spy ace

Chapter 2637 Bankruptcy

In this case, what Fan Keqin had to do was to prepare, to prepare for everything.Including continuing to investigate the surrounding terrain, it is necessary to consider where to hide, which route to pass, and which route to evacuate if there is any action.Where is the appropriate place to set up the transfer point.If there are many people in action, how to set up another transfer point, etc.

This continued for another week, and in the intelligence network, a person in the garrison headquarters basically confirmed that Shunichi Terauchi was in that big villa.

Of course, this insider really cannot be determined.This is a piece of news provided by an insider, and the result of Fan Keqin's own analysis.Inside the garrison headquarters, I saw one of Shunichi Terauchi's followers.And this entourage itself is a person who is being followed by Bai Fengtai's subordinates.The time is exactly right, and it can be determined that it is indeed a person.

And this entourage, according to the insider, was because when Shunichi Terauchi arrived, he had met with the senior officer in the garrison headquarters when he went to greet him.At this time, the entourage arrived at the garrison headquarters. The two of them basically walked across from each other. The other party didn't recognize him, after all, there were quite a few people at that time.However, the insider recognized the follower.After all, this entourage was someone close to Shunichi Terauchi at that time, so the insiders inevitably paid more attention to him.

After getting this news, Fan Keqin had a support point to make a plan.How could a devil chief executive like Shunichi Terauchi change the people around him at will in a sudden situation?This is the case all over the world. There is no real big man, and people around him are frequently changed.Because they themselves know a lot of secrets.Unless there is some major mistake, otherwise, it is basically impossible to make any changes.

Therefore, it can be basically judged from this that the old devil Junichi Terauchi is indeed in this big villa.Coupled with the results of previous investigations, the chosen location is so particular.In addition, there are many cars and many people in the villa, and there are about fifty people living there, which is also in line with the status of Shunichi in the temple.

Fan Keqin immediately started planning with Bai Fengtai, burned the information provided by the insider, and the two of them lit a cigarette to cover up, Bai Fengtai first said: "Brother Heng, let's choose a time slot first, day or night. I think it might be better at night, after all, the surrounding four support points, the daytime is the most crowded, if there is any support, at night, their manpower will be much less."

Fan Keqin said: "You're right, but at night, we need a lot of people this time. It's not a problem in other places. But the location of the operation is in the HK area. If we operate at night, there are so many people. Even more eye-catching.

I feel better during the day, but not in broad daylight, preferably closer to evening.At that time, on the street, those who should go home basically had to go home, so the flow of people itself was more than that in broad daylight.Even the HK area, where the little devil has the strongest control, is the same. "

Bai Fengtai nodded and said: "Then our action should be between six o'clock and seven o'clock. The people at the four support points, during this time period, I think everyone who should leave will also leave It is almost the same, and it can also achieve the minimum number of people. Even if it is to support the past, the number will definitely be much smaller than during the day."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "This time period is fine. How many people can be used and can act now?"

Bai Fengtai said: "Forty-three."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, that is to fight more with less. I just don't know the situation inside the villa. This may cause trouble for the brothers when they act. The reports of the past two days show that their number is indeed Around fifty. Although it is not ruled out that there are some administrative personnel such as clerical staff, we cannot count them that way.”

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said: "Then I start preparing weapons and equipment?"

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "You get ready. In addition, you should also pay attention to collecting information from various insiders on the intelligence network, and see if you can see something."

Next, the two began to draw up specific plans.It took almost a full day for the plan to be customized.But the next day, with the news of an investigator, the plan made by Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai completely went bankrupt.

It turned out that when they were customizing their plans, they found an eye on Dongjiu'an Road.It was the devil's eyes, which belonged to the devil's department, and the investigators didn't know.

This discovery surprised the investigators, because the existence of the devil's eyes itself made it possible to detect them.Fortunately, the investigators try not to reappear as much as possible.In addition, when the investigation team leader ordered to withdraw from the investigation temporarily, there was no tail following him, which was a sigh of relief.

From a certain point of view, the discovery of this eye further shows that Shunichi Terauchi exists in that big villa, and the probability is higher.However, as far as action is concerned, that's a bit too much.First of all, there can't be one eye, it's just that one is discovered.During the action, there are so many people coming together, if the eyes see it, it will be very fucked.All it takes is a phone call, and support may be on the scene very quickly.You don't even need to make a phone call, as long as they shoot a few shots, the surrounding support points will take action.

Sitting opposite Fan Keqin, Bai Fengtai frowned and said, "Brother Heng, there must not be one eye. It's just that we don't know where they are scattered. Once our operation starts, even if the execution brothers are sitting in a car or carrying Weapons are well hidden, and there is a chance of being discovered anywhere. Long bags, luggage, or so many cars... It’s not like the current investigation, where one or two people throw it all together, and it takes a long time. Those who follow passers-by are not easy to attract suspicion. When you act..."

"Hmm." Of course Fan Keqin also knew this truth, and said, "Let's think of another way. A surprise attack will definitely not work."

Bai Fengtai frowned and thought for a while, and said: "We ruled out this plan before using bombs, because it's not guaranteed. Can we use the sewer pipes...it doesn't work either." Before Fan Keqin could speak, Bai Fengtai vetoed himself first, and continued. : "The underground pipeline there is too narrow. Even if it leads to the villa, it is so narrow that the process of forming strength is too slow for people to go up."

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