spy ace

Chapter 2346 Action

Chapter 2346 Action
Fan Keqin went on to say: "It is to design a set of jewelry for you with your own hands. You can see if you can ask them to come to the jewelry store, and call the old master over. When the time comes, let them see if they can make it. I guess there is no problem." , It’s nothing more than spending more money.”

Sure enough, Miss Tong liked Fan Keqin very much.As for money... There is no concept of money in the concept of the eldest lady, okay?

As for whether Fan Keqin will design and clean up?Won't!But he will copy it.The jewelry designs of later generations are all kinds of things, but in this year's jewelry, although there are some very beautiful ones, but overall, they look very old-fashioned, solemn and calm, but they lack a sense of impact.

After all, the future is the era of information explosion. Even a man who doesn't like jewelry will see many pictures of jewelry and know some jewelry brands when passively receiving information on the Internet.

Furthermore, Fan Keqin was an old criminal investigator in his previous life, and he had participated in many cases of theft of precious jewels, so he had seen many genuine ones.

Therefore, what Fan Keqin wants to give to Miss Tong is the style he has seen on the Internet of later generations.A necklace, a ring, a pair of earrings, a bracelet.

The two went to have a meal happily, and chattered for a long time before sending Miss Tong home first.And when Fan Keqin returned to his home, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

But there must be enough time, and I slept until five o'clock in the morning.Fan Keqin got up, washed up, put on the most low-key clothes in the closet, and a suit that didn't fit so well. What a suitable suit.But inside, he was wearing a high-end white shirt and vest that fit his temperament very well.The trousers are also the same. They wear two layers, but the inner layer is a relatively high-end product.After washing, the hair lost a side part in the opposite direction.In his pocket, he brought a small wooden comb and a small box not much larger than the lid of a medicine bottle, which contained pomade.This small box is round, the kind used for women's foundation these days.

Come out from home.At this time, there are already people on the street, because some people who get up early to do business are basically open now.

Especially the steamed buns, the early stalls that make chaos, have already been set up at the stalls.Fan Keqin drank Chaos, ate a few steamed buns, walked across several streets, and entered a residential building.Although the early stalls on the street have already come out, as far as a certain residential building is concerned, there are still very few people traveling, after all, it is a bit too early.

So Fan Keqin drove a bicycle in the bicycle shed downstairs when no one was around, and immediately rode up and left the residential building.Then all the way to the bookstore went smoothly.

But Fan Keqin didn't go directly to the bookstore, but came to the residential area behind the bookstore.Find a place to move the bike quite well.Because the bicycle is opened by itself with technology, it can still be locked.But the spot where he parked itself had other bikes parked.The reason is that there are many thieves these days, and bicycles are very valuable, so stealing bicycles is common.

If when he came back, the bicycle he had ridden disappeared and was stolen, then Fan Keqin could still steal a bicycle again and leave the scene quickly by virtue of his unlocking technology.

After finishing all this, Fan Keqin moved forward, that is, put his hands in his sleeves.Although he looks good in itself, his clothes are really a bit recognizable at a glance: a lazy toad on the road - meaning a small jeep in camouflage.

Then he turned his hands toward his sleeves and walked hunched over.It gives people a feeling of: "This person is very unconfident and low self-esteem."

But all of this is because of Fan Keqin's disguise, temperamental disguise.As for the disguise technique, that's impossible, at least not in this era.Later generations have a silicone all-inclusive mask, and then carefully paint the places where the eyes and mouth are exposed, but it can also be disguised.

But that kind of thing, even if it appears in this era, will still be seen by people.Especially professionals.Because although your appearance is definitely different from the original one, it's okay if that thing doesn't make any expressions.As long as the expression is on, it will give professionals a feeling of: "Fake! Very dull, very dull".So immediately began to doubt you.

Does that mean I don’t make facial expressions?no!Because if you don't make an expression, it's the same as showing a cold face.And who are you showing your coldness to?Aren't you looking for someone to pay attention to you?

Therefore, Fan Keqin used a temperamental camouflage.But it was a bit too early at this time, so no one saw it at this stage.But it must be prepared.

When he came to the door of the bookstore, the window of the toilet was still open.But Fan Keqin felt normal. After all, they were all departments of the pseudo-government, and the cleaners working there would not be so conscientious.They are all public places, as long as the face is passable.Furthermore, the window of a toilet, now that the weather is hot, can be opened at night, who cares what it is.

But this made it easier for Fan Keqin. Seeing that there was no one around, he quickly took two steps forward.In the last step, he flicked hard, and his body flew into the air and "flyed" into the toilet on the first floor of the bookstore.

After entering, Fan Keqin immediately stretched out his hand to push several compartments, and they were all able to be pushed open.Fine, no one.Then Fan Keqin entered the last compartment where the gun was hidden yesterday.

Just in case, plug the latch.Fan Keqin stood on the toilet.Reach out and unscrew the board of the hanging shed.Hold the box of the trombone from inside, and gently slide it down.Put your back on your back, and then restore the board of the hanging shed.Stepped down the toilet.

I opened the box of the trombone and took a look inside, all right, everything is there.So Fan Keqin closed it, pulled the latch, and walked out of the toilet.

At this time, the bookstore is still quiet inside.But this is also normal, after all, it is a government department of the puppet Wang, so they go to work on time.It was just over six o'clock at this time, who could come so early.

After Fan Keqin got inside, he no longer used the posture of bending his waist with his hands facing forward.Instead, it becomes generous, but when the feet step again, especially when the feet hit the ground, they are controlled as lightly as possible, making the sound very small, or even no sound.

This is because once you really meet someone.Wretched actions, then I won't doubt you, and I will definitely doubt you...

(End of this chapter)

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