spy ace

Chapter 2632

Chapter 2632
As for whether these two people bought a house or land outside, the insider is not clear.

This is a bit tricky, but Fan Keqin doesn't feel hopeless.It's just that it is more difficult to find such an opportunity. After all, as long as they are individuals, they will definitely show their flaws.

For example, it's impossible for them not to come out. To do something, these two devils must come out for some official duties.Even going out to have a meal, drink some wine or something, there must be such a situation.

But for the time being, Fan Keqin asked Bai Fengtai to send four people to watch over the devil's gendarmerie headquarters. In addition, he also prepared six gunmen who were on standby at any time. As soon as Toshiaki Kanaya and Yoshiko Okuda came out, they would immediately monitor them , if there is a chance, you can directly kill it.

It's a bit passive to do so, but that's okay.This is just to deal with these two devils.For now, Fan Keqin doesn't need to do it himself, but he really has a target to deal with personally.It's another old devil.

This old devil is very powerful, and his name is Shunichi Terauchi.Now he is one of the few generals of the devil.Originally, it was very difficult for Fan Keqin to get rid of these senior officials in the army.

After all, the generals of the official system are basically in the barracks, or the headquarters, the official residence, etc., surrounded by ghost soldiers.Therefore, it is almost impossible to execute the devil general.

But now there is a chance.This is based on the New Year's Eve banquet that the Japanese puppets wanted to hold a few years ago.This banquet itself is to stabilize the internal affairs of the Wang Puppet, and to attract some gentry, celebrities, and people from all walks of life to support a certain force within the Wang Puppet.The specification itself is still very high.

And Shunichi Terauchi, the devil's general, has just returned from the South Asian battlefield.When passing through Shanghai, it happened to be able to participate.His own status is high, so if he comes to participate in the New Year's Eve banquet, it is tantamount to giving Wang Puppet a very strong support.It can promote the stability of Wang Puppet.Even if it's just showing up at the banquet, it's perfectly fine.

Terauchi Shunichi himself has a relatively high status, and it is impossible for him to participate on time.Because of this, Terauchi Shunichi, who hadn't come yet, learned that the banquet site had been bombed.So I didn't come at all.

After this kind of incident happened, Junichi Terauchi's security team must not ignore it.Who was the target of the bomb attack?Is it just to spoil the holding of the New Year's Eve banquet?Or did you mean that you came here for General Terauchi Shunichi?These things cannot be ignored.

In the subsequent investigation, Shunichi Terauchi's security team also participated in it.And this participation, Fan Keqin's previously arranged intelligence network, the internal lines of various devil agencies, played a role.They reported this matter to Fan Keqin.

In this way, Fan Keqin also knew that in Shanghai, a general of the Devils, Shunichi Terauchi was waiting to return to Japan.

What does Terauchi Shun do when he returns to Japan?The answer is also very simple, accept the title of marshal that was awarded.In other words, the battlefield that this old devil is in charge of now is in South Asia, but before that, he also committed numerous crimes against the country.

After the Marco Polo Bridge, as the war expanded, the Japanese army continued to increase its troops to the mainland.At the end of August [-], Shunichi Terauchi was appointed as the commander of the Northern China Expeditionary Force. He was in charge of eight divisions including the First and Second Armies and about [-] aircraft of the Aviation Corps. The main tasks were: "Occupy the Pingjin area and its nearby key points, and ensure the stability of the area. Dampen the enemy's will to fight, obtain the situation to end the war, and quickly annihilate the enemy in the central part of HEB province."

Originally, the most suitable position for this position was General Shinyuki Abe, who happened to cooperate with the old devil Matsui Iwane in Central China, but this is General Jintaro Masaki, who was involved in the February [-] incident. Masaki's Terauchi was transferred, and just like that, Terauchi Shunichi was transferred to the North China battlefield.

Junichi Terauchi advocated a quick battle, so he commanded the Northern China Dispatch Army to attack the entire North China region wildly.At the beginning of his tenure, he issued an order for Baoding-Zhuozhou mobile operations.It is expected to face the main force of the National Government’s Central Army on the Great Plains in central Hebei, relying on its firepower and mobility to make rapid breakthroughs. As a result, the Central Army’s front was repeatedly broken by the Japanese army before it was formed, and the front-line army retreated. Going back again, Baoding is at a loss...

After the occupation of North China, Shunichi Terauchi, who could not expand the front line and had to "idle" according to the orders of the headquarters, started another thing, which was to rectify the "security problem" in the occupied North China area.In late December [-], Junichi Terauchi promulgated the "Implementation Essentials for Maintaining Public Security in Japanese-Occupied Areas" in the name of the North China Front Army Command.

Terauchi Shunichi pointed out in the "Implementation Essentials" that it was the activities of "bandits" and economic instability that led to the chaos of "public order".And "the crusade against the bandits focuses on the Communist Army, especially for the established communist areas, and strives to destroy them as soon as possible."

In September, Toshiichi Terauchi reported to the military attache of the Japanese emperor who came to inspect the front line: "The northern part of Shanxi and the mountainous area connected to the Taihang Mountains, which the imperial army has never reached, are the nests of the Communist army. Clean it up to avoid future troubles."

Terauchi Shunichi also worked hard to establish a "new regime" for North China. The "new regime" he hoped to establish was not local, but a central government that would replace the Nanjing government.Although the base camp still had a glimmer of hope for inducing the government to surrender, it was not in a hurry to break with Jiang immediately.However, Shunichi Terauchi stubbornly sent people to lobby the base camp, and at the same time started preparations for the "new regime".

Later, according to the outline, the head of the Peking Secret Service established the "Pingjin Public Security Association".That is, on the second day after the fall of Nanjing, under the direct "care" of Junichi Junichi, the devils finally pieced together a "Provisional Government of the Republic of China" with Wang Kemei at the center.After the establishment of the provisional government, the police force and security regiment were cobbled together as the accomplices of the Japanese invaders to suppress the anti-Japanese movement of the people.

After tidying up the "backyard", Terauchi Shunichi couldn't wait, and began to prepare to lead the army to the front line to charge into battle.After getting the approval of the devil's headquarters, the old devil finally started to march south.That is, in Xuzhou, this old devil also committed numerous crimes.

It can be said that Junichi Terauchi's rank as a general is the accumulation of countless crimes, little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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