spy ace

Chapter 2638 3 plan

Bai Fengtai made several plans in a row, but before Fan Keqin could open his mouth, he directly vetoed it.At the end, Bai Fengtai frowned and said, "It's a bit difficult."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, having eyes and not having eyes are two different concepts." He paused at this point, and then said: "Since he can't do anything at the big villa on Dongjiu'an Road, he must go out, right? , do it on the road, or... let's go ahead and do it on the vehicle he is riding on?"

"Transportation means?" Bai Fengtai understood Fan Keqin's words on the road.But how to use the vehicle, you can't plant a bomb under the nose of the other party.

Fan Keqin said: "When he goes out, there are only a few options. To be precise, there are two options. The first is to take a boat. The second is to take a plane."

Easy to say by boat.But there are planes as well. There are indeed planes in places controlled by the puppet Wang.This is one of the very few air routes left before.After all, Shanghai is a very important place, so there are indeed pro-democracy planes at the airport.During the period of Sino-German cooperation, several aircraft were imported from Germany.Later, after the little devils invaded in an all-round way, they all took over.After the Wang Puppet was established, these things became under the jurisdiction of the Wang Puppet.

But Fan Keqin also understands that these days it is basically still by boat.So he only mentioned about the plane just in case.

Fan Keqin explained a few words, and Bai Fengtai immediately understood, saying: "Yes, no matter where he is going, there are only a few options. For the train, we have people at the train station itself. The same is true at the pier. We can use these Think of a way. Although the probability of the plane is not high, but be prepared.”

Fan Keqin said: "Well, now let's think about it, what should we do if the old devil Junichi Terauchi leaves and uses these vehicles to go."

Bai Fengtai thought for a while, and said: "For the train, if we have accurate information, we can actually make an advance plan and plant a big bomb somewhere ahead, and it will explode as soon as the train arrives, killing him."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, that's how Marshal Zhang in Northeast China died. We can do something to repay him. We just need to let a few sub-bureaus on the line, or let's send someone ahead of time. In the past, we prepared bombs so that they could install bombs at any time. When the time comes, we will use the inside information to find out which train the old devil Shunichi Terauchi boarded, and immediately notify the people on the corresponding route. That’s enough.”

Having said that, Fan Keqin looked at Bai Fengtai and said, "What about the planes and ships?"

Bai Fengtai said: "In terms of ships and planes, no matter which one of these two, I feel that we must send death squads. First of all, it was not a secret when Terauchi Junyi left. In this way, the person who sent him would not At least, there must be a large number of devil soldiers on the scene. The brother who went there escaped death. The other one will be better. He kept a low profile and left in secret. In this way, whether it is an airplane or a ship, there will not be so many devil soldiers, but what? , Whether it’s a dock or an airport, the defense force itself is relatively strong, so it’s still quite dangerous. It’s very necessary to form a death squad.”

Fan Keqin said: "If I use the Death Squad, wouldn't it be better to attack the villa now." He said with a smile, and said: "You still think about assault tactics. But let it go, if it is a ship or an airplane , do we have a chance to use the bomb?"

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai thought for a while, and said, "As for the ship, there is a good chance of bombing. But the plane... the inspection itself is very strict... Do you mean to cooperate with the internal line?"

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Whether it's a plane or a ship, we need the cooperation of insiders. Let's talk about the plane first. On the day the old devil left, if he took the plane, yes, the inspection must be very strict. If you want to carry a bomb in, then It is almost impossible. But... What if the bomb has been substituted by the insider in advance. For example, now, we can let the insider put the bomb into the airport and let him find a place to hide it. Who will use it when? It can be taken out at any time."

Bai Fengtai frowned and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. If the old devil leaves, the whole plane must belong to him. He won't be able to get along."

Fan Keqin said: "You don't have to get involved. With his identity, you must confirm the number of the plane in advance and let the plane wait for him instead of him waiting for the plane. This is our opportunity. The insider will go in with the bomb in advance. We You can also send an inspection and maintenance staff to go in. You know in advance that the plane is waiting for someone, or one day, it is specially on standby at the airport. Then it is possible that Shunichi Terauchi is going to take it.

When Terauchi Junyi left the villa one by one, we immediately sent a message to the aircraft maintenance engineer, asking him to bring in the bomb with the internal cable, and put it in the aircraft.Of course, this is a general plan, and we still need to add research to the details. "

After Bai Fengtai listened to it, he felt that what Fan Keqin said was indeed effective in execution. Although it was very rough at this time, it was the outline of the skeleton, and rough is right.But the general direction seems to be no problem.So he asked, "Can the same operation be done on the other side of the pier?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "The ship is actually simpler. The ship is so big, whether it is a special ship waiting in advance, or a temporary ship, unless it is a warship, otherwise, our people have Opportunity to go in. It’s just that the ship needs more TNT. Otherwise, it may not be able to work.”

This time, the two of them studied for four consecutive days, studying the plane plan, ship plan, and train plan in detail.Including how to use the inside line, and what kind of opportunity to plant a bomb.How many bombs are needed on the plane, what kind of bombs are used, and whether camouflage is required.How to send people into the airport, and how to retreat, have been sorted out in detail, and finally took shape.

The same goes for the boat plan, only the train plan is easier.The reason why it took four days was because Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai still had to contact the insiders and consult them about some issues.In addition, it is also necessary to send someone to the airport, dock and other places to look at some places that need to be more understood when Fan Keqin customizes the plan.Only when these are fed back can we continue to customize the plan.

That's it, Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai worked hard for more than four days, and finally put...

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