spy ace

Chapter 2343 Accuracy

Chapter 2343 Accuracy
In this way, it was only possible to find that there was a strip protruding from the innermost side of the ceiling.

If you don't know, you may think that the trunk of this car is like this.Fan Keqin felt pretty good and should be able to pass the test.

So I simulated how to stick it in my mind again, and tried to hold the leather with my hands while moving it, um, it was really good.After knowing it in his mind, Fan Keqin took the gun back and said, "Okay, let's start firing the gun."

The two came to the edge of the forest, Bai Fengtai looked at the field outside, but there was no target, so he picked a thick branch from the ground.Pick up four in a row and tape them side by side.Then with a knife, a circle about the size of a human head was drawn on it, exposing the white branches inside.He turned around and asked, "Brother Heng, how about this?"

"Okay." Fan Keqin smiled and said, "It's pretty good." Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to a direction outside the forest, and said, "I saw that small hill in the field, where it is about [-] meters by visual inspection, you can walk there and measure it. Then find a place and set up the target. Avoid the angle by yourself, find a cover, and help me observe the impact point. Use gestures to tell me the offset. Every time I shoot, I will stop and watch your command, you Make a fist shaking gesture at the end, and I will fire the next shot. Until then, you have to hide."

"Understood." Holding a simple target, Bai Fengtai said, "We should have bought two watermelons before we came, they are more convenient."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "That's right, this time it's a hundred secrets."

Bai Fengtai took a look at the situation outside the grove with the target, then controlled his pace and started to move towards the hill.

Fan Keqin hid at the edge of the woods, watched him walk, and counted the steps together.When Bai Fengtai took seven hundred steps, he stopped, looked around, and pointed to his feet.

Bai Fengtai didn't immediately put the target on the ground, that would be of no use.Because the weeds in the wild are growing amazingly now, it is useless to stand the handle directly on the ground.Even if you have reached the foot of Xiao Shanbao, it is the same reason.

Therefore, Bai Fengtai put the target in place, then turned around and found a few stones from the side, stacked them in two like arhats, and sandwiched the target in the middle.This will be erected one piece.Then Bai Fengtai slanted, turned back, and walked about fifty steps in a sideways manner, and hid behind another small dirt bag.Stretch out your hand, clenched it into a fist, stretched upwards, and swiped back and forth twice.Put away his fists, hide behind the dirt bag, and look at the target not far behind on the left.

Seeing Bai Fengtai signaled himself, Fan Keqin pulled the bolt and loaded the bullet.Then squatted, behind a tree, and put the muzzle of the gun in the middle of a branch that grew on the slant of the tree.

According to the gun, stabilize your body, control your breathing, and firmly set the front sight of the scope in the middle of the target.Observed the weeds on the ground to see if they were shaken by Feng Shui.

Today's weather is really good, a bit windy and sunny.But after all, it is in the wild, and there is still a little wind or a little bit.Fan Keqin purposely, quietly until the wind stops, or when the wind is very small, almost negligible.Fingers gently pulled the trigger.

There was a gunshot of "touch", and then looked at the target... safe and sound!
Then Fan Keqin was not in a hurry to pull the bolt to load it again, but aimed at the back of the dirt bag where Bai Fengtai was hiding.I saw Bai Fengtai half-bounced, looking in the direction of the target.After a while, he looked around vigilantly, then turned to Fan Keqin, pointed in one direction with his finger, then crossed his hands and stopped for a while, and then stretched out two fingers to stop for a while.

After repeating this twice, Bai Fengtai retracted his body behind the dirt bag again, then made a fist and drew a circle in the air, so that Fan Keqin himself had hidden himself and could fire the second shot.

Fan Keqin was not in a hurry, according to Bai Fengtai's instruction, the point of impact was a little bit down to the right, and the deviation was almost [-] meters, so he immediately re-adjusted the scope carefully.Fortunately, there is Bai Fengtai, otherwise, if it is him, Fan Keqin's first few shots may have a large deviation, and he may still adjust on the spot.But for the next few shots, higher accuracy is required, and it is estimated that I will have to go to the target to check it myself.All the time was wasted walking.

After adjusting, Fan Keqin regained control of his breathing, stabilized his body, and set the crosshair on the target again.Gently pulled the trigger.

"Touch!" After the gunshot rang again, this time Fan Keqin himself found from the scope that the impact point might be the exact opposite of what it was before, and it was slightly to the left.However, the partial estimate is only about half of the last time.So he still didn't pull the bolt and loaded it, but looked at Bai Fengtai's small dirt bag with the scope.

Sure enough, this time Bai Fengtai probed and pointed to the left direction with his finger, but this time there was no up and down shift. His arm was stretched very flat, which means that the sight adjusted by Fan Keqin this time was only shifted to the left. , no other up and down issues.That's a good start.

Then Bai Fengtai gestured with his hand to look like a bull's horn, held it in the air for a while, and it was indeed offset by six meters.Finally, Bai Fengtai punched again and hid behind Xiao Shanbao.

So after the previous adjustment, Fan Keqin was more aware this time, so after carefully adjusting the front sight, he had a feeling in his heart that "it's almost there".

After setting up the gun, Fan Keqin put it in the middle of the target, and then waited quietly for a while again.Seeing that the weeds on the field had just stopped moving, he immediately fired a third shot.

When the shot went down, Fan Keqin saw a hole that had not been seen before near the edge line on the left side of the "human head" in the middle of the target.

When looking at Bai Fengtai, Bai Fengtai did not immediately indicate the offset, but first gestured a thumbs up.Then pointing to the direction of deviation to the left, he raised his fist, bent his arm down and held it for a while.

Bend the arm down and it's not a meter.but very small centimeters.In fact, at this distance, there is almost no need to adjust again for such a small error.But now he is instructing Fan Keqin on the offset, whether to adjust it or not depends on Fan Keqin himself.

Fan Keqin did not adjust either.Instead, after loading it, wait for Bai Fengtai to hide.Once again, he caught the middle of the target head and fired a fourth shot.

Sure enough, two times in a row, it did shift a little to the left...

(End of this chapter)

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