spy ace

Chapter 2390 Means

Chapter 2390 Means
Huazhang actually knew about the situation that Shi Chuande said.Before that, they had captured many spies of little devils.And Fan Keqin's interrogation is very comprehensive, not just knowing your online and offline from your mouth, and it's over.I also need to ask you about your previous situation, where you were trained, who you trained with, and even recall who was there at that time and what they looked like, so that the painter can draw all these people and keep them as archives. .

Therefore, Hua Zhangguang also knew a lot about this situation from the mouths of these people.So he echoed: "Yeah, I've also heard about this. Now Ning Yuanzhong is probably such a person, but the key is, how do we catch him. If it is someone else, we don't need to have the so-called evidence.

But Ning Yuanzhong is different. He is the director of the General Inspection Office of the Ministry of National Defense, and his position is not low.But this is nothing, the point is that his old leader has a good relationship with him, he is a big boss of the Military Commission, although we have the old man's warrant, we can definitely bring Ning Yuanzhong back by force.However, as long as Ning Yuanzhong refuses to admit it, and his old leader tries his best, we may end up returning without success, and it will also cause a situation of scaring the snake. "

Shi Chuande nodded, and said: "We can bring him back and directly punish him, but there are great risks in doing so. As you said, people like Ning Yuanzhong, from our questioning, are We can see what we have. Even if we avoid this, we cannot avoid it. He will definitely guess that we have no evidence. If it is someone else, it doesn’t matter if we don’t have evidence, but he can’t, so he will definitely have a lot of evidence. If there is a high chance, he won’t tell if he is killed. Because only after he is killed, he will know that he will definitely win in the end.”

Huazhang said: "What should we do about this? Professor, I personally think that we should give all the means to the other party first. On the other hand, isn't he going to continue to investigate who the ghost is? We can use this One point, take him alone and get the stolen goods. In this case, even if his old leader knows, it is impossible to cover him."

Shi Chuande said: "If he wants to investigate ghosts, he must have access to some information related to the Security Bureau. In addition, even if he finds out, he still needs to pass on the information. He passed on the information to the Japanese Consulate General before. , using telegrams, I believe he will do the same now. Of course, we must also prevent him from using other methods. For example, after checking it out, put the information in the dead mailbox, and then his offline will go to pick it up Come out and send the report.

But, he always has to do something.We just need to stare at him, stare at him.As soon as he does these moves, we can immediately close the net.It's just...it might be a risk for ghosts.Ghosts are our trump card now, and there must be no exposure.This kind of risk can still be avoided as long as it can be avoided. Therefore, can we make a false report and make the ghost become someone else? "

Huazhang said: "Ghosts are not so easy to impersonate." She objected: "Professor, if he is very sensitive in this regard, the gain will not be worth the loss. Think about it, from the information he wore to the Consulate General of the Devil last time, he To investigate the ghost, there must be a certain progress. That’s why he expressed that the ghost will be found by him in the end. And after a certain progress, if we want to set up a fake ghost, will he notice it? After all, we don't know what he's mastering right now."

Shi Chuande waited for her to finish, nodded, and said: "Thank you for reminding me, what you said makes sense, then change another one. When he contacted the Japanese Consulate General last time, he mentioned that he wanted several people who dared to die. Dead men come here. The number is very clear, five. Can we pay attention to this situation."

Hua Zhang said: "Agreed, we can actually focus on Ning Yuanzhong, no matter how these people come here, we will definitely contact him."

"There is also a foreign population registration system." Shi Chuande said: "Don't let this one go, just in case."

Huazhang said: "Yes, then we can just do this."

The two did some research and called the special agents of the special investigation department, and the arrangement continued like this.In fact, the two of them analyzed so much, and the work they arranged was not complicated, as long as Ning Yuanzhong was monitored in all directions.In addition, it is enough to send some special personnel to pay attention to the foreign population registration system.

So what is the use of their analysis?Of course it is useful. Only after analysis, or even analysis, can we determine what to do and be more effective.As it is now, without analyzing it, just stare blankly, maybe there will be a problem in any link.

After the arrangement, there were four more monitoring points around Ning Yuanzhong's house without a sound. There were two monitoring points, one in front and one behind.But it can be compensated by a telescope, even if Ning Yuanzhong is at home, if he does not close the curtains, he can see his situation at home.

There is another group of people, not many, just three.Always monitor the water and electricity situation of Ning Yuanzhong's house.And the four monitoring points are all equipped with bicycles, as long as Ning Yuanzhong goes out, there will inevitably be tracking masters staring at each other.Coupled with the latest American camera, equipped with the optical lens of the Rice factory, as long as it is not in a closed environment, it can clearly shoot the other party hundreds of meters away.

As for Ning Yuanzhong's situation in the General Inspection Office of the Ministry of National Defense.This is a bit difficult, but Huazhang and Shi Chuande also thought of a way, that is, they can use the old Chiang's warrant to pretend to be inspectors.In this way, they can enter the Ministry of Defense and freely inspect the work of any department.

Of course, it is definitely not good to be too generous, but if you understand the situation of each department normally, then there is no problem.For example, I just finished wandering around in other departments recently, such as general affairs and the information department.Then I found a few people from the General Inspection Office to find out about their work.Then I went to the Personnel Bureau and chatted with their leader.

That should be fine.Although Saturn must be vigilant in his heart, they pretended to be members of the inspection team.And the work of the inspection team itself is like this, and there is also the old man's warrant.It's normal no matter what.Saturn may be more vigilant, but he can't, just slap his head and find out that they are fakes.

(End of this chapter)

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