spy ace

Chapter 2345 Thoughts

Chapter 2345 Thoughts
This time, Fan Keqin and the others began to drive as planned, avoiding the traps as much as possible.Sometimes, it's better to go full circle.In this way, soon, the car arrived near the bookstore.

However, they did not drive directly to the street of the bookstore, but stopped at a nearby street that was quite cultural and artistic.There are many music training classes on this street.There is also an art school originally run by the French.Therefore, on this street, there are some musical instrument shops selling musical instruments, and there are also many shops selling brushes, palettes, paints and the like.

In other words, they run an entertainment company, and many of the musical instruments used by the band are purchased here.Therefore, Fan Keqin didn't even get out of the car, Bai Fengtai went down, and when he came back after a while, he was already carrying a trombone case and walked back.Then put it in the trunk.

Then he didn't come back, but went to a hardware and grocery store that sold pocket ropes, and bought another [-] meters of the most common rope and came back.

Bai Fengtai also made it very simple. In the trunk, he opened the trombone box generously, took out the instrument and put it beside him.Then take out the anti-shock stuffing inside, and finally tear off the leather above the car shed, put the gun in the box, and then use the rope as stuffing, and stuff it inside, even if it's all done.

Then I got into the cab and drove to another street facing the bookstore.Stop the car at the doorway of a residential building.Deliberately put the door on one side against the wall not far away.He took out the screwdriver from the clasp and handed it to Fan Keqin.

The latter opened the car door, removed the bullets inside, and put them in his pocket.Said: "I finished taking the gun and went to release the gun. You can leave, and I will go back by myself in a while."

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said: "Then be careful."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said and got out of the car.I came to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and put the screwdriver in the tool box first.Then he picked up the box, closed the trunk, and took a photo of the car.Turn around and pass through the residential area, heading towards the bookstore.

He had been here once before, so he was familiar with it.The current time is just before the rush hour for getting off work, and even if there are people at home, they are ready to cook.Therefore, there are very few pedestrians.

Fan Keqin deliberately controlled his pace, found an opportunity when no one was there, and came to the toilet in the bookstore again.OK, the window is still open.Therefore, Fan Keqin took two quick steps and jumped in from that window again.

This time Fan Keqin didn't go upstairs, but directly hid in a toilet cubicle and stood on the toilet.Carefully reaching out, one of the hanging sheds above was propped up with her hand, and a hole was removed.Then he gently placed the entire trombone box on top.Finally, the bullet bag was taken out, and it was also on it.Bring that piece of hanging canopy back to its original shape.

Pull the latch calmly and come out from the compartment.Went to the window and looked outside.After waiting for a woman to leave with a child, he jumped out of the window.Passed through the residential area, took a rickshaw, and headed towards Nanjing Road.

Nanjing Road is not short, it is a few blocks away from the company, so Fan Keqin stopped and paid.Returned to the company after a while.

After finding Bai Fengtai in the general manager's office, Fan Keqin asked, "Have you been back for a while? How is it? Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Bai Fengtai said: "Miss Tong told your secretary to ask you not to leave at night, but to have dinner with you."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "Okay, in order to prepare for the awareness of engagement and avoid suspicion, we don't live together now. This way, we have a chance. So, starting tomorrow, we will implement the plan."

"It needs to be done tighter." Bai Fengtai said: "They have been studying for two days now, and it is impossible to keep studying. I guess, the reception and security work of Gugu's team after they come over have been studied almost. Fortunately, even if they finish the research, they still need to implement it. So Masaki Inuyang, an old devil, is definitely not hiding in the consulate as before."

Fan Keqin said: "Just one chance is enough. And this time, the difficulty is actually not high. There is no need to hide any evidence. It's okay to assassinate generously, as long as no one finds us. But This point, under the current general environment, no one can tell clearly. This old devil will die as soon as he dies. Things will continue, but it needs Akikura Daisho to work hard to see if he can't take the position."

Bai Fengtai actually agreed with Fan Keqin's statement.After all, after Wang Zhaohai's death, the market can be said to be even more chaotic.It is not uncommon for the officers of the little devils and some officials of the puppet Wang to be assassinated under such circumstances.Therefore, when Inuyang Masaki died, he died.It will be counted as an assassination by the anti-Japanese group, at least it is impossible to think that this is to create a chance for Akura Daisho.

After the two chatted with each other for a while, Fan Keqin returned to his office and received an internal call from the downstairs door after a while.Say that Miss Tong is here and let him come down to have dinner together.

Fan Keqin put on his coat and strolled downstairs. Sure enough, Miss Tong was wearing a sky blue cheongsam and sunglasses, smiling at herself in the car.

Walking over and sitting next to Ms. Tong in the back row, Fan Keqin said, "What kind of happy event is this? Happy to be like this? Hurry up and share with me."

"Didn't I see you?" Miss Tong smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a day, dear, do you miss me?"

"You also said that it's just a daytime." Fan Keqin said, "There's nothing to think about."

"Go." Miss Tong patted Fan Keqin and said, "Anyway, I miss you. Let's go, let's have some food, and then drink some wine with me. I ordered all the wedding dresses today, and I'm in a very good mood." Happy. Gotta celebrate."

"That's something to celebrate." Fan Keqin said, "It looks like this wedding dress suits your wishes, doesn't it?"

"Of course." Miss Tong said: "Honey, two of them came here with pictures of new wedding dresses, and I chose two more, both of which are very beautiful. Hehe, I feel the same way."

Fan Keqin said, "What about jewelry, necklaces and earrings? Have you finished choosing?"

"No." Miss Tong said, "I'm so busy today, how can I have time. But tomorrow...after that, I'll let them send it over."

Fan Keqin said: "Success, but you should wait and choose again. I actually have an idea during this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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