spy ace

Chapter 2669

Chapter 2669 Turn around
He seemed to be testing me, asking me if I knew anyone in No. [-].I said I didn't know him, but he still complimented me, saying that I was in Fengyu Company and I was so powerful.Let me help you figure it out.I asked him what was the matter, but he didn't say it clearly, but listening to his voice-over, it should be that he wanted to cultivate the backup, and wanted to get people in. "

Fan Keqin frowned and said: "The moment the little devils attacked Pearl Harbor, the family of the United States, people of insight actually made their own judgments in their hearts. They originally wanted to eat us, but they had already turned into a tug of war. With the addition of a Meidi family, the little devil can't stand it anymore. Quan Deben's power is basically in the concession, and he probably doesn't understand this truth, but now he still wants a junior to enter No. [-]?"

Meng Qingsheng said: "That's what I heard from his subtext. But I changed the subject, rambling about, and didn't give him a clear answer."

Fan Keqin thought about it for a while. In fact, if this matter really sent someone into No. [-], it would not be a big problem for him.After all, it has its own insiders, and even simply spending some money, it is possible to send someone in if you find a way. Moreover, Miss Tong has a playful little girl, and I know it myself.But Fan Keqin can also see the risk of this matter.

First of all, I don't know what the person Quan Deben sent in is going to do.Furthermore, after entering, whether this person really wants to follow No. [-] wholeheartedly, or he has his own purpose in going in.All are detrimental to Fengyu Company.

Fan Keqin finally made a decision, saying: "Ignore him, just pretend you don't know about it."

Meng Qingsheng said: "Understood, do you need to keep an eye on him?"

Fan Keqin said: "Watching... definitely has to be watched." In other words, Feng Yu's business is very large, and it is involved in all walks of life.Therefore, it is natural to have "friendship" with various forces and various departments. From this point of view, it is reasonable for Quan Deben to come to the door for matters related to the [-]th.

But this matter, it’s nothing if you don’t know, but if you know it, you don’t pay attention to it on the surface, but you must understand it.Otherwise, Quan Deben would have found the general manager of Fengyu Company. In case something happened, let alone be implicated. Woolen cloth?

Therefore, Fan Keqin continued: "You don't need to worry about it. I will take care of other things. Just follow what I just said, ignore him, and just pretend that you don't know about this matter."

"Okay." Meng Qingsheng said: "Then I understand."

After Meng Qingsheng left, Fan Keqin brought Bai Fengtai over, explained what happened just now, and then ordered: "Send someone to keep an eye on Quan Decai and see what he wants to do. This matter, It can’t be done here with Meng Qingsheng, if his expectations are stronger, he won’t give up, and he will find other ways. See who he meets, and then pay attention to the situation around him.”

After Bai Fengtai understood what Fan Keqin meant, he immediately started to make arrangements. The investigation needed a process, but before any news came back, another incident happened, which caught Fan Keqin's attention.

That is, the insider at the airport reported that a big person might come to the airport tomorrow.It turned out that the insiders of the airport had received orders from their superiors to temporarily block the runway tomorrow morning and to do a good job of landing a plane.In addition, ask him to get a special pass tomorrow morning. Only those who hold the pass can enter the airport tomorrow morning.

As for what is special about this plane, who are the passengers.The boss didn't say anything, so the insiders naturally didn't dare to ask.But since they have been ordered like this, it is speculated that there is a high probability that some extremely important mission will come to Shanghai.

After hearing the news, Fan Keqin thought about it for a while, but did not make any other arrangements, just let the internal line work normally tomorrow, but in his heart, he paid attention to who the plane was pulling tomorrow.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the next afternoon, the insider's report came.Who it was, he didn't see it with his own eyes, but he saw a few people he had seen before.

And not so long ago, several Security Bureau agents were trapped in a residential area in order to follow Shunichi Terauchi's convoy.But he was attacked on the way, and Fan Keqin was afraid that this was a series of traps, and the stalkers of the Security Bureau had already been exposed.Therefore, the old devil's side must have taken stricter precautions. Therefore, he immediately ordered the subsequent actions to be stopped immediately.

It was also because of this that Junichi Terauchi's convoy entered the airport.As for the inside line, he was originally in charge of this business, so he didn't see Shunichi Terauchi the same way last time, but he saw a few followers of Shunichi Terauchi.But this time, the insider recognized them, and the people who got off the plane were still Shunichi Terauchi's followers.

After Fan Keqin got the news, he was a little puzzled.You must know that Shunichi Terauchi is one of the few generals of the little devil, and his status is very high.After the last incident, it is impossible for Terauchi Shunichi's entire team not to know that someone is going to harm Terauchi Shunichi.But now they still returned to Shanghai, what's the situation?

Another trap?Or, Shunichi Terauchi had a reason to come back.

But no matter what, if this old boy really came back, it would really be another chance for him.But when the old devil came back, he must have raised his vigilance.His security measures can only be higher than before, and it is absolutely impossible to be lower than before.

It’s like before, when monitoring the other party’s big villa, the other party’s eyes were very hidden in the neighborhood around the villa. If it weren’t for that, the Security Bureau’s subordinates are also very capable and alert, and the rotation system is still adopted, and there is no repetition appeared.That may be discovered by the other party in advance.

So this time, Fan Keqin thought it was an opportunity, but he had to be more rigorous.First of all, let's find out where Shunichi Terauchi lives.

Fan Keqin called Shunichi Terauchi's security team, which must have been an unexpected trick.That is, Junichi Terauchi himself is very safe, and because of this, Fan Keqin did not rashly send someone to follow him from the airport.

But if he wanted to find out about Junichi Terauchi, Fan Keqin had a safer method, which was to use some high-ranking local officials.

Fan Keqin didn't believe that for a person of Junichi Terauchi's status, after coming to Shanghai, even if it was the second time, some local high-ranking officials would be indifferent?
(End of this chapter)

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