spy ace

Chapter 2668 send people in

Chapter 2668 send people in
However, during breakfast, an agent of the Security Bureau took the initiative to explain to them, saying: "Yesterday, the two people who escaped with you are already dead. We killed them, but you don't care, because they They are different from you. First, they are foreigners, from the US War Information Bureau. Second, you are all real heroes. Although you were captured, you did not betray anyone.

But they are different, they are traitors.The reason we saved you all is because you are all anti-Japanese patriots.And the reason we rescued those two people was to execute the traitors. "

Zuo Qiuwang and Shan Haiyang could understand the words of the Security Bureau agent very well, because Zuo Qiuwang and Shan Haiyang were tortured for several days and nights after they were captured by No. [-].But Leng didn't say a word, he was a real warrior who would rather die than surrender.So for people like the two of them, traitors are the most despised.

The process of the security bureau agents rescuing them seemed to be going smoothly, but anyone who knew how to do it knew how troublesome it was behind the seemingly smooth going.Therefore, there is no need for the other party to lie to themselves. If they really want to, why should they say it generously? As long as they don’t say anything, it is normal for them to be placed separately in terms of the arrangement of safe houses and other places.No one would doubt it.

The same is basically true for the other few people. After all, it was like the agent of the Security Bureau said that after they were arrested, they didn't spit out.From this point of view, they themselves have a factor of extreme contempt for traitors.Therefore, after hearing what the security bureau agents said, one person even directly said: "Traitors, all should die!"

In the office of Fengyu Company, Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai began to discuss the follow-up issues of these people. In fact, they had planned in advance, but at this time, to be on the safe side, they needed to make some adjustments.After all, shortly after coming to work this morning, the police officers of the Wang Puppet Police Department all over the city began to act.

The streets are full, check the passing vehicles and pedestrians.Still holding the portrait in his hand, he asked every now and then if anyone had seen these people.Some police officers walked to the wire pole and pasted a piece of paper with a wanted reward on it.Or came to the bottom of a certain building's wall and posted the wanted reward.

There are also police officers at the intersection, standing in the middle, not directing traffic.Instead, they are staring at the passing pedestrians to see if there is anyone they are looking for.

This time, there was a lot of movement.But compared to some of the things Fan Keqin did before, it is still a bit childish.For example, when Wang Zhaohai was directly killed, he was the No. [-] traitor in Tianzi, so after killing him, it can be said that the city was full of storms.The influence of Wang Zhaohai's death has actually continued until now.

Although the impact of this incident was not comparable to Wang Zhaohai's death, there was one thing that was very difficult to deal with.That is, although Wang Zhaohai's death was known to be man-made, in the final analysis, no matter whether it was the little devil or the side of Wang's puppet government, there was no specific person to arrest.After all, it was a fire after the big bang.The clues left by myself are nothing.Just one agent who borrowed a fire sprinkler truck withdrew early.

And now, Zuoqiu Wang, Shan Haiyang and the others were arrested by No. [-].Therefore, Wang Puppet has mastered the video data.This is a bit difficult to handle.

Originally, Fan Keqin's plan was to let them go by themselves.Contact your superiors by yourself, so that you can avoid suspicion.But in this situation, letting them go by themselves is not to say the same as throwing them to the puppet Wang, but it is very difficult for them to be safe in the end in such an exposed situation.

Fan Keqin said: "The whole city's arrest will not be over in a short while, even if it is over. You should also be careful. After all, being exposed and not being grasped by people are two different concepts."

Bai Fengtai said: "Brother Heng, I think it's better to send them out of Shanghai as soon as possible. After they get out of Shanghai, let them figure out their own way. After all, they are professionals."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Save people to the end. Otherwise, it's better not to save them." He paused and said, "Well, we still have quite a few safe houses. You are preparing to release two. Although the place where they are staying is fine for the time being, let’s take precautions, and if you find anything wrong, replace them with a safe house immediately. The transfer plan should also be drawn up now.”

"Okay." Bai Fengtai said: "The spare safe room we prepared is enough. I will arrange it immediately."

Bai Fengtai said again: "Should the headquarters send out a report and report?"

"No need." Fan Keqin said: "At least not for the time being, let's talk about it after the limelight passes. Otherwise, it will increase some risks for nothing."

After the two people discussed it, they went about their own affairs, and two days passed so quickly.In the past two days, the situation on the street is still the same, but think about it, it's only been two days, let's see how long Wang Puppet can last.

Anyway, Fan Keqin was confident that the other party would definitely not be able to find the person he was hiding. After all, since he came to Shanghai, he had been scattered all the time, taking time to prepare a safe house.I'm free today, so I'll do some research today, and let Bai Fengtai operate if there's something suitable.If you don't have time tomorrow, just do serious business, and then go out to investigate again when you are free the day after tomorrow.

In this way, one after another, until now, the safe house prepared by Fan Keqin is serious enough for all ages.In this way, even if it was Shan Haiyang, Zuoqiu hoped that one of their points was unsafe, and they could replace it immediately.It is almost impossible for Wang Puppet to really find them.

But not long after I came to the company today, Meng Qingsheng came to the door and said: "Brother Heng, a boss of the local Hongrong Gang, came to drink with me last night. I heard from him that he wanted to follow us. Inquire about number seventy-six."

Fan Keqin frowned and said, "What do you mean? Number seventy-six? Who is he? How did he say it?"

Meng Qingsheng said: "Quan Deben is one of the bosses who took over after Hong Rongbang's boss and Du Risheng went to Hong Kong. He has been working in the French Concession, so he is very powerful."

"Well. Then I know him." Naturally, Fan Keqin could not fail to grasp the local situation in Shanghai.Of course he knew about Quan Deben, but he hadn't delivered anything before.

Meng Qingsheng said: "Last night he called me suddenly and asked me to have a drink. I just went over, while drinking..."

(End of this chapter)

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