spy ace

Chapter 2326

Chapter 2326
Tsuruta Ichiro looked at Shinoda Toshizo, and continued: "We cannot deny that some people can give their lives at any time for the belief in their hearts. This behavior of this person is not incomprehensible."

Having said that, Tsuruta Ichiro changed the subject and asked, "Xiaotian-kun, can you repeat the information your informant gave you?"

"Of course no problem." Shinoda Toshizo was actually happy when Tsuruta Ichiro speculated just now.Because he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.However, he who came to the scene in person could really feel that the layout of this bureau was very ingenious.Judging from the current situation, Tsuruta Ichiro's speculation is a very reasonable explanation.

And Tsuruta Ichiro's speculation like this happened to be in the heart of Shinoda Toshizo.However, this sudden question about the information the informant said still made him feel a little nervous.However, Shinoda Toshizo was not unprepared for the current situation, so he repeated it without hesitation.

After he finished speaking, Tsuruta Ichiro pondered for a while, nodded, and said: "This can be explained clearly. There must be a problem with this person's identity. As I said before, there are no clues in his house. At least this is the case so far. In other words, he is a very vigilant and cautious person. Now, he is likely to leave Shanghai soon and move to another place. At this last moment, like This kind of person who is very vigilant in itself will only become more cautious. Therefore, before leaving, on the last night, it is not enough to put on the alarm method of combining and dying in one's own home gone."

After hearing this, Shinoda Suizan said in agreement: "Well, what your Excellency said is true. This is indeed a very reasonable explanation. But can he leave nothing at the scene? Those newspapers, and a few books, will it be true? Could it be a code book?"

"Even if it is, we may have limited gains." Tsuruta Ichiro said: "After all, he is so cautious, even if the codebook is in these newspapers and books, as long as we don't know which intelligence line it is from, we will still be helpless." Decipher it. But... it's better to be more rigorous, let people take all these things back and hand them over to the deciphering room, let's see what progress there is."

"Hi one." After Shinoda Suizan agreed, he said: "This person's identity, past life trajectory, whether he has so-called relatives and friends in the local area, and the relationship with neighbors. I will also arrange what kind of work to make money from. ,please do not worry."

"Well." Tsuruta Ichiro said: "Okay, now we can only check in this way. You can arrange the work here. There has been such a big movement, so let it take its course and start the investigation work thoroughly. I I'll go back first."

Saying that, Tsuruta Ichiro didn't stay and walked out of Ku Jun's house.After Shinoda Toshizo sent him away, he immediately got busy.

In fact, according to his original intention, he was definitely unwilling to investigate the life trajectory of the deceased Ku Jun.Because if something unfavorable is found, it will be wrong.But it's still the same sentence, it has reached this point, and he has to check if he doesn't want to.Otherwise, wouldn't he be in danger of being exposed again?

Therefore, Shinoda Toshizo immediately explained the matter and began to investigate the deceased Ku Jun.Including the surrounding neighbors, no matter what time it is, they slammed on the door anyway, and started asking after opening the door.

In this way, the night passed quickly.The results of the investigation made Shinoda Toshizo feel more comfortable.Because according to the visits and inquiries of these spies, they all responded that the deceased named Ku Jun was relatively withdrawn.A little bit of a loner.I've never seen him have any relatives or friends coming over to visit.

In addition, the deceased Ku Jun treated them, his neighbors, with a relatively indifferent attitude.Of course, this indifference doesn't mean that when you see someone, you don't even pay attention to it, as if you didn't look at it.Instead, sometimes when I walk across the street, I will nod and say, "Oh, I'm back." "Well, I'm back." "Go shopping for vegetables?" friendship.

In addition, I asked about the job of the deceased Ku Jun, but he didn't have a regular job.This was also provided by the neighbors who visited, because although they are not familiar with Ku Jun, they know their neighbor after all.So sometimes I saw him reselling some in-demand goods, and sometimes driving a car for others, all of which were odd jobs.

Therefore, after the investigation, Shinoda Suizan felt more at ease.Set it up on the spot, and set up a secret monitoring point on the opposite side. In the words he said when setting up: "Observe carefully, if any unlucky ghost comes to the door, stare at the other party directly, maybe the broken clue can be continued. .”

But of course he knew in his heart, this f*ck is a scapegoat, how could it continue.But he didn't care about these things, after the arrangement was over, Shinoda Toshizo took the people into the car and went back to the Tsuruta office.

First, I found Ichiro Tsuruta, investigated the situation all night, and reported it to Ichiro Tsuruta, and finally said: "Your judgment is too accurate. This kind of attitude towards neighbors creates loneliness I have the impression that it must be an enemy agent. It's just that there are really too few clues now, and I don't know which side it is."

"Yeah." Tsuruta Ichiro said: "Single, withdrawn, free at work, without a partner. Still so vigilant at home, without any secret documents. When sleeping, vigilantly arranged an alarm system that can kill us together. Hehe... This guy is interesting."

Speaking of this, Tsuruta Ichiro paused, and said again: "Okay, you can continue to follow up on this work. In addition, you should also pay close attention to the case of cooperating with No. [-]. Didn't you say last time that you need a contact Officer? How is it? Have you found it?"

"I found it." Shinoda Toshizo said, "It's a Japanese overseas Chinese. I don't worry if I use Chinese words. And I also did a background check, and there is no problem. He came to Shanghai from his hometown half a year ago. There are many points People can testify. In addition, after contacting him and talking a few times, he is also willing to serve the empire."

"Very good." Tsuruta Ichiro said, "Wang Zhaohai's death may have frightened the people on No. [-]. But it doesn't matter, the empire will not ignore it."

When Shinoda Toshizo heard him say this, he felt that Tsuruta Ichiro had learned some important news from above before he said that.Otherwise, Tsuruta Ichiro couldn't have said that for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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