spy ace

Chapter 2640

Originally, the four agents Fan Keqin had prepared could let one or two of them in.As a result, three went in at once.One of them was arranged for a distant relative of the boss because he was in charge and really couldn't save face from his boss.There are so many vacancies.Otherwise, he could have arranged for these four agents at once.

In addition to the airport, the same is true for the terminal.It's just that more people entered the pier at once, after all, the pier is always short of people.So five agents entered the dock.

The inner line of the pier is called Houhaohan.The work he does is the same as the internal line of the airport, carrying bombs in, but if it is to blow up a ship, the amount of TNT will need to be more.So, how many times does he have to divide to bring all the explosives in.

The pier also has an advantage, that is, the pier is more complicated and there are more places to hide things.Therefore, hiding TNT in the wharf is more convenient and secretive.

The plan has been made, just wait for Terauchi Jun to make a move.But as time passed day by day, it seemed that Terauchi Shunichi was going to become an otaku.It turned out that he didn't even have the slightest intention to move, and he didn't show his face even once.

This made Fan Keqin suspect that this old devil had already left secretly.If it weren't for the insiders in the intelligence network who could always provide some information related to Shunichi Terauchi, he might really have made this judgment.

This afternoon, Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai checked the current news again, but Shunichi Terauchi still didn't move at all.Bai Fengtai just walked out of Fan Keqin's office.

Fan Keqin's phone rang, and it was Meng Qingsheng who called: "Boss, the salesman has received news that some goods have been ordered."

This is a code word, which means that a certain plane at the airport is suddenly booked.Fan Keqin was about to inquire about the details, when Meng Qingsheng continued: "It's just that the delivery time is uncertain, let them wait for the notification at any time."

If the time is uncertain, then we don't know when it will fly, and we don't know whether Shunichi Terauchi needs to take it.So you must not act rashly.

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, you come to my office, I'm free now."

"I still need half an hour." Meng Qingsheng said: "I just completed a contract, and I will find you as soon as I get back."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, it didn't take half an hour, and Meng Qingsheng was already sitting at Fan Keqin's desk within twenty minutes.Meng Qingsheng took the cigarette Fan Keqin gave him, thanked him, and started talking directly, saying: "Boss, the airport's internal line has just activated the first contact plan, so tell me the situation. at……"

Meng Qingsheng glanced at his watch and said: "About two hours ago, the dispatch center of the airport arranged a task for him, which was to reserve a plane and keep it on standby at any time. There was only this notification. So what? Time to fly, take those passengers to fly, and the insider is not clear. This is very similar to our plan, is the old devil about to move. "

Fan Keqin said: "Have you contacted the eyes?"

"It's strange here." Meng Qingsheng said: "I contacted our eyes, but there was no movement on Dongjiu'an Road. It's still the same as before. So some other important people want to take the plane?"

Fan Keqin thought for a while and said, "There are quite a few important Japanese and puppets in Shanghai, and it's normal for them to fly. But we can't let our guard down, because if the old devil really wants to leave, he should notify the airport in advance to put the plane on standby." It's possible. But he won't go right away, he may have to finish the work in hand, or go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, these are situations that we cannot rule out."

Meng Qingsheng said: "The possibility of this old devil actually leaving by plane is quite small, and it may be because of suspicion."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "It's okay, everything will remain the same, we just do our own thing well."

Just as the two of them were talking, there was a knock on the door.Bai Fengtai opened the door again and walked in, seeing that Meng Qingsheng was there, so there was no need to hide it, after all, Meng Qingsheng also needs to participate in the liaison mission now.

Bai Fengtai said: "The people at the dock contacted me. It was Le Xichen who just came back and said that the inside of the dock was informed at noon that a devil's warship will dock tomorrow."

"Oh?" Fan Keqin frowned, "Is he sure?"

"I can't be sure." Bai Fengtai said: "But according to the past situation, the berth will be vacated in advance when the warship docks. It is also necessary to prepare various supplies such as fuel. He speculated from this information."

Fan Keqin thought for a while again, and said: "Still maintain the current model, but let the brothers on the airport and the dock get ready. In addition, if it is a warship, cancel the operation."

Bai Fengtai nodded. He understood that if it was a warship, it would be impossible to transport a large amount of TNT to it.In addition, it is still a temporary stop, and it is too late to adopt a different approach.

After all the orders were finished, Fan Keqin left work normally.This is the case with many things. Sometimes you are ready, but you may not necessarily be able to make achievements.But it is definitely better than not being prepared, because opportunities may indeed appear at any time.

The most powerful thing about Fan Keqin is his heart.If he wants to change his mentality, he doesn't need to say modestly, he must have the strongest mentality in the world, not one of them.Therefore, he went to get off work normally, just like a normal person.

Turns out, Fan Keqin was just after twelve o'clock.Bai Fengtai rushed into his office in a hurry, closed the door and said, "Eye just contacted me urgently. Many people came out of the big villa on Dongjiu'an Road, and they have already got into their cars, and each of their cars, He also packed a lot of things. This situation is something he has never had before."

Fan Keqin looked at Bai Fengtai and said: "Let's go... It seems that our analysis yesterday was correct, but we don't know how he is going to leave. Let the eyes confirm and report immediately. Besides, the telegram is ready. ?Once it's a train, you'll have the contact team send a report right away."

"Understood." Bai Fengtai replied, turned around and left.

In other words, the eye in charge of surveillance is an agent of Bo Zhaohui's Security Bureau.The place he chose is very interesting, it is nearly a kilometer away from the big villa on Dongjiu'an Road in a straight line.It is facing the street, and then facing the street... on a tall building of a hotel that faces several streets...

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second:.

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