spy ace

Chapter 2659 Hope

Chapter 2659 Hope
Therefore, there will be a very huge intelligence network compiled now.Bai Fengtai thought about it for a while, then remembered, and said: "I remember, the other party is a prison guard from the second prison, his name is Wu Cong, right..."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Since the person has decided to be detained in the second prison, then we don't want to rob the prison car. As you said, if you rob the prison car, it will give us the inside line at No. [-], It brings the risk of exposure. In this way, first let Wu Cong provide the situation in the second prison, including the location of each prison, the path inside, where the duty room is, and what defense methods are there. Even where is the toilet? , what tableware to use when eating, and so on, etc., in short, let Wu Cong sort it out and report it."

Wu Cong can barely be considered an old prison guard, because he has only been working for a little over four years.It is definitely not a novice, so I can barely be regarded as an old prison guard.But Wu Cong is actually not very old this year, only twenty-two years old, a proper young man.

Because of his good looks, someone always introduces him to someone, but Wu Cong is shy, and his family conditions are not very good.After becoming a prison guard, it improved a little, but it was limited.Therefore, after dealing with three subjects, all of them turned yellow.

But shy people have a thinner heart.After becoming an insider of the Security Bureau, he felt that if he really wanted to provide any information in the future, then he must provide the situation in the prison.Therefore, after becoming an insider, although the Security Bureau has not activated him, Wu Cong is also silently sorting out the situation in the prison by himself.

Therefore, after getting the contact signal from the Security Bureau and getting the task, it didn't take long for Wu Cong to sort out the situation normally and add some things that he hadn't done yet. Handed over to his upline.

After that, Wu Cong went to work.It's quite busy today, with new prisoners coming in.He was in charge of the handover, and then watched the people locked in the cell.He secretly paid attention to these, after all, all the information in the prison is required to go online.And it's very detailed.So Wu Cong also secretly took note of the situation of the new prisoners, and when he got home, he sorted it out again and handed it over to the upline.

Then for the next few days, Wu Cong went to and from get off work normally, secretly paying attention to various situations in the prison every day.After get off work in the evening, organize these into systematic materials and put them in the dead mailbox.

That's right, the young man Wu Cong is a true patriot.Although he worked as a prison guard in the Japanese-occupied area, he always remembered that the little devil invaded his country.Therefore, Wu Cong is full of motivation to do these things now.

In this way, after five days in a row, Wu Cong received an instruction to go online in the dead mailbox.Give him a chance to chat with two people.Wu Cong remembered that one of these two people was called Zuo Qiuwang and the other was called Shan Haiyang.When the two were sent, they were covered with bandages, and in the first few days, they were given some medicine every day.It can be said that the injury was serious.Wu Cong could see the injury, it must be a torture injury.

Wu Cong knew that these two people were the Red Party.Could it be that his upline is also the Red Party?Isn't it the National Security Bureau?But Wu Cong didn't care about that.As required, the ball of paper with the written content was thrown into the cell of two people during the patrol.

The door of the cell is not a fence like a steel bar, but a small sliding window the size of a palm above it.Zuo Qiuwang was lying down in a haystack inside, yes, in order to prevent any accidents, there was no bed inside.Either wood or metal may be utilized.So, by mistake, put some hay bales inside.

Zuo Qiuwang was lying in the haystack with his eyes closed, when he heard the door of the old house slam, probably the small sash window above was pulled open.But Zuo Qiu didn't care, and kept his eyes closed.It seemed that he hadn't heard a single glance.

But immediately after, there was a soft click, as if the other party had thrown something in.Immediately afterwards, the window slammed shut and was closed again.Zuo Qiuwang immediately felt something was wrong.

The same thing happened in Shan Haiyang's cell.You know, both Zuo Qiuwang and Shan Haiyang are from the underground party, so they are very alert when encountering such a thing.

After hearing the silence, get down from the haystack.Start searching on the ground.The cell was very high. There was only one rectangular window on the wall that was about four meters high, and it was set deep into the wall. There were steel guardrails on the top and bottom of the window sill on the side of the cell.

This small window doesn't have much lighting effect, but it is a bit bright after all.In addition, I have been locked here for several days, and my eyes have adapted to the environment.Not long after, Zuo Qiuwang found a ball of paper on the ground.

Zuo Qiuwang grabbed the ball of paper and listened quietly for a while, but there was no sound.So he carefully unfolded the ball of paper, and looked through the light cast from the small window.

There were only eight words written on it: "Heal your wounds well and be prepared." There was nothing left.

But in Zuo Qiuwang's eyes, the hot blood in his chest boiled again.There should be a rescue plan, but my injury will definitely slow me down, yes, I need to recuperate properly and be prepared.After making up his mind to pay attention, he threw the paper ball into his mouth.Chewed hard a few times and swallowed it directly.

Shan Haiyang on the other side was similar, both were from the underground party, and he was very alert. After finding the paper ball, he didn't think it was an enemy's conspiracy.After all, my belief has never been shaken. If I really find out that it is a conspiracy, even if I die, I will never reveal the secrets of the organization. Who can directly read my memory?
In the next few days, Zuo Qiuwang and Shan Haiyang remained calm, rested and recuperated.And they also found that the food that was brought to them every day was still a little bit small.

You know, the prisoners in this prison eat the cheapest kind of food every day, and you can't even tell what kind of food it is from the appearance.smell?no taste!Worse than wax.The scariest thing is, you can't even tell it's bad.Because he has no smell at all.

Zuo Qiuwang reckoned that this might be a float for pigs or something else, he was really not sure.Then boil it vigorously until it becomes a particularly rotten paste, and it is considered a meal when you put it in a bowl.

But from the day they received the note, Zuoqiu Wang and Shan Haiyang discovered that every now and then...

(End of this chapter)

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