the slogan when the little devil asked for help.All other armies, if they are in a dangerous situation, call out something like "call for help"!This kind of tactical colloquialism.But the little devils are not, they are asking for "tactical guidance." Because if they are asking for support, it is tantamount to saying that they are not enough.But asking for tactical guidance is different. It is not that I am not brave enough, but that I have not adopted better tactics, but I am still very brave.

Although Shinoda Toshisan and the others are spies, they must be more flexible than the little devils in the army.But in this case, the essential "I must be heroic" style, is the same.Otherwise, it will be looked down upon by everyone.

So when Shinoda got up, he shouted for support!From the perspective of other forces, it may be a bit aggressive. After all, it just exploded, and there is no danger yet, so you just follow up?But for the little devil, it is a loyal and brave style.Therefore, Ichiro Tsuruta, who was sitting in the back, not only felt that there was no problem after reading it, but was even more satisfied with Ichiro Tsuruta.

Besides, he must have trusted Shinoda Toshizo before, but what.After receiving the information from the informant, it is hard to say whether the information is true or not.But now that there was an explosion, Ichiro Tsuruta had already confirmed it in his heart.Well, it is indeed valuable, otherwise, how could there be an explosion in this room.

However, how the explosion was caused is still unknown.Therefore, Tsuruta Ichiro will continue to observe.

The level of the little devil's superiors and subordinates is almost abnormally strict, so Shinoda Suisan gave the order, and the follow-up support team immediately got up instinctively and began to push forward.

But after rushing in, there was really no danger. After all, the trap set by Lloyd Xuan and Bai Bing'an was two grenades.Now that it's all exploded, it's nothing.

After entering, a ghost agent rushed into the inner room door that had been blasted.The rest, under the command of Shinoda Toshizo, began to rescue the four spies who were injured by the first attacking team.

After the four hedgehog-like spies were carried out, the two people in the room basically finished checking Ku Jun's room.He came out and snapped to attention, and said, "Sir, look, these are fragments from the explosion of the grenade! The source of the explosion just now should be the grenade." As he spoke, he held a black The small iron piece was handed over.

Shinoda Toshizo took it and nodded.I already knew how the Security Bureau did it.It should be inside the door of the back room, using grenades to make some traps or something like that.Then after opening the door, the mechanism was touched, which caused the explosion of the grenade.

But Shinoda Toshizo definitely couldn't tell the situation directly.Therefore, he took a look at the fragments of the grenade, frowned and said: "This seems to be... the defensive grenade of the Meidi family."

"It should be." The spy in front of him also said: "Based on the extent of the explosion just now, the offensive grenade should not be so powerful."

Speaking of this, the spy in front of him pointed to the room and said, "Sir, a person was found inside, lying on the bed. After we checked, we found that he had lost his breath."

Shinoda Suisan showed suspicion, and said, "He was killed by the grenade? Have you checked the cause of death?"

"Not yet." The spy in front of him said: "But judging from the state of the body, it should have just died."

"Let's go! Let's go in and have a look!" Shinoda Toshizo said, and as soon as he waved his hand, he was about to enter Ku Jun's house.

"Let's go in together!" At this moment, Tsuruta Ichiro's voice came from behind.It turned out that the old devil was a little unsteady. After all, he was sitting in the back, and he had seen many spies coming out and going in. It was fine, so there should be no danger.Besides, he also wanted to know what happened just now, why it exploded suddenly.And since it has already exploded, there is no need to talk about the so-called detaining people to leave as soon as possible, so as to gain the maximum time for secrecy.After all, such a big movement has already come out.

"Hi!" Tsuruta Toshizo said, and re-entered Ku Jun's house with Tsuruta Ichiro and several spies.

After Shinoda Toshizo entered, he followed behind Tsuruta Ichiro and came to the single bed first.It seems that the cot is quite complete, and the person on it is inside the cot, close to the wall.And judging from the posture, it should have been shaken to the wall by the previous shock wave.

The quilt on it, as if it had been torn by someone, was full of holes.In fact, it was hit by the fragments of the grenade and the shock wave.

Tsuruta Ichiro didn't move at first, stood by the bed and observed for a while, and then stretched out his hand to throw the quilt aside.Looking at the dead man inside, it will be even clearer.

I saw that this man was shirtless, wearing only a pair of underwear all over his body.But in this way, it is more convenient for them to check.And the weather is already relatively warm, so it is normal for people to sleep like this.

It looked like the dead man had a fresh scratch on his thigh, and two fragments on his chest and abdomen.On the left side of the head, that is, on the side facing the door, there is also a fragment a little above the ear.

Shinoda Tosuzo and several spies worked together to turn the body over, but no other injuries were found...

(End of this chapter)

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