spy ace

Chapter 2639 The effect is outstanding

After more than four days, the two finally finished the three plans of the airport, the dock, and the train.

Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai reorganized it several times and found that there was no problem.Fan Keqin gave an order and began to enter the implementation stage.

That's right, Junichi Terauchi is still living in the big villa on Dongjiu'an Road, and he has no intention of moving at all, and he doesn't know why.But Fan Keqin and the others need to start the first step in advance, especially the two explosion plans of the train and the airport, which are already about to be implemented.

The plan for the train explosion is easy to say, the trains at Shanghai Station have those lines, and Fan Keqin knows where they go.So it's good to send people directly to lurk on the route of these places, and also specially tuned in several sets of radio stations for them to take with them.As long as you receive the information from your side, you can blow up the train according to the information.

The hardest part is actually the airport.In fact, Fan Keqin understands that the possibility of Shunichi Terauchi leaving and choosing to fly is the lowest.But no matter how low it is, there is still a possibility, and you can't ignore it.

First of all, an inside line at the airport was activated by him.This insider is Lang Boyang, the flight controller of the airport.It's a small head.Aviation work, to put it bluntly, is mainly responsible for some flight procedures, as well as aviation announcements, the management of the upper clearance of the airport, and some operating standards, etc.

He is a small boss, one day at work and one day off.After all, there are two sets of teams, and he is in charge of one of the flight management teams.

When Lang Boyang received the task, he was still a little nervous.However, when he learned the specific details of the mission, he was not so nervous.The first task is to find out if it is confirmed inside the airport. It is best to work on the airport apron and be able to get close to the plane.

There is no risk in this matter, so Lang Boyang easily found out from the on-site operation guarantee supervision team that there are a little less manpower for maintenance, and there are vacancies for the drivers of the vehicles, that is, the drivers of oil trucks and trailers.

In fact, speaking of the second task, it was still not too difficult for Lang Boyang.Although it was a TNT bomb, can the security checks in this year be stricter than those in later generations?impossible.Furthermore, he himself is a person who works at the airport, and he is still a small boss.If you go in with something by yourself, who can say anything?

The most important thing is that things like airplanes, how should I put it, are very fragile.That's right, the same is true for aircraft of later generations, they are all very fragile.Therefore, Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai don't need to prepare too much.However, to be on the safe side, I still prepared nearly three kilograms of TNT and a matching timing detonator.

Lang Boyang packed his things in his briefcase and brought them in as if he was commuting normally.Then at some point, he went to the maintenance hangar side, hid the bomb in a toilet here, and it was considered a complete job.

On the other hand, Fan Keqin saw Lang Boyang's report and said that there were indeed vacancies at the airport, so he immediately asked Bai Fengtai to send out the prepared agents.

A total of four people were sent, which was prepared just in case.Once there's one who doesn't get a job, there are three more.And these four people all brought enough money. After all, working at the airport is considered a good job these days.So the people in the entire airport, as long as they have something to do with each other, want to stuff their family and friends into it.

As for his own agents, although he also has connections with Lang Boyang.But Fan Keqin didn't plan to use it, in case of investigation after the fact, using his insider would be tantamount to useless.Therefore, the four agents went to the airport to look for work as usual.

It is almost impossible to find a job in this way, but the wonderful thing is that all four agents have money.It seemed that after applying for the job, two of them did not leave, but waited at the exit of the airport.When it was time to get off work, I saw the manager who applied for them come out, and immediately went up to meet them.

"Hey, Mr. Wang. You just got off work?" If you strike up a conversation like this, take the initiative.In this way, there is no smoke and fire, and those who apply for the job have just met them during the day, at least they still have to put up a couple of sentences to save face.But this is completely enough, follow the effort of handing the cigarette, no matter whether you take my cigarette or not.But the agents all dropped a small bag in their hands on the ground, and said in their mouths: "Hey, Mr. Wang, you dropped something."

Then he picked up the things and handed them to the other party, saying some words in his mouth, such as: "Mr. Wang, today's matter is really troublesome to you. Regardless of whether it can be done or not, I will definitely treat you to dinner another day. This is your thing, you Received."

Of course, you have to look for opportunities in this situation. You can’t say that there are all people around, and you still play like this.Then the other party can't take the money.But if there is no one, the situation is definitely different.If the manager took your money, isn't that still in vain?This is for him to shoot.This does not invite suspicion, after all, the airport, working in this place is definitely a good job in this year.So the last shot or something is not abrupt at all.

In addition, it is also particular about firing a cannon.You can't say that you give too many thieves at once.If you give too much, it will make people suspicious. You are so rich, why do you still care about this job?What do you want to do?The other party will think like this in their hearts.But if you spend less, it definitely won’t work. After all, jobs at the airport are in high demand, and there must be others looking for stewards, spending money, or simply relying on acquaintances to give face or something.If you want to spend less money, he will definitely not care about you.

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So how much is appropriate?It's very simple, it depends on how big things you want to do.For example, instead of looking for a job like an airport, I really want to do some difficult things.

For example, you want to release a person arrested in the police station privately.This matter is not small!How much does something like this cost?First of all, find someone who can manage this aspect, and then find out that he will turn around every year, including bonuses, basic salary, and various benefits. Anyway, how much money he can earn in a year.After understanding, give the other party five times as much at once.Just the best, no more and no less.

But if it's a small matter like finding a job, five times the total annual income all at once is too much.It is also very simple, the formula is to multiply by one.You know the other party's total income for a year, and then give him so much at once.It's not five times, it's the total income for a year, and it's the best way to give him so much at once.

Now, that's what these agents do.Sure enough, the effect of doing this is also outstanding...

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