spy ace

Chapter 2373 Target Clearance

Chapter 2373 Target Clearance
So the shot to the left leg can be temporarily ignored, and it's not a big deal.But the slap on the left shoulder, at this moment, was really a bit fatal.

what happened?Because the car itself is not easy to handle because of a flat tire.He is very experienced in dealing with a car that suddenly "skids". After all, he is a professional, and later Ichiro Tsuruta, the driver of this kind of secret service, the chief of the agency, has been trained in emergency driving in dangerous areas.Faced with a sudden and dangerous situation, the reaction must be much stronger than that of ordinary people.But if this is the case, it will not cause the car to lose control in a short time.

But after the left shoulder was shot suddenly, the whole left hand couldn't use its strength for an instant.Because bullets are not shown on TV. If you shoot them down and bleed a little, I can continue.Unless it is an abrasion, or a penetrating wound to a non-fatal part.That's about it.

Like a shoulder, there are bones inside, and as soon as the bullet is shot in, it immediately shatters the bones inside.Do you still want to keep working hard?Impossible.

Also, do you think cars of this era have power steering systems?No, nothing, so you really have a certain amount of strength to drive, especially to control the steering wheel.Now this ghost driver suddenly lost strength in his left arm. Although other people rely on willpower in a short period of time, their minds are still relatively clear, but they can only rely on their right hand to control the car that has already "skid" with one hand. I'm a little helpless.

So he tried his best to control the steering wheel with one hand, but because the operation was too inconvenient, the car still followed in the footsteps of the previous car. With a "bump", it hit the wall of a building on the side of the road.

It may be because the hit part is the window, which is relatively weak in itself.Therefore, although his speed was not too fast, the wall was smashed and shattered, and half of the front of the car went straight into it.

In this way, he was directly stuck, and the car could not move even if he wanted to.The two people in the car, the driver and Tsuruta Ichiro, were first hit by bullets, and then hit again in a short period of time. Although they didn't die directly, they were knocked unconscious.

Because the old gunman was on the side of the road in front of the car, he was the first to rush up after he finished shooting.First, he passed the first car, facing the four dead bodies inside. Of course, he didn't know if he was really dead or he still had a breath, so he shot again.

Without stopping, he came to the second car, and the flames from the muzzle of the gun were once again fierce.A series of bullets hit Ichiro Tsuruta, who was already limp and comatose in the back seat, and his vest was bloody. You don't need to look to know that the bones and organs inside must have been smashed.

Then the veteran gunman quickly turned his gun and fired two short bursts at the driver.The driver is also directly dried into a sieve.At this moment, he opened the back door of the car, grabbed Ichiro Tsuruta's hair, stared at the other person's face, and made sure that this must be the old devil Ichiro Tsuruta.Although the opponent's front teeth and right cheek had been punched bloody holes by the bullet, but through the facial features of other parts, he could still recognize the old devil and looked at his target Tsuruta Ichiro squarely.

When Qing Ruofeng finished shooting, he saw Tsuruta Ichiro's car also lost control and rushed to the side of the road.He immediately took Thomson's charge, controlled the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove his car directly from the side of the road.

Soon, it didn't take long to drive to the side of the road where Tsuruta Ichiro's car hit the wall.It just so happened that the old gunman had already confirmed, the mission was completed, and the target had been cleared.So the old gunman ran to the side of the car in three or two steps, held his gun, and began to guard his surroundings.

The cloth gunman on the second floor reacted quickly, and he finished shooting.When the target vehicle had already passed the intersection and lost its shooting angle, he stopped firing.A Thompson submachine gun pulled out of the cloth.Throwing the cloth, and sitting on the window with one leg, a free fall came directly.

Too high will definitely not work, but if it is only the height of the second floor, then there is no problem.When it landed, there was a roll, and the impact force was removed. Then, with the gun in hand, he swung his legs and ran towards the two cars that lost control and hit the wall.

But he was a step too late after all, so wait for him to come up.The old gunman had completely eliminated the target, and then stood next to the evacuated car, helping him on guard.

When the cloth gunner arrived, he was not polite. After all, now is not the time to be polite.So he opened the car door and sat in, saying, "Get in the car!"

The old gunman followed him closely, and got into the passenger door that Qing Ruofeng had opened.Qing Ruofeng waited for him to come in, maybe the door hadn't been completely closed, so he kicked the accelerator to go down.The car rushed out immediately.

In other words, from the first shot to the time when they got into the car, it didn't take thirty seconds in total.And most of the time, it was because Tsuruta Ichiro's car was stuck on the side of the road, causing the old gunmen to run over and make sure everyone was killed, so it took some more time.Otherwise, it would take only a few seconds for a hundred rounds of ammunition to be fired just by shooting.After all, the rate of fire of the Thomson submachine gun is still very fast.

With a normal [-]-round magazine, Thomson's rate of fire can reach [-] rounds per minute.If there are all [-] rounds of drums, coupled with extremely skilled reloading, the theoretical rate of fire can even exceed [-] rounds per minute, reaching a terrifying [-] rounds.

Of course, this is the most ideal and perfect state in theory.In actual combat, that is almost impossible.No one can guarantee such a perfect reloading state and shooting environment.

But it can be seen that Thomson's rate of fire is indeed very fierce.Now Tsuruta Ichiro and several of his bodyguards have tasted the taste of this metal storm.

The car quickly came to an intersection ahead, Qing Ruofeng turned the steering wheel directly and turned the car into it.Then went straight for a while, and turned again from an intersection.But after turning this corner, the speed of the car is not so fast anymore.

Qing Ruofeng did it on purpose, because the current local situation is really not good, and there is really panic.Therefore, there are a lot of patrols on the street.If you maintain a high speed all the time, as long as you encounter a patrol team, it will almost certainly make the other party suspect that there is something wrong with your car. Therefore, it is very necessary to keep the speed at a normal speed after leaving the scene of the incident. .

(End of this chapter)

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