spy ace

Chapter 2406 2 words

Chapter 2406 two words

Huazhang and Shi Chuande inquired about the specific arrest process in detail, confirmed that there should be no ventilation, and then began to arrange interrogation.

Huazhang and Shi Chuande are two people, each responsible for one person.Because they asked about the specific arrest process and the monitoring these days, the two of them basically confirmed the leader of the five devil spies.Shi Chuande was originally the initiator and main commander of this incident, so he was in charge of interrogating the spy named Ding Xinyuan.

And Huazhang is in charge of another spy who, according to the surveillance inference, is also the core figure.The name registered by the other party is Zhen Wenbai.

The rest of the spies are also in charge of several team leaders of the special investigation department. After all, those who can become team leaders have a certain level of ability.If it doesn't matter, that's not necessarily the case.But first of all, you must have the ability to go up to a certain level.

After the arrangements are made, the interrogation will begin immediately.Speaking of which, Shi Chuande is quite suitable for his current job. After all, the old man's abilities are not bad, and he is a professor, at least theoretically, he is extremely powerful.It's just that I'm a bit old, and if it's about my ability to act, I'm definitely not as good as a young man.But brains, thinking, and experience are really powerful.

In fact, many people have a misunderstanding, saying that if a person is not afraid of death, is he still afraid of living?For example, there are some people who choose to commit suicide. Ordinary people who are not afraid of heights may feel scared and dizzy just by looking at tall buildings with so many floors.But those who committed suicide dared to jump off at once.In fact, the moment of jumping down was really not easy.

But you have the courage to jump, and you are still afraid of living?There are indeed some people who just don't understand this.In fact, a specific situation must be analyzed in detail.

As it is now, the little devil spy.The person who was named by Saturn asked the Devil Consulate General to bring the dead.What do you mean, these people must have the courage to die.For the task, I would rather die than complete it.

However, some people will have a misunderstanding, saying that these people even have the courage to dare to die. If you interrogate them now, even if they are tortured, how can the other party say that.

In fact, why is it a misunderstanding? That is to say, it is indeed more difficult for a person who has the courage to die to pry his mouth open than ordinary people.But that doesn't mean it's impossible to be tough.Dead man and diehard are two words, and they don't mean the same thing.So, things here can not be confused.

Some people are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that life is worse than death.Some people seem to be invulnerable, but when some relatives and friends are involved, he may collapse in an instant.Therefore, a dead man seems to be a person who is not afraid of death, but in the eyes of a knowledgeable person, he will not subjectively think that the other party is a stone and cannot speak.Instead, it will be distinguished objectively. A dead man is a dead man, and whether he is dead or not, is completely two concepts.

This is the case now, Shi Chuande is in charge of interrogating Ding Xinyuan, this guy is really tenacious, no matter how you question him, he doesn't say a word at all.But Shi Chuande observed that the other party used the method of energy transfer.

What does that mean?A very simple matter.For example, you don't want to listen, and you don't want to have any communication with the other party.But people always receive some information passively or actively. Sometimes you don’t want to listen, but someone else keeps arguing with you, talking, and asking questions.Even if you don't want to, as long as your ears are not deaf, you can definitely hear.

And the human brain, no matter whether you are willing or unwilling, active or passive, as long as you receive this information, it will definitely start working.It's just that when you don't want to, the efficiency of your brain around the information you receive will be relatively low.But it is impossible for the brain not to work.Because this is an inevitable mechanism of the human body, a mechanism that no one can defy.Unless you are dead, or there are other situations that are strongly interfering, make your received information work on these other situations, thereby avoiding receiving information from a person you do not want to speak.

The energy transfer method is the latter method.That said, there was no one else in the torture room.As far as Shi Chuande is talking, how can he use other information to divert his attention?
It's so simple, anyone can do it.It's just that if you don't say it, ordinary people don't know it.Say you spot a fly on the opposite wall.You divert all your energy to this fly.Stare hard at the fly.Try to see the flower, even if you can't see it clearly, you should see the specific appearance.Observe the eyes of the fly first, good guy!Compound eyes are different from human beings. Hey, what does the compound eyes of this fly look like?There is also the mouth of the fly, which is black and not slippery. This thing is designed to stare at the excrement. Fortunately, it doesn't bite people very much, otherwise it would not be disgusting to death.There are also two front paws of the fly, and they are rubbing their hands together frankly.Why do you want to count money...

Do you see it?These are similar things, staring at the fly vigorously, observing the death.Turn all your attention to this fly.This is the energy transfer method.It’s the same with other things. For example, if there are no flies, but there is white dust on the wall, you just look at the white dust. If there is no white dust, there will be other things, so you just look at the other things.In short, you will definitely see something, and you will stare at it.Thus answering the effect of blocking external information from the past.

Schneider quickly observed that the other party was using this method to divert his attention.So the sentence was started immediately.When it comes to torture, can he use this method to shield the pain?can!But it works very, very poorly.Why?Because this is also determined by the mechanism of the human body.You will feel pain, which is a protective mechanism for the human body to avoid greater subsequent damage.This is the same as no one can avoid.

Therefore, Schneider immediately had Ding Xinyuan tortured, because although the other party was able to skillfully use the energy transfer method to shield his own information, he couldn't shield the pain.Unless it is a person who is born with insensitive pain nerves, it is impossible for anyone to block pain.There is also a kind of person who can, that is, a person with a will of steel. He will also suffer pain and pain, but he can use his will of steel to resist this kind of physical pain.

(End of this chapter)

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