spy ace

Chapter 2354 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 2354 The Uninvited Guest

It's just for a while, and there is no suitable arrangement.The main reason is that Schneider is Fan Keqin's teacher. If your arrangement is too low, it will definitely not work. Fan Keqin's face must be taken care of.But when you come up, it’s not okay to arrange a foreigner with a high position.After all, it's only been a few days.

So after several days of research by Sun Guoxin and the directors of several major departments, there is no result yet.But soon, Schneider became a consultant and an instructor in less than a week.Sun Guoxin was contacting the situation in Guangzhou in his office. Investigators from the Security Bureau discovered that something had been shipped from Japan, which was an ink that could be used to print banknotes.The Guangzhou Branch intends to destroy the Japanese puppets, but the Guangzhou Branch’s ability to act is temporarily insufficient, and some people have other tasks, so they ask the headquarters for support.

Sun Guoxin gave instructions very quickly. He had just figured out where to dispatch manpower to support the past, put the secret order into the document bag with confidential words, and pressed the buzzer to ask his secretary Liao Wangkun to take the document away and let his subordinates follow When the program executes...

"Tuk Tuk Tuk" knocked on the door first, and it rang.Sun Guoxin said, "Come in."

"Seat." Liao Wangkun pushed the door and walked in, saying: "Director Mao of the Military Command is here. The gatekeeper just informed me that he should be downstairs by now."

Sun Guoxin frowned.You know, in theory, Dai Yunong or Mao Qiwu, or other characters, as long as the level reaches a certain level, or rises.When you come to your own security bureau, you basically have to call in advance.

This is not to say that Sun Guoxin has a great spectrum, and Dai Yunong always makes an appointment when he sees him.It means that the whereabouts of intelligence personnel, especially the spy chiefs of such intelligence organizations, are uncertain.Although Sun Guoxin is the director of the bureau, he may stay in the security bureau for a long time.But sometimes it goes out.If you don't call in advance, make an appointment, and come here rashly, you may just waste your time and make a trip for nothing.

But now Mao Qiwu didn't even make a phone call, and ran over directly, which is a little unusual.Anyway, although there are some cracks in the Security Bureau and the military command, on the surface, you have to get by.

Sun Guoxin got up and said, "Come on, go down and meet him." As he spoke, he and Liao Wangkun walked out of the office.As a result, just after going down one floor, Mao Qiwu and the deputy came up.

"Brother Qi Wu, it's too late to welcome you." Sun Guoxin said with a smile: "Why don't you say hello in advance? Brother, I should also prepare."

"Oh, Brother Guoxin, you're being polite." Mao Qiwu said with a smile on his face, "It's indeed a bit sudden, didn't it disturb your normal work?"

"How could it be?" Sun Guoxin said, "Come on, please." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand.

The two returned to the director's office side by side, after Liao Wangkun served tea and cigarettes.Sun Guoxin asked: "Brother Qi Wu? What instructions do you have for this time?"

"Aiya." Mao Qiwu said with a smile: "How dare you give instructions. However, the headquarters did encounter some difficulties. I want Brother Guoxin to help."

"Oh?" Sun Guoxin said: "The people led by Boss Dai are all strong soldiers. How could they encounter difficulties? Besides, I haven't heard what happened to the headquarters of the military command? What's the matter? Brother Qi Wu, follow me Tell me?"

Mao Qiwu said: "Boss Dai has organized several training classes before, but after being put into the front line, too many people died for the country. In the follow-up, although there are training schools, the training tasks are still very tight. Just like before, Wang Zhaohai is not Is it dead? We should have pursued the victory, but there are still too few outstanding talents, so although some results have been achieved, they are not great.

Yes, this is not, here I come.Boss Dai is very busy with this matter now, otherwise he would have come in person.I have heard that the personnel training of the Security Bureau is full of blood. "

Sun Guoxin heard the words and said: "To be honest, how can it be possible to have enough blood. But we do have training schools, but they are not enough. But Brother Qi Wu has come here, I definitely can't let you go for nothing. Like this ...The new class will graduate in a few days, I will give half of this group of people to Brother Qi Wu, how about it?"

Mao Qiwu laughed, and said, "Brother Guoxin, man, it's still easy to find now. I'm not here for these fresh graduates."

"Oh?" Sun Guoxin said, "What does Brother Qi Wu mean?"

Mao Qiwu said: "Fan Keqin, Brother Keqin is very capable, and Boss Dai and I both know that Brother Keqin is Brother Guoxin's confidant and favorite general. So, Brother Guoxin, don't get me wrong, it's not about asking for people. It's borrowing , I want to temporarily second Brother Keqin to our military command. I know that Brother Keqin has contributed a lot to the talent training base of the Security Bureau."

Sun Guoxin did not doubt that Mao Qiwu knew about the talent training base planned and prepared by Fan Keqin.Because in the past, although the Security Bureau was also an independent department, it was considered a family with the Military Command, so it was normal for the Military Command to know about this.But now that Mao Qiwu opened his mouth to want his best, isn't that nonsense.

Sun Guoxin showed displeasure.When he was in his position, and with Sun Guoxin's energy-raising skills, he could calmly control his expression in almost any situation.So that's right, he deliberately showed his displeasure, and said: "Brother Qi Wu, Keqin is the senior officer of our security bureau, the director of the investigation department and the captain of the field team.

If such a key person is borrowed by you, how will my security bureau operate?There are many things that cannot be done.Furthermore, Keqin is currently on a mission in another place, and Boss Dai knows this, so he won't be able to come back at all. "

"I know this, so I'm talking about secondment." Mao Qiwu still said with a smile: "As you said, Boss Dai is also clear. But, isn't our military commander really having difficulties? Brother Xin can't help at all. As for what you said just now, Keqin is the senior officer of the Security Bureau, and many things cannot work without him. I also agree. But it is also what you said later, he Aren't you out of town now? Isn't our Security Bureau operating as usual?

Furthermore, Wang Zhaohai was already dead, so it cannot be said that Keqin was useless in other places.It will definitely achieve further results, but, help cultivate follow-up talents.That talent, if there are more people available, the results will definitely be even greater.Brother Guoxin, do you think this is the truth? "

(End of this chapter)

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