spy ace

Chapter 2633 2 goals

Chapter 2633 Two Goals
At this time, the old devil had arrived in Shanghai, and he had let Fan Keqin know about it, so how could he not deal with him.Due to the explosion in the banquet venue in the previous stage, it was done very secretly and the impression was very large.Although the street is not so jittery, the follow-up investigation of this matter is actually not over yet.

Fan Keqin immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to find the old devil Terauchi Shunichi.So he immediately issued relevant orders on the inside line of the intelligence network.It's not for them to find Shunichi Terauchi, they are not suitable for this job.Instead, when Shunichi Terauchi's security team came to investigate, they had to send out a signal.And provide the physical characteristics of the security team.

That's right, Fan Keqin followed the line of the security team and found the old devil Junichi Terauchi.You came out to investigate, you can't keep floating outside, you have to go back to the security team, back to Shunichi Terauchi's side.As long as you go back, it is equivalent to letting Fan Keqin know where Shunichi Terauchi is staying.

The explosion at the New Year's Eve banquet left few clues, and the security team did not follow up with the investigation.However, when there is some new news, it is still necessary to send someone over to find out the situation.It is because they are still not sure whether the target of the explosion is directed at Junichi Terauchi.

Finally, on the fourth day after Fan Keqin issued the order, there was feedback.

In a coffee shop on Ladu Road, Security Bureau agent Shun Jiayan was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper of the day.But his ears were always listening to the ringing of a telephone booth not far from the entrance of the coffee shop.

Before coming to this coffee shop, Shun Jiayan had memorized several sets of codes.They are not directly answering the phone, but how many times the phone rings, or how many times it rings again after hanging up, what do they mean.

Just when he finished reading the second page of the newspaper and was about to turn to read some local gossip, the sound of the phone ringing entered his ears.But the sound only rang once, and there was no further movement.But then, the phone rang again.Then there was no sound.Finally, the bell rang twice.There was no movement at all.

The sound is Lafayette Road, which also means a thing maintenance office jointly established by Wang Puppet and the little devil.On the surface, this local thing maintenance department is a department that maintains public security, traffic and other conditions.And this department is not big, but in fact, the insider of the maintenance department has provided exact information.Namely: This is an intelligence department jointly established by the Japanese and the puppet to monitor whether there are anti-Japanese organizations and anti-Japanese fighters in a certain local area.

The second ringing of the bell means the target has been reached.In other words, Shunichi Terauchi's security team showed up.The last two rings of the bell mean: After arriving, go directly to the agreed information delivery place to obtain the relevant information that has been placed.

Shun's family said that after the ringing stopped completely, they did not leave immediately, but put down the newspaper and drank all the coffee.Then pressed a bill, got up unhurriedly, and walked out of the cafe.

After leaving the cafe, Shun Jiayan stepped up and quickly passed through an alley on the left, and got into a car that was already prepared at the other end.

As soon as they got into the car, Shun's family said, "Lafayette Road, Anju Lane."

"Okay." The driver who was waiting in the car replied and started the car immediately.Turn into the road ahead and head towards Lafayette Road.

At this time, it was around ten o'clock in the morning, neither early nor late, and the flow of traffic and people on the street was not peak season, so the driving was smooth, and it took less than ten minutes.The car had already parked in a doorway of a residential area about [-] meters away from Lafayette Road and Anju Lane, about two streets away.

"Do you want me to follow?" the driver asked after parking the car.

Shun Jiayan paused slightly, and said, "Okay, but you stay away and follow. Pay attention to the signal I may send to you at any time."

The driver replied, "Okay."

Shun Jiayan got out of the car, lit a cigarette, and then started heading towards Anju Lane.The driver watched him walk tens of meters before getting out of the car and following him.

The two of them, one behind the other, quickly turned into Anju Lane.This is a fairly ordinary alley residential area, but because it is all alley residential areas, the alley is quite messy, with cold clothes, piled up sundries, firewood, and coal piles piled up in the Both sides of the alley.But at this time, there were not many people in the alley.After all, it's never too early or too late, those who should go out have already gone out, and those who haven't gone out naturally stay at home.

So Shun's family came to the end of the alley, and when they were about to go out, they turned into an outdoor public toilet here.

After entering, there was no one in the toilet.Shun's family did not hesitate, and immediately came to the innermost part, stepped on two wooden boards, and found a note in the bottom gap of the side baffle.

He immediately turned around and squatted on the two wooden boards facing outwards, and then opened the note while no one was looking.In between, it was written in messy handwriting: "Two people, one half leather jacket, black pants, black shoes, and black top hat. The height is about [-] meters, close to [-] meters. The other person, a gray long windbreaker, black pants , black leather shoes, with a gray scarf, oily head. About [-] meters tall. Mustache."

This is obviously the clothing and physical characteristics of the two people. After Shun Jiayan memorized it in his mind, he immediately tore up the note and threw it into the cesspit below.Then got up and walked out of the toilet.

After going around in a circle, I went back to the car, and after waiting for a while, the driver also came back.

"How is it?" asked the driver.

Shun's family said: "The insider reported that the target appeared. Two people, one of them, in leather clothes in the middle of the night..." He repeated the physical characteristics on the note to the driver, and after seeing that the driver said he remembered it, he continued: "Since the insider has reported to us, that is to say, the target is in the maintenance department at this time, let's find a better place and keep an eye on it. Try to find out where these two people went after they came out."

The driver said: "When I came here, I saw that there was a suitable place opposite the maintenance office on Lafayette Road. I drove over there."

Soon, the car came to Lafayette Road, but the driver did not drive any further, but stopped on the side of the road.It is obliquely facing the maintenance of things, and there is still a distance of about [-] meters to go up.

Shun Jiayan said in the co-pilot: "You are still staring at the opposite side in the car..."

(End of this chapter)

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