spy ace

Chapter 2355

Chapter 2355
Sun Guoxin seemed to be amused, and said: "Brother Qi Wu, how do you know that Keqin is out of town, and the operation of my security bureau is completely smooth? Some of the joints, the details are not clear to others, so there is something wrong. A lot of inconveniences.

If it weren't for the fact that Keqin's mission in the field is very important, do you think I would let him go there in person?The death of Wang Zhaohai led to the chaos of Wang and the puppet, and the Japanese invaders suffered heavy losses. That is the ironclad proof. "

Mao Qiwu smiled more kindly, and said: "Brother Guoxin, don't get angry, brother, this is not normal to tell you. There are certain things and some details that I don't know. So let's ask."

After saying this, Mao Qiwu took a sip of tea and said: "Actually, I know that it must be difficult to ask Brother Keqin to come over for help. Brother Guoxin, Boss Dai has spoken, and there must be difficulties." It will be solved. The determination to solve the difficulty of the Security Bureau is very great. The main thing is that there is indeed a shortage of follow-up talents. If this is not resolved, the military command will encounter real difficulties "Brother Guoxin, you used to be the old director of our military intelligence department, so you can't just ignore it."

Sun Guoxin thought for a while, and said: "Keqin really can't get over now, just like I said just now, I really can't do without him on my side. I'm not a person who just watches the excitement of military affairs, but on my side There are also difficulties. Brother Qi Wu, it stands to reason that according to our rules, some things can’t be discussed even between you and me. But I can reveal a little bit, Keqin is currently presiding over a very important job, it’s true It's very important, and it's impossible to do without him. I'm not saying that I'm evading this point. If he comes back, then this work will be completely wasted.

But what brother Qi Wu said is also true, I am an old man in the military command, and now I have difficulties watching the military command, so I will never ignore it... Look at this, doesn’t the military command need follow-up blood transfusions from outstanding talents?The training base of my security bureau should be expanded a little bit, and from now on, every batch of graduates will be divided equally between me and the military commander, isn't that all right?It also solved the problem of blood transfusion for the follow-up talents of the military command, and also solved the problem that Fan Keqin presided over major tasks and could not move lightly. "

Mao Qiwu said: "Oh, it seems that it really doesn't work. Think about it, brother Guoxin, it's not impossible for you to propose the cooperation of equal distribution of talents. I can immediately promise you that we can provide you with any material matters. It can't be Let the Security Bureau do all the things, and we will lose so many people in each batch.

But, brother Guoxin, think about it, our military command is not short of these people, but the lack of people who train these people, this is the key.Keqin's ability in this area is indeed strong.Let him come over, it's just pre-hosting, and when the training base is built, it will help us train a group of key teachers, and it will be fine.So, we are not short of terminal agents, but need to cultivate hematopoietic ability itself. "

Speaking of this, Mao Qiwu said with a smile: "Brother Guoxin, do you think that Keqin is really inseparable? As long as there is any difficulty, you can just say it. I believe that Boss Dai will definitely agree to solve it."

Hold!If I say it is difficult, I am giving you a chance.So Sun Guoxin said: "Brother Qi Wu, I've said it all. The work that Keqin is presiding over now is really very important, and it is absolutely inseparable. It's like a person who removed his head and replaced it with a different head. Come on, can that work? No exaggeration, it's really like this. It's really inconvenient for me to reveal the joints to you now. So, don't talk about Keqin. "

"Ah? It's so serious." Mao Qiwu nodded and said, "That's fine, I understand Brother Guoxin's difficulties. However, we are brothers, so you have to help me and the military commander, my hometown. How about this? Since Keqin is presiding over important work, let’s do it first. But I heard that you have a German expert here, and he is also a good hand in intelligence teaching. How about lending him to us? This... Guoxin Brother can't disagree.

You know, this German just came to the Security Bureau, and he may not be able to get familiar with the environment in such a short period of time.It is impossible to participate in any major work.So Keqin can't leave, but this German can always lend us the military commander, right? "

Fuck me!It turned out that the reason why he tried so hard to get Fan Keqin before was to play tricks on me.The actual target is Schneider.

Sun Guoxin frowned and said, "Brother Qi Wu is very well-informed. The Germans just came here not long ago, so you already know?"

"Hey." Mao Qiwu said: "It's a coincidence that the Germans came over that day, and we were responsible for the foreign population registration. He came here as a foreigner, and he had to re-register every three days at first, but your Security Bureau After saying hello and proving that the German expert belongs to you, the formalities will be exempted. Don’t you know that.”

Sun Guoxin frowned a little. This foreign population registration system was created by Fan Keqin at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be a bit "backlashed" now.But Sun Guoxin knew about this stuff, so he didn't blame Fan Keqin for making the registration system so strict, but he blamed himself for being careless.But who would have known that the military command could come and snatch the German professor.

Sun Guoxin said: "Brother Qi Wu, the German professor is here for Keqin. If there is no Keqin, even if I pay a big price, he will ignore me at all. Now, when he just came, I will break my trust with others, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Furthermore, Keqin invited the German professor to come over and reached a lot of conditions with the professor.This is tantamount to tearing up the agreement they reached at the beginning, how is this possible. "

"Oh, Brother Guoxin." Mao Qiwu said: "We are not talking about tearing up the so-called agreement, but discussing it with the professor. Even if the professor makes any request, we can agree to it at our discretion. As long as it is not too much, there is no problem. .It’s okay, right? We can’t let the German professor suffer.”

Sun Guoxin said: "I still can't promise you, Brother Qi Wu, if there is no professor's nod on this matter, I will agree directly, that is absolutely impossible. How about this, I will mention it to the professor first, and then I will reply to you So? Brother Qi Wu, don’t worry, I will hurry up.”

"Well." Mao Qiwu said: "That's okay, Brother Guoxin, can you reply tomorrow? I guess it's almost the same? I'm not urging you..."

(End of this chapter)

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