spy ace

Chapter 2372 Continuous Shooting

Chapter 2372 Continuous Shooting
When the two cars are at the intersection, they don't want to turn, they want to drive straight ahead.But in the first car, the old gunman who was placed obliquely in front of him immediately slammed all the people inside.Therefore, the car lost control and turned directly to the side. Like a fly that lost its head, it slammed into a building on the side of the road.

In other words, the driver who drove Tsuruta Ichiro was also a member of his bodyguard team. When the gunshot fired, his reaction was still very quick.He yelled: "Be careful, get down!" Then, he stepped on the accelerator, almost to the bottom, trying to increase the speed of the car and rush straight over.

The driver's reaction was undoubtedly correct.Because whether it is turning, parking or reversing.The car will decelerate to a certain extent, or even stop.And slow down, or stop, even if it is only for a short while, in this case, it is almost the same as courting death.You know, even if you stay for one more second, three Thomson submachine guns are enough to fire dozens of bullets.

Therefore, in this case, it is better to go all the way to the dark.Slam on the accelerator, let the speed of the car increase instead of decrease, and rush through this area in a faster time.That is the real opportunity to win a chance.

However, his reaction on this side was correct.But the three gunmen of the Security Bureau were not vegetarians either.When the old gunman killed the first car as soon as he fired his gun, Qing Ruofeng was also passing through the window of the stolen car where he was, and was facing the car behind where Ichiro Tsuruta was. continuous shooting.

He is definitely not as good as that old gunman when it comes to submachine guns, but he is not a vegetarian either.Coupled with the fact that the distance is so close, although the opponent's speed is not too low.But continuous firepower, coupled with the short distance, and he himself is definitely a good player.Therefore, facing the rear car of Tsuruta Ichiro's convoy, gently swinging the muzzle back and forth, a series of bullets shot out. It can be said that most of the bullets hit the car.Only a very small part fell through.

It is important to emphasize that Qing Ruofeng is very smart.When he fired, at the beginning, he deliberately lowered the muzzle of the gun a few points.In this way, the accuracy of the first few bullets is higher.Several of the bullets hit the wheels of the car where Tsuruta Ichiro was.

What's more, Qing Ruofeng fired after the car behind the convoy passed him.In other words, he shot forward from the side, so the hit was the rear wheel of Tsuruta Ichiro's car.

You know, rear drive is the mainstream for cars this year.All cars are driven mainly by the rear wheels.The tire was punctured at this moment, and the car that Tsuruta Ichiro was in was jolted immediately, and the next moment, he veered off a bit.Although the deviation is not as good as that of the front wheel, the steering wheel has a serious blowout.But one wheel had no air at all, and the car felt very "slippery" when driving, and it was difficult to control even when driving in a straight line.

There is another fatal point, that is, the speed of the car has dropped.Although it was just a puncture, the steel ring inside did not completely crush the rubber due to lack of air.It can be said that the driver kicked the accelerator just now, and it could have accelerated, but the power did not increase much.

On the other side, the gunman on the second floor at the opposite corner of the intersection was shooting based on feeling.Because his gun was hidden in the cloth, he was wandering around the second floor before, but he couldn't show the gun.He was also afraid of missing Tsuruta Ichiro's target car, so he didn't even need to draw the gun, and just wrapped himself in cloth and shot.

But "blind shooting" does not mean that he is not allowed to shoot.After all, the distance is close.And he is considered condescending, with good shooting vision.Therefore, once the fire is fired, the results are not bad.

First of all, he helped the old gunman to sweep the first car with bullets, if he didn't help.The old gunman's shooting alone may not be able to kill all the people in the first car in an instant.You must know that if you have an extra gun, within a few seconds, there will be at least dozens of more bullets.

His shooting never stopped, the muzzle of the gun hardly needed to move, and the second car hit his own muzzle.Therefore, he fired continuously without stopping, aiming at the car behind Tsuruta Ichiro, then moved the muzzle of the gun lightly, chased the second car, and shot out all the seventy-five rounds of drums. That's the end of it.

And he achieved good results. He shot Tsuruta Ichiro's driver, left shoulder, under his left rib, lower abdomen, and outside of his left leg with a total of four bullets.

And Ichiro Tsuruta is the head of the Tsuruta agency, and he pays attention to the seating position in the car these days.It’s not like in later generations, people don’t want to be so particular, and feel that there are too many rules, which makes them uncomfortable, so I am willing to sit wherever I want.Of course, when attending some formal occasions or meeting someone, you should be more careful when riding in a car.

But this year is different.The seat behind the driver is the safest place to drive, and it is also occupied by the highest-status person.Tsuruta Ichiro sat in this position, so he and the driver were also on the side of the cloth gunner on the second floor.Therefore, a series of bullets is also very deadly to an old devil like Tsuruta Ichiro.A bullet plowed a bloody ditch in Tsuruta's scalp.

Another bullet shattered Ichiro Tsuruta's front teeth, and flew out from the cheek on the right side of his cheek.In addition to these two injuries, Tsuruta Ichiro was also shot in the stomach.The intestines inside may have been strangled by the bullet.

But in the final analysis, this old devil is indeed very cunning.The moment before he was shot, he was already doing evasive action.Therefore, after being shot, his movements were consistent, and he stopped immediately without saying anything.

Therefore, Tsuruta Ichiro, an old devil, curled up his body and reduced the area of ​​the bullet, but he dodged most of the bullets from the cloth gunman on the second floor.

But what was really fatal was not Ichiro Tsuruta's shot, but the driver's shot.Originally, the right rear tire of the car was punctured by Qing Ruofeng. There was a problem with the power, and the car "skid" and the difficulty of handling suddenly increased.But the shooting of the cloth gunman on the second floor caused the driver of Ichiro Tsuruta to be seriously injured.

You must know that the human body is a very magical thing. Sometimes even if you are fatally injured, you can still unleash a final powerful blow at the next moment.Therefore, the driver's fatal injury was under the left rib and the lower abdomen.He was shot in the left leg, which was a flesh wound...

(End of this chapter)

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