spy ace

Chapter 2391 Alertness

Chapter 2391 Alertness
In addition, this is an arrangement on the surface.In addition to the above functions, there is also an effect of slamming east and west.It can also cover up secret arrangements at the same time.

That was Huazhang and Shi Chuande who specially sent people to watch over the inspectors in the Chief Inspection Office.If Saturn wants to analyze who the ghost is through information, can he always go to the military command and security bureau by himself?Even if he consults a normal file, information, etc., will he get it by himself?
Impossible, he will definitely make reasonable use of his normal position and ask his subordinates to help him unconsciously complete the information collection work.For example, he will call a subordinate in the office: Xiao Wang, the report from the police station has been received, and it has been done well. I read it, and there is no problem. You can seal up their work materials for this section. up.However, on the side of the Security Bureau, you also have to hurry up.

In this way, Xiao Wang must hurry up to obtain some information from the Security Bureau.Although the Security Bureau is not the Police Department.It belongs to a confidential unit, but.They are the chief inspection office, normal work materials, expenses for a period of time, funds used, items and so on.There must be some openness to these things.

If you want to keep everything secret, and keep it secret from everyone, that is also nonsense.That's what people do. I asked you why you scrapped so many cars last month.You replied that it was confidential.Let me ask you again, what do you mean by approving so much gasoline this month?You said it was confidential again.Fuck, I think you're playing "Liggle Leng" with me.We are the chief inspection office, you keep this stuff a secret?And last time there was so much more staff, why are you playing with me for nothing!

Therefore, even a truly confidential department like the Security Bureau actually has to keep specific things absolutely secret.For example, when the intelligence personnel arrived there, what were they doing?These must be kept completely confidential.If you ask, the person who asks will have questions.But you added so many staff last month, with so much salary, let’s check to see if there are any of these people, it’s okay, aren’t you keeping it secret?We don't know the specific information of these people, just check whether there are such numbers of people.Why are you still keeping it a secret? Isn't that sick?

Therefore, nothing is absolute.The Security Bureau is a confidential department, but it still needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.It seems to be the [-]st District of the later generations of Da Laomei. Let's take him as an example.Keep it a secret!But that depends on whom.How many billions of funds are awarded to you a year, and I don't even know your work progress and research progress, what are you playing?

At the very least, you have to let the people in the big white house, a few of them, special supervisors, know the progress of your work, and study the situation.It's not that outsiders can't do anything, but you have to grant me hundreds of millions of funds, that's how we are!You have to give it!Fuck, there can't be a department that does this, otherwise, the existence of this department would be pointless.That must not work.

And now, the Chief Inspectorate is doing just that.So Huazhang and Shi Chuande took advantage of their characteristics, just staring at his subordinates and seeing what these inspectors did when they arrived in that department.You can know what kind of information Saturn touched on this day.

It's like you may not have met this person, but you know all about his family, and all his family, what they did, you all know.Then you will know about what this person did on this day.

In other words, after Ning Yuanzhong got off work.He returned home in his own car, and soon his wife and children greeted him.Mainly his daughter, who was praised by the teacher at school today, was very happy in her heart, so when she saw her father come back, she immediately stepped forward to show her merit.

After hearing this, Ning Yuanzhong put on a smile on his face, and said, "Okay, my daughter has never made me worry about it, she really gave my father face."

When his daughter heard this, she rolled her eyes, and immediately said coquettishly: "Dad, do you have to give me some rewards?"

"Oh, you're taking advantage of the fire." Ning Yuanzhong smiled and said, "Let's talk about it first, don't overdo it. If it's reasonable, then...it's not impossible to consider."

"Not too much, not at all." His daughter said: "Isn't it that I'm about to graduate, and I want a bicycle. Dad, I'm going to work in the future. Is it convenient to commute to and from get off work, don't you think? "

These days, a bicycle is actually very expensive.If a student who has not yet graduated wants to buy one, it is impossible to afford it without relying on his family.

Ning Yuanzhong laughed after hearing this, and said: "It's just a bicycle. It's fine. I agree. You just slap your graduation certificate in front of your father, and I'll lead you to buy it right away. How about it?"

"Okay, dad, you can't regret it." His daughter said: "French foreign company has a kind of bicycle for women, which is very beautiful. I want that kind."

"Okay." Ning Yuanzhong still agreed, and said, "You can choose when the time comes."

"You are used to her." His wife said with a smile beside her.Of course, she wasn't blaming Ning Yuanzhong ruthlessly, after all, the conditions at home were pretty good.Although the bicycle is quite expensive, it is not too distressing to buy one.

The family chatted and laughed, had dinner, listened to the radio, and then sat and chatted together, asking about their daughter's studies, interesting things in school, and their plans after graduation.Time passed quickly.

Ning Yuanzhong has been lurking for such a long time now, and even married a wife and had children.And he didn't let his family see the problem at all, because he has a principle, that is, he will never do anything related to intelligence at home.In addition, the way he obtains information and the time it takes to transmit it is relatively long, so he himself does not have to bring some information-related work to his home to continue working.He can finish it slowly only when he is at work.

Soon, one night passed, Ning Yuanzhong got up the next day, washed up, had breakfast, bid farewell to his wife and children and went back to work.When he arrived at the Ministry of National Defense, he had just worked for two hours before he received a notification.Said that the inspection team from Shangfeng came and asked them to send someone over to send over the recent work log.

This situation can be said to immediately arouse Ning Yuanzhong's vigilance.It's vigilance, not suspicion.This is an instinctive suspicion.However, Ning Yuanzhong still sent someone there according to the notice.Then at lunchtime...

(End of this chapter)

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