spy ace

Chapter 2344

Chapter 2344
So Fan Keqin kept improving and fired the third shot again.The offsets are almost coincident, at least the impact points of the three guns are almost together.

Well, first of all, this gun, it is indeed very accurate.With such a long distance, the impact points are almost gathered together, which is not easy.Of course, the main reason for this is that Fan Keqin's hand is too steady, and the gun feel is absolutely top-notch.

Fan Keqin still didn't adjust the scope this time, because there was really no need to adjust it because of this offset, and it was over [-] meters. Maybe this adjustment made the error even bigger.

So Fan Keqin, this time when aiming, deliberately shifted the sight a little bit.As a result, after the sound of a gunshot, a bullet hole appeared in the middle of the target's head.Just a little bit to the right.But generally speaking, it just hit the middle, and there is no problem.

In this way, with the cooperation of Bai Fengtai, Fan Keqin fired another ten shots in a row.These ten shots almost punched a hole in the middle of the target's head the size of an adult male's fist.This shows that the distribution of impact points is already extremely accurate.

This time, Fan Keqin did not shoot at Bai Fengtai's signal, but showed half of his body from the woods and beckoned.Seeing this, Bai Fengtai walked back immediately.

At this time, Fan Keqin had hidden the gun on the roof of the trunk of the car and stuck it with tape.Seeing Bai Fengtai return, Fan Keqin held the leather with his hand and said, "Come on, you stick it with glue."

Bai Fengtai took the glue he bought, which is not the glue for sticking paper stamps, but the kind for sticking the soles of shoes.After smearing, you need to wait for a while, and then it will dry, and close it hard when it is not dry.The stickiness is still very strong, so it is not necessary to apply glue all over the inside of the leather, but to apply a few points separately.

Fan Keqin stroked it a few times with his hands, and waited for a while for the glue to fully take effect.Then he stretched out his hand and gently pulled down the skin.Very good, the leather is very hard now.Unless you tear it hard with your hands, it will be difficult to fall off if it sticks like this and does not move it.

Fan Keqin poked his head in and looked inside again.Not bad, it can be said that it has met its own requirements.Unless someone poked his head in during the inspection, he could see the somewhat sloping trunk roof.Otherwise, nothing can be seen at all.

In addition, even if someone really poked his head in, he might not think of anything when he saw the sloping ceiling.Unless you meet someone who is more rigorous, or someone who is curious about everything, you have to take off the skin of this roof.

Fan Keqin still has about a dozen bullets left, but with so many bullets, he actually feels that he won't need them.After the actual shooting, the first shot may be the most critical, and there may be no chance of the second shot.

But it’s okay to have a spare.Therefore, Fan Keqin packed these bullets and held them in his hand.Unscrew the screws on the side of the rear door of the car, then stuff the pack of bullets in, reinstall and tighten the screws.

Put the screwdriver in the co-pilot's hand buckle, and said: "Okay, let's go back."

Bai Fengtai agreed, started the car, and drove out from the forest.Start along the road back to the city.

This time, on the highway entering the city, I originally wanted to try to avoid the checkpoints.In fact, Bai Fengtai did intentionally take a detour and change the way into the city.However, Fan Keqin on the back seat changed his attention when he saw the clamp on the road leading into the city, and said, "It's okay, just drive over. Let them check."

It turned out that Fan Keqin saw that there were a total of five people in this card, which is actually not a small number.In addition, all five of these people were wandering in the middle of the road.In addition, this section of the road into the city is relatively secluded.There are very few people around, or even nobody.

That's why Fan Keqin asked Bai Fengtai to drive over directly, because he was sure that even if the other party really found out something, he could kill them directly.And there are no witnesses.

Sure enough, these puppet patrols were quite responsible. They saw Tong's luxury car holding a parking sign and asked them to stop for inspection.

Check it out, Fan Keqin got out of the car, took out a big black, thick and long cigar from his pocket, and put it in his mouth.Bai Fengtai took out the silver shell lighter with a wink, and helped Fan Keqin light it.This is a kind of psychological hint, see if I have a lot of status, I am a character.It is equivalent to putting pressure on these inspections in the subconscious.

Does that work?In fact, more or less will be a little bit.You know, there are a lot of feudal remnants these days.There are more old ideas, it can be said that it is a proper law of the dark jungle.Therefore, is Fan Keqin's style of pretending to be a big shot really useful?
Fan Keqin's acting skills are so good, it's useless even if the movie king comes.So, after he got out of the car, he deliberately did not avoid suspicion, and went to smoke in front of the other three people.This also has another effect: see, I am aboveboard, and I don't care at all?Why?Because I have too much confidence.

In fact, these three inspectors were Fan Keqin's targets.The two people who checked the car, once there was a problem in the inspection, Fan Keqin could instantly kill the three people closest to him.And one of these people was carrying a box cannon.Therefore, Fan Keqin was sure that after grabbing the gun, he immediately killed the other two detailed inspections.

But in the end it was really useless, because although the two inspectors also opened the trunk to look, there was only a small tool box with the car.So they just opened this little toolbox and took a look.It's basically fine.

After opening the car door to see the people inside, he closed the door and said, "No problem."The man with the box cannon on his back said, "Okay, let's go, remove the roadblock."

The two people following him immediately moved the roadblock aside very quickly.From the beginning to the end, Fan Keqin just stared at them from the corner of his eye, but didn't take a direct look at them.But doing so is in line with his "big man" setting.Because you don't care about them at all.I accept your inspection because I am of high quality and I don't want to embarrass you little people.

Sitting in the back seat, pretending to be B, blowing a puff of smoke out the window.Bai Fengtai started the car, and quickly disappeared within the range of the trap, heading towards the pseudo-Wang's bookstore.

(End of this chapter)

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