spy ace

Chapter 2375 Arrive at the scene

Chapter 2375 Arrive at the scene
Bai Fengtai went on to say: "Didn't Missy order to get more machines last time? There are twelve machines in total. In addition, I will inform Director Zhan and his dedicated photographer to go and have a look. Where to arrange the machine can be more effective, and it is guaranteed not to be delayed."

Miss Tong was also very happy after listening, and thanked Bai Fengtai.He also told him to give more red envelopes to Director Zhan and the photographers.Naturally, Bai Fengtai readily agreed without any problems, after all, the bride is the most annoying person.

After hearing Bai Fengtai's words, Fan Keqin's understanding was completely different from Miss Tong's.He knew that Bai Fengtai said that because today's action was successful.Tsuruta Ichiro is dead, so Shinoda Toshizo's arrangement should be fine.Moreover, after Tsuruta Ichiro died, Shinoda Toshizo should be very happy.

In fact, what Fan Keqin guessed was right.Shinoda Toshizo was really happy after receiving a phone call.After putting down the phone, there was disbelief and sadness on his face.

Then, Shinoda Toshisan's face became serious.After walking out of the office, he immediately found departments such as the Foreign Affairs Section, the Investigation Room, and the Operations Room. When he walked out of the office building of the Tsuruta Agency, the heads of each department, as well as some elite secret agents, were with Shinoda Toshizo from.

After receiving the news of Tsuruta Ichiro's accident, they were also shocked.But now they have to make a trip.Because Shinoda Toshizo said that he had just received a call, and the opposite was a squadron leader of the gendarmerie.He is on duty today. Normally, when such a thing happens, the gendarmerie will really have to intervene.And the people below responded that during the search of the scene, documents were found in Tsuruta Ichiro's car, as well as a document with two holes punched by the bullet, with the words top secret.Therefore, it is impossible for the squadron leader to sit still.

As a result, the squadron leader came to take a look at the scene and recognized Ichiro Tsuruta.Therefore, he immediately notified the Tsuruta agency, and Shinoda Toshizo had been approved by the superior department because of his promotion report.Therefore, he is now the second-in-command of the Tsuruta Agency.So after he answered the phone, he immediately notified the heads of each subordinate department, and rushed to the scene with the elite.

They all have cars, so soon, Shinoda Toshizo and his party have arrived.At this time, the scene has been cordoned off, and many people are guarding outside.This area of ​​the accident site has been completely blocked.No one is allowed in or out unless they are relevant personnel.

After getting out of the car, a ghost officer also came over, looked at the leader Shinoda Toshizo, and said, "Is it Your Excellency Shinoda?"

"Yes." Shinoda Suizo said, "Are you the captain of Tatsuo Kusumoto?"

"Yes." Nan Yuan Dafu replied, "Please come with me."

It turned out that Duff Kusumoto and the others had already basically taken pictures at the scene, and they were collecting evidence.At this time, they had already lifted the corpse from the car and placed it in a corpse truck next to it.

When a group of people came to the front, Tatsuo Kusumoto pointed to a stretcher covered with a white cloth, and said, "Please, Your Excellency Shinoda, take a look, is it... Tsuruta-san."

Shinoda Toshizo looked very heavy, nodded to him, then stretched out his hand to pinch the white cloth, and slowly opened it.The face of the corpse inside was revealed.Shinoda Suizan's heart could be said to be elated. Although one side of the face was pierced by a bullet and a hole was made, he could still confirm that this was Tsuruta Ichiro without a doubt.

He was happy in his heart, but his face was serious and he looked left and right at the heads of several departments he had brought. "Yes, the head of the agency." "It's miserable, but yes, it's the head of the Tsuruta agency." Several people said one after another.

Shinoda Toshizo let go, and then lifted the other shrouds one by one.The person in charge of each department who came said that it was indeed Ichiro Tsuruta's bodyguard.

Shinoda Suizan bowed his head, closed his eyes, as if suppressing his anger, and asked in a low voice: "Captain Nanyuan, who killed Director Tsuruta? Where are the other party's people?"

Tatsuo Kusumoto replied with a little shame: "I'm really sorry, everyone. When we arrived, we found Director Tsuruta dead in the car. He and the driver of the car also died. In another car In the car, His Excellency Tsuruta's bodyguards were also shot several times, and they are already dead. We are done, and we did not stop the perpetrators who killed His Excellency Tsuruta."

"Captain Nanyuan needn't say I'm sorry. You weren't there at the time, so no matter what, I can't blame you." Shinoda Toshizo said in a deep voice, "On the contrary, we also want to thank Captain Nanyuan for notifying us to come here. Thank you very much." Said As he spoke, he bent at ninety degrees to Tatsuo Nanyuan and bowed.

Seeing this, the heads of various departments behind him also bowed to Nanyuan Duff at the same time, as if saying goodbye to his dead body.But this is normal for the little devil.

Duff Nanyuan hurriedly returned the gift, and the farewell to the dead body became a happy event for husband and wife to worship each other.Shinoda Suizan straightened up, and still said in his suppressed voice: "Captain Nanyuan, how about our Tsuruta organization taking over this matter?"

Of course Nanyuan Dafu understood that his chief of staff had died, and it would be a great shame if the case was handed over to another department.Besides, he didn't need to make things difficult for Shinoda Toshizo and the others, so he said directly: "No problem, but we are the first to take over after all, so please send someone from Shinoda to handle the handover procedures with us."

"Thank you Captain Nanyuan." Shinoda Suizan turned his head and said again: "Section Chief Yamane, please go through the handover procedures with Captain Nanyuan."

"Hiichi!" Yamane Yuji replied, and immediately began to chat with Tatsuo Kusumoto.

Toshizo Shinoda ordered again: "Chief Oshiro, please find a phone immediately and bring over the people from the investigation room and the technical team. Captain Shanda, please call the people from the action team to start the investigation immediately. I will Take the rest of the people to immediately visit the surrounding buildings and crowds. Please do your best! Let’s take action.”

"Hey one!" The heads of each department immediately started to act according to Shinoda Toshizo's arrangement.Suizo Shinoda led the people, and first chatted with Tatsuo Kusumoto.Then walked into a shop on the opposite corner of the intersection.Call the waiter in the store, the buddy, the boss, etc., and start to interrogate.With paper and pen in hand, ask and record.

(End of this chapter)

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