spy ace

Chapter 2660

Chapter 2660
Zuo Qiuwang and Shan Haiyang discovered that since then, from time to time, some minced minced meat, or minced dried tofu, crushed eggs, etc. were buried in the paste.These things are all mixed with a paste, and from the outside, they are the same as before.But when you eat it in your mouth, it must be different.

Another most important point is that these things are not what they used to be, they can only be said to keep people from starving to death.These things are nutritious after being added, so the two people were seriously injured, but under the circumstances of these diets, their bodies began to improve day by day.

It's only been a week, and although the two of them still have a lot of time to recover, they can still walk back and forth.And on this day, Zuoqiu Wang and Shan Haiyang did some activities in the house as before, so as to recover faster.The sliding door on the cell door opened and the bowl was handed in.

After taking it and eating and drinking normally, I found a note at the bottom of the bowl with a sentence written on it: repairing bicycles, hiding glue.

In different cells, Zuo Qiuwang and Shan Haiyang were suspicious after receiving the note.How about repairing a bicycle?Hidden glue They can understand that if the tire of a bicycle is punctured, glue is needed to repair the tire.Nothing more than hiding some glue, but what does repairing a bike mean?
Ordinarily, when it comes to repairing bicycles, let’s see what’s going on. Simple flat rings, tire repairs, these things are not complicated. After all, they have all had bicycles before, and they have all repaired them simply, so they can.But they are all in prison, how can there be any bicycles for them to repair.However, after the two swallowed the note, they still remembered this in their hearts.

In the afternoon, Wu Cong looked at his watch in the duty room and said, "It's almost time, let's go out."

A prison guard next to him glanced at the clock next to him and said: "Well, it's almost the same. Do you think these reporters are also idle? It's not good to interview his mother, interviewing life in prison. We are not the ones who are tired in the end. brother."

"Hi." Wu Cong said with a smile, "Didn't you read the interview after it was published in the newspaper? Civilization Prison, this was proposed by our boss. The time for the release, which was originally changed from twice a week to five times a week Well, I'm not tired anyway."

The prison guard next to him said: "As far as I'm concerned, it's purely full of food."

Wu Cong smiled and said: "Fart, if you don't want to make money, don't stop other brothers."

"Make money?" the prison guard asked, "What money do you make?"

Wu Cong said: "If you choose a civilized prison, there will be special allocations, and our brothers can also get bonuses? What's the matter? You don't want it?"

"Fuck...really?" The prison guard also smiled and said, "That must be what I want." As he spoke, he glanced at the clock and said, "Okay, it's time, let's go quickly."

The second prison was built in the late Qing Dynasty.Originally called Tiger Bridge, three prisons were built at the beginning, namely Tiger Bridge No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] prisons, in Nanjing, Shanghai, and Suzhou.

When this prison was built, it occupied an area that was not small.There are high walls around and watchtowers at the four corners.It's kind of like a zigzag.The upper part of the word "Hui" is the prison area. From the prison area, it is in the middle, which is a playground.Unlike the later generations, the places where the prisoners were released were all surrounded by a separate fence with iron mesh fence walls. This thing is considered high-end, so it is a normal playground.

But when the wind is released, there is no shelter around, and the guns are set up on the four-cornered watchtower, and the prisoners inside are almost without any shelter, which can ensure safety.Then in the second half of the reply, it is the place where the prison guards stay.There is an office area and a cafeteria.

The prisoners came out one after another, and began to let the wind out in the big playground.Among them are Zuoqiu Wang and Shan Haiyang who can walk around.This was their first release. There were all kinds of prisoners in the entire prison area. Everyone was wearing shackles, so they could only walk a step away, which was very inconvenient.Because of this, many inmates take a stroll around when they come out for activities, and then they find a place to stay and don't move much.

Zuo Qiuwang and Shan Haiyang were not. In order to recover from their injuries faster, they took more walks as their bodies allowed.There are countless times when two people can get together.Therefore, the two of them immediately strolled while exchanging information in a low voice.

When they said the last note, neither of them understood what was going on.In fact, there is a car shed inside the prison, which was built later.There are some prison guards who live in better conditions and bought bicycles to commute to get off work.They can also see it, but there is a designated area for prisoners to move around, and they can see it but not touch it.

After an hour, the briefing ended. Wu Cong and a group of prison guards, holding wooden batons in their hands, began to point the prisoners back to their cells.

There is nothing to do in the afternoon, Wu Cong doesn't have to be on duty at night, and he will get off work when the time comes.But he didn't go home right away, but strolled on the road.He also pays special attention to the ground, occasionally seeing stones close to his eyes, he would pick them up and have a look. In this way, by the time he got home, he had already picked up quite a few stones.

When going to work the next day, Wu Cong did the same thing, walking.On the road, pay attention to the stones on the road, and pick up the right ones.Then go to get off work normally.

After two more days like this, Wu Cong gathered enough stones on this day, and when no one else was paying attention, he came to the car shed at work, and quickly stuck a stone on the front tire of a bicycle with all his strength. superior.But don't pierce it through, and then turn the wheel and turn the stone down, so that no one can see what it is.

Then he sprinkled the stones he picked up on the surrounding ground.As if nothing had happened, he returned to the duty room and started chatting and spanking with the prison guards.

In the afternoon when the wind was released, Wu Cong patrolled the outside as usual, and pressed the tires vigorously back and forth while going to the toilet.

Although the stone he chose was sharp, it didn't mean that he would vent his anger immediately after being exposed.So I went back to the playground and continued to pretend to monitor the prisoners.

After a while, the prison guard Lao Zhang, who usually goes out to hand over documents to the police station at this time, came back cursing, pushing his leaking bicycle, and said, "Fuck, what a bad luck. Hey, Lao Zhou, Lend me your bicycle kit."

"What's the matter? Is the fetus tied?" the prison guard named Lao Zhou asked.

"Isn't it?" Prison guard Zhang said, "It's unlucky."

(End of this chapter)

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