spy ace

Chapter 2340 Calculations

Chapter 2340 Calculations
This building is really different. After going up the stairs, you reach the second floor, and then go up to the third floor.But after reaching the third floor, Fan Keqin was unable to go up.

Because the building as a whole is I-shaped, the spire style is at the four corners of the I-shape.As for this staircase, it is a combination of one horizontal and one vertical I-shaped.Therefore, this staircase leads to the third floor at most.

On the third floor, there are fewer people in the corridor, and it feels very deserted.Fan Keqin roughly looked at the situation, and continued to go in the direction of the spire he was looking for.I found that after I walked to this place in the upper right corner of the I-shape, there was a door that opened.It can be seen clearly from the glass on the door that there is still a stairwell inside.

Fan Keqin pushed the door open and walked in while there was no one around.Quietly listened to the situation, um, even more so quiet.What else can I say, let's go up.

Stepping quickly came to the top. In terms of height, there are about six floors, and it is as high as seven floors.The buildings of this era are not too high, and such a high height is already considered the tallest.

The top, nothing, is the platform.It looks like a terrace, with openings on all sides, and half-height walls, with pillars at the four corners, and the top is connected to the spire.

Fan Keqin showed his head cautiously.Looking in the direction of the little devil's consulate, he didn't have any binoculars at hand, but although there were buildings between this high point and the consulate, he could pass over these buildings and see the gate of the consulate.

It's not directly facing the consulate, it's a bit slanted to the left.In addition, this high point is exposed on the top of a four-story building in front.If you look at this side from the consulate, there are four floors covering it, but in fact, only the top part of the spire is exposed.

But Fan Keqin was still cautious, in case someone at the consulate noticed it at this very moment.Therefore, he just squatted and exposed his head, and there was a roof on it, so he hid in the shadow.Even if the other party really looked at it, it would be very difficult.

good!Except for the gate of the consulate, since this high point is fairly high, one can see the situation in the courtyard of the consulate.

The buildings inside the little devil's consulate can also be seen.But the distance is a bit far after all, already more than [-] meters, the details must be unclear.However, the door of the main building in the consulate and the guard post in the yard can be distinguished.

Fan Keqin immediately simulated two sets of possible shooting points in his mind.The first one is the gate of the consulate compound.There is also a sentry post at the gate of the compound, and a pole.Therefore, Fan Keqin can be sure that when the car comes out and goes in, it must slow down or even stop temporarily when it passes the lifting pole of the courtyard gate.

This is my chance, but there is something wrong with this shooting point.That is, if the curtains of the car were drawn, or the speed of the car was a little faster, it would be extremely difficult to hit Masaki Inuyang who was hiding in the car with one shot from such a long distance.

The second shooting point, which Fan Keqin simulated in his mind, was at the gate of the main building in the courtyard of the consulate.Fan Keqin liked this point even more, because it was impossible for the car to drive directly into the building. Even if Masaki Inuyang had bad legs, he would not be able to teleport into the car when he came out of the building.He has to have a process, and this old boy's legs and feet are not good, so the walking speed must not be too fast. Therefore, as long as he seizes the opportunity, then from the moment the old devil walks out, until he enters the car , between sheltered places, that is the time to shoot yourself.

At this time, it is a test of the shooter's sense of gun.The bullet is very fast, and the initial velocity of the muzzle can even reach more than twice the speed of sound.Take a [-]mm bullet as an example, the muzzle velocity is close to [-] meters per second.It may only take [-] to hit a target of [-] meters, to about [-] seconds.

But to hit a target from [-] meters to [-] meters, the former needs [-] second, or a little more.The latter takes a little more than [-] seconds.But for us humans, when we blink our eyes, it is between [-] second and [-] seconds.

A good gun, at a distance of [-] meters, to [-] meters, and there is an excellent shooter to shoot, basically it is not a big problem.But the bullet exceeds [-] meters, then you have to really calculate the advance, wind deflection and so on.Because at a distance of [-] meters, the bullet will fly for nearly [-] seconds.At this time, if the person is moving and moving more than [-] meters away, if you don't consider the issue of advance, it is almost impossible to hit.

But now, the spire is definitely more than [-] meters away from the consulate.And [-] meters is the straight-line distance from the tower to the entrance of the consulate courtyard estimated by Fan Keqin. If it is the distance from the tower to the entrance of the main building in the courtyard of the consulate, the distance is longer.This is already around seven hundred meters.Sniping at this distance is really not easy.

The first is the flight time of the bullet, which already takes about a second.Don't look at it as if one second is not much, but in one second, if a person wants to do something, such as punching, a person who is not physically fit but has a normal level of health can punch six to eight times in one second. time.So, this second, will the target move?Where will it move?How will it move?This all needs to be able to calculate and predict in his own mind.On top of this, you have to calculate the wind deflection, etc., and combine all of them to be able to hit the target.

After Fan Keqin simulated it a few times in his head, he felt it was okay.It's not easy to stay here for a long time. In addition, he also observed the environment on the top floor of the tower. It seems that no one has come up here for a long time.A cigarette butt was thrown in the corner. Judging from the state of the cigarette butt, it must have been thrown here for at least half a year.

It's almost enough, don't stay any longer.Fan Keqin walked down the stairs again.When I returned, I was more familiar with the road, and soon came to the toilet on the first floor.

In fact, he can go out through the door, but considering the mail room at the door, as well as the mail room and the two security guards inside.I think it is better to go out through the window of the toilet.In the current situation, it's better not to be familiar with yourself.

Once outside, Fan Keqin rushed to the next location without stopping.This time the place is a comprehensive building with five floors...

(End of this chapter)

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