spy ace

Chapter 2339 Breaking In

Chapter 2339 Breaking In
Naturally, the drive was very fast. After the two of them finished talking, it took only a few minutes for them to arrive at the farthest sniper spot selected by Fan Keqin yesterday.

Fan Keqin opened the door and got off the car, and let Bai Fengtai go directly.Why did I approach the taller building after strolling for half a street.

In fact, most snipers, or assassins.The commanding heights are important, but that depends on the circumstances.If it is when one's own side has an advantage.For example, in the face of a hostage-taking bandit or something, and the people outside are all our own people, then I can calmly set up a gun on the roof of the opposite building, and that is no problem.

But if it is like in some film and television works, no matter what the occasion is, you see a handsome man walking to the top of the building, and then shoot the target to death and leave calmly.That's just a criminal pretending to be B.

Film and television works can only be shot in this way, because it can attract people.But in reality, snipers rarely choose the highest point.Because whether it is your own side or the enemy.The first thing to observe must be the commanding heights.Even if you are very good at camouflage, once you shoot, you will have a huge risk of exposure.This is why snipers have to immediately shift positions every time they fire a shot.After all, the enemy will also have a high probability of finding you on the commanding heights.

Because, if a sniper chooses a sniper point, even if he wants to choose a high point, it is impossible for the sniper to be directly on the roof of the building like in the film and television works.Which location is better?Probably around the third floor.As long as there is a shooting angle, it is enough.

And after you shoot, even if the enemy is very experienced, he has already delineated the direction of your shooting in an instant, thus narrowing the scope to the building where you are.But a building, no matter what it is, must have many other windows.And so many windows naturally become a kind of fog of war, which means that even if you are facing the most experienced veteran, you will give yourself a fog fuse at the end to increase your safety factor.This is the choice of a real sniper.

But Fan Keqin can't do that now, because the little devil's consulate is far away. It's impossible to say that there are no buildings in the middle, and it's all empty.So these buildings will block your shooting vision, so you can only choose a very high point, and shoot down from above obliquely, shooting in the direction of the consulate.Rather than a better choice like the third floor or so.

But it's not a big deal, because the distance is also far away.Therefore, Fan Keqin felt that with his own skills and efficiency, he should be safer in terms of safety.

This is a church building that looks a bit like Notre Dame. Have you seen that kind of Western Notre Dame, or the spire of some castle?Style is like this.When Fan Keqin was investigating yesterday, he saw this spire.

This is really a Western church monastery.But at this time, it is no longer the original function.It may be that after the little devil completely controlled the International Settlement area, the people here withdrew.In short, now this monastery has become a bookstore.

Since there is a bureau word, don't even think about it, it must be a department of Wang Puppet that manages the publication and printing of books.But the bookstore is different, unlike other agencies, it is so powerful and has its own operational department.Instead, join forces with the inspection department.For example, if they find some books that should not appear on the market, they will contact the inspection department to search them.

But most of the time, it is the department responsible for reviewing and compiling books.For example, they want to edit some teaching materials used by schools within their jurisdiction, or public books of some government agencies, etc.To put it bluntly, it is the organization that Wang Puppet publishes and prints books.Therefore, although it has the word bureau, it does not have any large and aggressive units.

So Fan Keqin didn't worry about these things at all.First, I wandered around the bookstore.This is a typical western building, with a row of I-shaped characters.The left side of the I character faces the inside of the street, forming a common yard with the inner residential buildings.The right side of the Chinese character "I" is facing the street, which is quite grand.There are several cars parked at the door.However, although this kind of unit also has a door post, this door post is completely different from the door post of the secret service. The function of this door post is similar to that of the mail room.There are two internal security guards, and an uncle who watches the mail room.

Although this may be almost zero threat in Fan Keqin's eyes, Fan Keqin can't just go in like this.Therefore, he wandered to the side.

On the other side is the residential area.Usually, people pass by from time to time, so there is basically no one watching the back door.Fan Keqin walked very generously, a bit like the frequency of walking.

So he observed the building behind the bookstore very carefully, even through the window on the first floor, carefully identifying what was going on inside.

Walking and walking, after a while, Fan Keqin saw an open window, Fan Keqin could tell that there was a toilet inside.Now that the weather is hot, it's normal to open a window. It may be that there are no confidential documents in the bookstore.Therefore, there is no need to be so vigilant, and the weather is hot, and the smell of the toilet may not be very good, so it is possible that the internal cleaners opened the windows after cleaning.

But Fan Keqin didn't care about this, looked around, only a group of green teenagers in front of him, with their backs to him, walked forward, chattering about something while walking.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin didn't hesitate, took two steps with his long legs, and jumped into the window with a whoosh.Followed calmly out of the bathroom.

Once inside, no one came over to meddle in his business. When he saw him, he immediately came over and asked who he was, who he was looking for, and what he was doing here.Therefore, Fan Keqin was very calm, relying on his own sense of space, he went in the direction of the spire building.

Although I don't know the specific structure inside, can a building be too bizarre?Designers may use their imagination to make it cool when designing the appearance.But inside, no one can make it look like a maze.Isn't that sick?

Therefore, Fan Keqin, who is not familiar with the inside, is fine, just go up.Anyway, the approximate direction of the spire, I know the direction.If there is a way, go in that direction. After a while, he found the upward stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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