spy ace

Chapter 2353 Professor Appears

Chapter 2353 Professor Appears
Schneider continued: "Although it's a bit impolite to say this, I'm really a little hungry. Is there anything to eat here?"

"Yes, yes. Come, Mr. Schneider, please follow me." Sun Guoxin smiled and waved in, and walked in side by side with Schneider, asking about the situation on Schneider's road while walking.

Schneider naturally answered one by one, and after arriving at the cafeteria of the Security Bureau, he entered Sun Guoxin's separate dining room.Sun Guoxin asked the back kitchen to cook some new dishes that were faster.However, no matter how fast the speed is, it is impossible to finish the job in an instant. Schneider continued to introduce the situation to Sun Guoxin.

It turned out that Schneider adopted a very, very simple method along the way, which was to follow the refugees.You know, there are almost no refugees these days.It's nothing more than a certain trend is bigger, and there are more people in a period of time.Or the tide is smaller and there are fewer people.

Schneider used the method of following refugees and acting as refugees.So the journey along the way is naturally unpleasant, but this method is quite safe, because the little devil and the puppet Wang actually have no good way to deal with the refugee tide, and there is no time to hide, thinking that the refugees are a burden.So basically, without receiving exact intelligence, it's impossible to check every batch of refugees.

Therefore, Schneider can be said to have followed the refugees all the way to Sichuan.At first, he was a foreigner, his appearance was too obvious.However, at this time, many Belarusian refugees also entered China. Therefore, at the beginning, he relied on his ability to speak several foreign languages, including the Belarusian language, so he acted as a Belarusian refugee.

But after a while, Schneider's hair and beard grew so long that it was impossible to take care of it.In this way, after the half-length hair and messy beard came out, some of the foreign features on his face were covered up.In addition, his body is actually quite thin, and he didn't have enough food and clothing along the way, so he was no different from a real refugee.And he followed a group of refugees all the way, so gradually no one thought he was a foreigner.

However, when he entered Chongqing, he still ran into trouble, because Fan Keqin made a foreign population registration policy, and he couldn't escape the registration at all.Fortunately, although he doesn't have any identity certificate, he can speak fluent Chinese and register normally.I registered all the names and the situation of the students who came to join me.

The foreign population registration policy is initially checked every three days, and you have to take the initiative to go to the registration office in each region to register again.So Schneider has time.He didn't delay, and went directly to the address of the Security Bureau that Fan Keqin told him.

Although Schneider himself is a very good secret service expert, it is very easy to play a refugee.But it doesn't mean that he likes to act as a refugee, even eating and drinking is a problem, who wants to keep acting like this.

Sun Guoxin glanced at Liao Wangkun and said, "Wangkun, go and see the back kitchen and tell them to hurry up."

Liao Wangkun immediately understood, and said: "Yes, I will go out and urge the back kitchen, why hasn't it come up for so long." Saying that, he walked out.In fact, under Sun Guoxin's suggestion, he sent someone directly to investigate Schneider's trajectory.

It's not that Sun Guoxin feels that Schneider has a problem. He doesn't doubt the other party, but says that this is a procedure and must be done.

After Liao Wangkun gave his orders, he went to the back kitchen, and after a while, when he returned, he and the back kitchen staff came in with food.

It's not time for meals either, Sun Guoxin and Liao Wangkun also had breakfast.So I just ate with Schneider, the latter didn't care, he ate very elegantly, but the speed can be ordered not too slow, after cleaning up the three dishes, Guan Sun Guoxin was very polite again and asked for a cigarette and talked about the details of the journey .

Sun Guoxin understands that this is a way for Schneider to be honest with himself.Tell me everything about where you have been and how you got there.So that he can find out Schneider's situation.It is also a means of proving your innocence.

In fact, there is really nothing to say along the way. It is nothing more than following the refugees, how to go, and what the route is.Basically, I haven't encountered anything on the road, so the content of the talk is very boring.

But Sun Guoxin definitely doesn't think so, but appreciates Schneider's frankness.After he finished talking, he said with a smile: "Professor Schneider, when you get here, it's like you're at home. In addition, we will definitely agree to everything that Keqin promised, and there will be no problems. However, you It’s quite sudden today. In this way, temporarily live in a temporary dormitory for a few days, and I will arrange a place for you right away. I don’t think it will take a few days. I just need to buy some furniture and choose a suitable house. It's true that it can't be fixed right away, and Professor Schneider may feel wronged for a while."

"It doesn't matter." Schneider said: "It's a very good result to find you. However, I want to ask, can I enter the Security Bureau? Of course, I don't doubt Keqin and Mr. Director, but say, I What kind of work can you be responsible for?"

Sun Guoxin smiled and said: "I know that Mr. Schneider is an expert in intelligence science. Let Mr. Schneider see if it's okay for you. In the early stage, you should be a consultant for us first. You are familiar with the situation of our security bureau. Then, I will give Schneider Mr. arranges specific tasks. But it must be related to intelligence.”

"Okay." Schneider nodded happily: "Well, I have no problem."

The efficiency of the Security Bureau was still very high. It took less than two days to arrange a house for Schneider, and they were already looking for it.And it's just five streets away from Sun Guoxin's house.It is also a high-end residential area, a two-story building without a yard but with a small green space in front of the door.The conditions are still very good, and Schneider is also equipped with a domestic waiter.and a car in good condition.

Schneider moved out of the dormitory directly and entered this home.He is also very satisfied. After all, he was a loner when he was in Germany, so he has his own house here, and the working environment has not suppressed him. Schneider still likes the current situation.

Another point is that Schneider himself is an expert in intelligence science, so he adapted quickly to enter the Security Bureau.Schneider is now not only a consultant to the Security Bureau, but also an instructor at the training base.

However, for Sun Guoxin, he will definitely not let Schneider work in the second line all the time...

(End of this chapter)

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