spy ace

Chapter 2407 True and False Information

Chapter 2407 True and False Information
But of the two, the former is naturally insensitive, and the probability is so low that it scares people to death.There may not be one among billions of people.There are also the latter, but they are also in the minority.

It's a pity, Ding Xinyuan, neither of these two.But this kid is already considered very hard. His fingernails were pierced five times in a row by the iron pliers, and then he was artificially vibrated back and forth with an iron drill to make the pain worse.

Under such circumstances, the kid couldn't stand it any longer, and opened his mouth directly.How to ask how to say, the answer is very honest.Shi Chuande had rich experience, he asked many questions back and forth, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it, so he affirmed that Ding Xinyuan's oral supply should be true.

In contrast, Huazhang and the other team leaders did not go well.Of course, it's not that Huazhang and others' methods are not good, but that Ding Xinyuan, as the leader of the spy team, knows a little bit more.For example, how to communicate with Saturn?This point, other people do not know at all.Even other people didn't know about the existence of Saturn, they just thought that Ding Xinyuan had his own information channel and obtained information about such a coin printing factory.

So although Huazhang and the others opened the mouths of the other devils and spies, they didn't gain as much as Shi Chuande.

After a night of interrogation, Huazhang and Shi Chuande dealt with each other in the cafeteria, and then asked someone to make a large pot of strong tea for themselves and others.Back in the office, after taking a few sips, they started to discuss.

Shi Chuande said: "Chief Hua, now that we have mastered the contact information of this deadly spy team and Saturn, I think the matter should be done sooner rather than later. But what method can be used to make Saturn not suspicious. After all, they are on the move Before, the morning newspaper once again published the information to start the action."

"This is indeed a problem." Huazhang said: "Professor, in this situation, I actually feel that no matter how I contact Saturn, the other party may become vigilant. Why don't we just publish a mission to complete it?" information, and left a message, saying that he hopes to provide a copy of the information of the Midland Bank. Under such circumstances, Saturn has only two possibilities. The first one, no matter whether he is vigilant or not, as long as he provides this information, he must Move, as long as he moves, we can film his concrete evidence.

The second possibility is not to move. He will use his own methods to confirm whether the actions of this group of dead soldiers are true.And as long as he confirms it, it will move.It's just that it may move back to be more secretive.But the work of verification is not so easy to do.Even if a place like the coin printing factory is attacked, but there is no news from the outside world, it is normal.Saturn will even suspect that the news has been blocked.So what would he think?

But no matter what he thinks, Ning Yuanzhong can't pretend that nothing happened.Disregard the demands of the Death Squad as nothing.He may think of several ways again and try it out.And these are our opportunities.Because no matter how Ning Yuanzhong tries, he will eventually move. As long as he moves, we will have a chance.All we have to do is stare at Ning Yuanzhong to death. "

After hearing Huazhang's words, Shi Chuande nodded and said: "You are right, I agree with you. But we need to arrange it smartly, and I'm afraid we need to use better equipment. Those cameras, we Need more telephoto optical lenses from the Chase factory. After all, this guy is too vigilant, if the distance is too close, he may be spotted instead."

Huazhang said: "Okay, I will go to the equipment warehouse of the general affairs immediately and adjust some telephoto lenses."

The two discussed it and started to implement it immediately.Ning Yuanzhong's previous surveillance was outside his home.In other places, in fact, it is not so advanced, because I am afraid that he will find out.After all, how many years has Ning Yuanzhong, the Saturn, been lurking here?If it wasn't for the Shanghai side, good luck.Probably still not aware of his existence.So this guy must be very cautious.This is also a major reason for not being too closely monitored.

But it is different now, if it is not done this way, if Ning Yuanzhong still sends letters to the hotel like last time.The Nana Security Bureau still couldn't get hold of his evidence.Therefore, there is a move to put almost all telephoto lenses into the library.

You know, in this year, telephoto lenses, regardless of whether they are Chinese or foreign, are all high-end products among high-end products.In fact, in later generations, there is also a saying in the photography world that machines are not as expensive as lenses.Why?Because the lens is a very expensive thing even in later generations.

Now, in order to photograph Ning Yuanzhong's evidence, the security bureau has paid off.All the telephoto lenses were brought out.

There were agents from the Security Bureau who went to the Morning Post.According to the content discussed by Huazhang and Shi Chuande, another revelation was published.Then all they have to do is wait quietly.

But for the next five days, Ning Yuanzhong remained silent.But this is only on the surface.Because Huazhang and the others could find out from the monitoring of other people in the chief inspection office that Ning Yuanzhong used his position to send people to the central bank and other financial departments in the past five days.

If it is normal, this kind of action is simply normal.But after Huazhang and Shi Chuande, who had experienced everything, saw it, the meaning was completely different.They believed that Ning Yuanzhong must have seen the revelation.Just as they predicted, they became vigilant.But, he had no choice but to turn a blind eye.That's why I had to send someone to the central bank to try to find out what I wanted to know.

As for what he wants to know?Huazhang and Shi Chuande also had their own judgments.Under the current situation, Ning Yuanzhong must first inquire whether something happened to the coin printing factory.If the operation of the coin factory was successful, then the person was not caught?

These are Ning Yuanzhong's goals, so that he can finally judge for himself whether the revelation is true or not.I'm judging whether I want to contact the death spy team.

Did Ning Yuanzhong find out?Of course he couldn't find out.He is very capable.But sorry, he is alone.A person is working against the national government's security machine, and Huazhang and others know that he exists, how could he find out the real situation.

Normally, Huazhang and the others would be a little troublesome.But it's different now, they have a warrant issued by Mr. Jiang himself.Directly found the head of the Central Bank...

(End of this chapter)

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