spy ace

Chapter 2376

Chapter 2376

This morning, Miss Tong went to the wedding ceremony alone.Fan Keqin immediately took the time to meet with Bai Fengtai, and first asked about yesterday's situation in detail.After Bai Fengtai explained the whole story to him clearly, Fan Keqin said: "Those brothers, you must keep a low profile recently. If there is another matter, don't use them for the time being."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said: "Understood, I specifically told them to stop running around and stay in a latent state. If you don't call them, let them sleep forever."

"Very good." Fan Keqin said, "What you did yesterday was pretty good. If it goes well, Shinoda Toshizo will soon be in charge."

Bai Fengtai said: "I guess so." Then he suggested, and said: "Brother Heng, shall we give him some strength?"

After hearing this, Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "Okay, then give him a murderer. It's just that this thing must be done beautifully. If people can see it, it will give Shinoda Suizan's superior position instead. Add trouble."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said, "Understood, I have an idea. Brother Heng, please tell me that you can check it out for me."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "Go ahead."

"When Tsuruta Ichiro died." Bai Fengtai said: "We kept those guns. Should we use these guns to make a fuss? Use these things to make evidence, and then we will find a few people. But these people It's not the operatives, nor the person who fired the gun, but the eyes responsible for the observation during the assassination of Tsuruta Ichiro. I probably thought so much. Look at this skeleton, is it feasible?"

Fan Keqin didn't answer right away, but thought again for a while, and said, "It's possible. If I were an investigator, I would definitely visit around the incident site and investigate some situations. And the three gunmen are the specific executors. Their probably I can almost grasp the appearance. Therefore, after a period of time, if I find three people, although in their homes or related places, I found the guns and ammunition used in the crime. But, these three people The appearance of the individual is completely different from what I grasped during the visit, so I may suspect that there may be something going on here.

However, if the person I am looking for is just the eyes in charge of monitoring.Then his appearance is different from those three specific executors, which is quite normal.Because he didn't act at that time, he was naturally like a passerby, and no one noticed him. "

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "It's just that there is one thing that is not easy to deal with, that is, this person must not be able to use our people. But if this person is alive, he will also be exposed if he is interrogated by the little devil.

So this person has to be a dead person.But it seems inappropriate to directly give a dead person.Gives people a feeling that this is intentional.How to avoid it? "

Fan Keqin said: "This point is actually quite simple. Don't forget, Shinoda Toshisan is ours now. Back then, how did we let him do meritorious service? Isn't that a dead person? But this person can't die before. He must die when they arrest him. As long as his death is done beautifully, the rest will be fine."

Bai Fengtai said: "Well, then should we put some evidence of action plans in his home?"

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said, "No, that's too obvious. In fact, the guns and ammunition can't be placed directly in his home. The kid has to find them by himself. That's the key."

Bai Fengtai said: "Then we can find this scapegoat first, and then investigate the life trajectory of this scapegoat. Find out where he has been, we can choose a secret one among the places he has been to, and then hide the gun skillfully. It's inside. As for how to let Shinoda Toshizo find out..."

Having said that, Bai Fengtai didn't continue talking, but began to think in his mind.Fan Keqin interjected and said, "How did you find out about this? Why don't you just ask Shinoda Toshizo directly. He is in it, and it may be more appropriate than we think about it."

Bai Fengtai smiled after hearing this, and said: "That's right, we don't need to think too much, his consideration must be more in line with their situation."

Fan Keqin said: "He is now in the critical period of taking the top position, isn't he already the deputy? In fact, once Tsuruta Ichiro died, he is now the highest officer of the Tsuruta agency for the time being. Although we avoid the possibility of airborne a top leader, that's why we want to Come to this play. However, Shinoda Suisan, he definitely doesn't want to fall short, and bet on the possibility of that eventuality, whether it can be avoided or should be avoided. Therefore, he must make us work harder. What's more, he is now He is already the supreme officer, maybe he is much easier to find a reason than us. The reason last time was very good, the information provided by an informant. No one can find fault."

Bai Fengtai said: "Then do it this way, I will pass this situation on to Shinoda Suisan later."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Okay."

"Brother Heng." Bai Fengtai said again: "How about the Gugu team? Do you need me to bring in some new faces? The brothers who came here are all new faces from the headquarters. It's been active here."

Fan Keqin gave a "hmm" and replied: "The progress is very slow. However, Daxiang Akikura has now become the liaison officer of the Furuya team. Two days ago, he had already contacted many senior officials in the local area, and even I contacted the members of the Wang puppet committee in Nanjing. I was thinking that the Gugu team is a bit cloudy now. Then can we shift the focus to these high-ranking officials of the puppet government."

Bai Fengtai said: "It is true that the old devil Gu Gu will not be able to find a breakthrough for a while. Unless he really does not hesitate to mobilize a large number of troops to attack hard. But such a large-scale mobilization is really difficult to keep secret. If it is In this case, it is also a way to shift the target to the high-ranking officials of the puppet Wang, as long as these people die, then the puppet Wang will become more chaotic, and the purpose of Gu Gu's team coming will also be destroyed by us."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, the purpose of destroying them is to make the Japanese puppets more chaotic, thus consuming the vitality of the little devils. But I am a little worried now, if I really kill a few of these high-ranking officials of the puppet Wang, will it It caused a backlash. Let other people feel that this is already the case, and there are still people who continue to assassinate. Then this group of people will see that it is important to save their lives first. Then they will directly cooperate with the little devil. If this is the case... "

(End of this chapter)

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