spy ace

Chapter 2325 Hetian's speculation

Chapter 2325 Hetian's speculation

It can be said that this person should have been killed by the fragments of the grenade and the shock wave.And the state of the corpse is indeed in line with the situation of just dying.

After all, Tsuruta Ichiro and others are all experts. There is a fundamental difference between a person who has just died and an hour or two hours after his death...they are all fundamentally different.

After checking the corpse, Ichiro Tsuruta and Toshizo Shinoda checked other things in this room.It can be said that the deceased's home is very simple.There are several clothes in the closet, and there are some pocket money in some clothes.There is also a small box in the corner of the cabinet, which contains not too little money, even a dozen silver dollars, and dozens of dollars.

In addition to these, there are quite a few newspapers scattered on the ground, as well as a limited number of basic books that were messed up by the shock wave.Tsuruta Ichiro squatted on the ground patiently, sorting out the books and newspapers in the room.I found that there are some novels to pass the time and some newspapers linked to legendary novels.

What is left are some common table and chair furnishings at home, leftover food, and several empty wine bottles.Nothing else was found.

After checking everything, Ichiro Tsuruta pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Shinoda, have you noticed anything unusual here?"

Shinoda Suizan felt a little nervous, afraid that Tsuruta Ichiro might be seeing something.But he was still as stable as an old dog on the surface, with a look of shame on his face, and said: "Your Excellency, if I had been more careful just now, I might have avoided the explosion. I even captured this person alive. I am really sorry."

"Hey!" Tsuruta Ichiro waved his hand and said, "I've been watching the whole process. There is nothing wrong with your command. I don't mean to pursue your responsibility. I just asked, did you send me a message after the inspection just finished?" Found something amiss."

Hearing what he said, Shinoda Suizan felt a little more stable in his heart, but he still didn't dare to be careless.With a thoughtful expression on his face, he said: "Is this explosion a bit strange? Judging from the current scene, the explosion point is between the door frame behind the door and the wall, and it is suspended in the air, about one inch from the ground. A little more than a meter. And above the door frame we also found a screw screwed on the door frame. And also found some wires. Could this be a trap?
But... If it was a trap, why would someone set up a trap in the room where he slept.You must know that when the grenade explodes, the first person to die is himself.For this point, I did not want to understand. "

"Yeah." Hearing what Shinoda Toshizo said, Tsuruta Ichiro was even more satisfied with him in his heart.So he said: "You are right. And in fact, he himself blew himself up. But why did he do this? Think about it, what else can be found in this room that can indicate his identity something?"

"This..." Shinoda Toshizo didn't know what Tsuruta Ichiro meant, so he could only use what he had just discovered and express his most genuine thoughts, and said: "This person is very simple...there is his identity in that box It proves that it is not new. It is indeed a real identity certificate. There are some money, and there are some US dollars, which is very convenient to spend. Does it mean that the money is spare? Or is it that he needs to buy something before thing.

The rest are some books and newspapers, indicating that he should be literate.Judging from the date of the newspaper, he has insisted on buying newspapers for a long time.Others... I'm ashamed, I really didn't see it! "

"Very good. In fact, you have observed very carefully." Tsuruta Ichiro said with a smile on his face: "But you should make a bold guess. For example, combine the previous information. Is there any problem with this person? The answer now is , there must be something wrong. The first is your informant. The second is the explosion of the grenade. The third is that we didn’t find too many suspicious things. But... there is no suspicious thing that can prove his identity, so instead It means that there is something wrong with this person."

Speaking of this, Tsuruta Ichiro paused, and then said: "Think about it, if an agent is sent to perform some secret missions, then may he carry some confidential documents with him? If Are you him, do you store suspicious letters in your home, or even a radio station?"

After hearing this, Shinoda Toshizo nodded with enlightenment, and said, "No! These will only become an obstacle to my own safety. Compared with the help to my work, the risk is even greater."

"That's right." Tsuruta Ichiro nodded, and said, "So, we didn't find these things, and instead proved the identity of the other party, there must be a problem. And will ordinary people set up a grenade mechanism?"

Speaking of which, Tsuruta Ichiro glanced at the location of the bombing point at the door, and turned his head to glance at the dead man on the bed, and said, "Nanjiangkou Street is a place where dragons and snakes mix, and the situation is very complicated. A person with a secret , but would choose to live in such a place. Because it is not surprising for anyone to appear here. Look again, this house is not too big. Then why did he set a trap at the door?"

"Could it be..." Shinoda Susan frowned and said, "He knew we were coming? If that's the case... I need an informant..."

"Hey!" Tsuruta Ichiro waved his hands, interrupted his statement, and said, "That's not the case, your informant is fine. Look at his state, he is definitely in a normal state of rest. Furthermore Said, if he knew we were coming, he could have arranged more grenades or bombs in the house in advance. Then move, or even hide somewhere and watch us take the bait. But he is dead now. This is Why?
I think...he did it on purpose.Look at the position of the grenade.I presume this is a means of warning.This is similar to throwing some dust at the door and adding a hair in the crack of the door. "

"But Your Excellency..." Shinoda Toshizo frowned and said, "In this way, once the grenade exploded, wouldn't he be in danger? In fact, it seems that he was indeed killed by the explosion of the grenade."

"That's right." Tsuruta Ichiro patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "There are no secret documents, no confidential letters. Then the biggest secret...is himself. He knows that he himself is the biggest secret, Once something happens to him, the secret will not be kept..."

(End of this chapter)

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