spy ace

Chapter 2392

Chapter 2392
During lunch, Ning Yuanzhong sat at a table with several old colleagues, and they started chatting at the table.Sure enough, Ning Yuanzhong overheard these old colleagues and chatted a few words about it.

Listening to what they said, Ning Yuanzhong didn't think there was any problem.Because these old colleagues said that the inspection team also called people from several other departments.So looking at it this way, it should be just a normal inspection work.

However, Ning Yuanzhong was very vigilant after all, so after eating, he returned to his office.After thinking about it carefully, when the time was almost up, I came out of the office again, followed, and came to the reference room.

This reference room stores all the previous work reports of various departments of the government, the materials reported, the handover of various materials, and so on.

Ning Yuanzhong himself is the director of the Chief Inspection Office, so he has the right to access relatively confidential information.Therefore, without much trouble, he borrowed some materials reported by the Security Bureau the previous month.

After returning to the office with these things, he found one of his subordinates and said, "Guangfa, go to the reference room and check it carefully. The work log reported to the police station last time was found... just in Let's see then. There are also materials that have been stored in the data room recently, you can check again, I feel that there seems to be something missing."

The subordinate named Guangfa immediately agreed: "Okay, Director. Then I will go over now? I will report to you when I come back."

"Ah, okay." After Ning Yuanzhong finished speaking, he turned around and was about to go back to his independent office.But just as he turned around, he turned back again and said, "There are a lot of materials here, I guess you'll have to read them all afternoon, you've worked so hard, and it's also for work. In this way, after you've finished reading it, you'll be looking for me when you come back. "

"Understood." The man named Guangfa finished speaking, took orders and left directly.

In fact, Ning Yuanzhong is definitely not really borrowing any materials, but just testing in this way.I have personally come forward, if everything is normal, it proves that there is no problem.

In this way, the afternoon passed.Except for going to the toilet twice in the afternoon, Ning Yuanzhong didn't go to other places, giving people the impression that he was always in the office, reading materials and working.

When it was time to get off work, Ning Yuanzhong did not move, but continued to wait in the office.In this way, after more than an hour, the man named Guangfa came back.

When Ning Yuanzhong let him in, he pretended to be still looking at the materials borrowed from the reference room.Ask the other party to sit down before closing the file and asking.

This one is called Guangfa, and he reported in detail what he borrowed in the reference room, and finally said: "Director, don't worry, I read it very carefully. There is no problem at all reported by the police station. Also, recently we have saved I also checked the materials that went into the reference room, and I didn’t find anything missing. I checked it really carefully, and checked it several times. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to finish it now.”

"Well." Ning Yuanzhong listened, with a satisfied expression on his face, and said: "I'm sure you can do things with confidence, maybe I remembered it wrong. Oh, this person is over forty, and his memory has declined a bit. .Okay, since you've finished the investigation, I'm relieved, I'm working overtime today, so hurry home, it's almost six o'clock."

"Hey, Director, you are humble. You are the number one expert in our monitoring room. Brothers who don't know." The man named Guangfa patted his ass, got up and said with a smile: "Then Director, I will go back first." gone."

"Okay." Ning Yuanzhong nodded and said, and then seemed to think of something again, and said: "By the way, the old Wang of the research office, it seems that he also came to ask us to borrow inspection materials and said that he wanted to study something. He said it had been returned to the reference room, did he go there?"

"No." The man called Guangfa immediately denied it and said, "I stayed in the reference room all afternoon, and no one came over at all."

Hearing that the other party took the initiative to say that no one had been to the reference room at all, Ning Yuanzhong immediately felt relieved and said, "Ah? All right, it's okay, maybe it's not very important, just come and ask. All right, you go back."

"Hey, the director, I'll go back first." After the man named Guangfa finished speaking, he turned and left.

After getting the answer he wanted, Ning Yuanzhong felt relieved.However, his vigilant instinct made him still very careful, so he didn't really do any work for several days.Instead, he used the man named Guangfa to test whether there was any problem.However, after several investigations, nothing really happened, and Ning Yuanzhong was completely relieved.

In fact, Huazhang and Shi Chuande almost fell for the Tao.Fortunately, Huazhang and Shi Chuande were watching in person. After they discovered that Ning Yuanzhong had personally come to the reference room to borrow documents, they felt that Ning Yuanzhong might be taking advantage of his position to access materials and use his own set of things. , to analyze the existence of ghosts and narrow the circle of suspicion.

However, the people sent in the dark are not looking at Ning Yuanzhong, but at Ning Yuanzhong and several core supervisors in the supervision room.One of them discovered that a person named Guangfa had entered the reference room.So he immediately reported to Huazhang and Shi Chuande.

After Huazhang and Shi Chuande knew about it, they looked at each other and understood a little bit.Ning Yuanzhong was indeed wary of the arrival of the so-called inspection team.He shows up first, which is called baiting.Then he patted one of his men in the past.This is equivalent to extending a tentacles.If at this time his and others didn't hold their breath and asked people to go to the reference room to investigate what materials Ning Yuanzhong had consulted, then Ning Yuanzhong would find the problem instead.

So Hu Huazhang and Shi Chuande immediately asked everyone to notify them as soon as the target of surveillance made any movement.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a group of people who secretly became the guards inside by using the old Chiang's warrant.That's really hanging.Maybe it really made Ning Yuanzhong see something.

So in the next few days, Huazhang and Shi Chuande became more careful.Ning Yuanzhong was only investigated indirectly through the inspector of the Chief Inspection Office.Of course, there must be direct surveillance, but Hua Zhang told his subordinates not to act rashly.Even when stalking, if the other party enters an alley or the like, a place that seems likely to hide secrets, don't follow.Because this might be an anti-reconnaissance method of the other party...

(End of this chapter)

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