spy ace

Chapter 2670 Security Group

Chapter 2670 Security Group

And Junichi Terauchi didn't see any of these people?This is impossible.And with the status of Shunichi in the temple, if he wants to meet, he must meet someone with a high status in the local area.Therefore, as long as I send someone to keep an eye on these local high-ranking officials, I don't have to worry about knowing where Junichi Terauchi is.

Fan Keqin asked Bai Fengtai to immediately send people to follow the plan to keep an eye on the senior officials in Shanghai, of course, including his father-in-law Tong Fengyu.It cannot be treated differently. If someone finds out after the fact, it will become very suspicious.

In other words, Junichi Terauchi, an old devil, took a plane before and went to Fengtian.Because he fought in Southeast Asia before, it can be said that he has achieved many victories.But he went to the Northeast, not to show off his achievements.It was because of these victories that the little devil's stronghold was established, and high-level people in Japan wanted to give Terauchi Shunichi the rank of marshal.

However, the rank of marshal is definitely not that simple.Furthermore, the little devil is actually at odds within the army, and as soon as Terauchi Toshi was promoted to the rank of marshal, the high-level navy began to make trouble.Therefore, the two sides in the little devil's country, the Ministry of the Army and the Ministry of the Navy, are competing with each other.

After Toshiichi Terauchi came to Shanghai, he was actually waiting for news, because the base camp of his achievements was completely confirmed and appreciated, which means that the voice of the Ministry of War was a common voice at the beginning.But at this time, the Admiralty began to make trouble.So now we are in the pulling phase.

Terauchi Shunichi was like this. After he knew the situation in the base camp in Shanghai, he also started to run actively.What do you mean, have you seen the US election for president?Like him in a beauty pageant, canvassing votes everywhere.In essence, Junichi Terauchi went to the Northeast, which is what he meant.

The influence of the Kwantung Army is still very large in the little devil's base camp.It is itself hailed as the flower of the army by the little devil, and Shunichi Terauchi has dealt with some high-level officials of the Kwantung Army Command before.Although they are not familiar with each other, they all know each other after all, so he naturally wants to take a trip.

However, although Junichi Terauchi didn't have the rank of marshal, the devil's generals are also rare. Although he came to Shanghai in a low-key way, socializing is inevitable.And having entertainment means that someone knows his existence.

In this case, Junichi Terauchi's security team had to take some measures.After the Security Bureau was ambushed, Fan Keqin analyzed and speculated that the situation was almost the same.

Because it was indeed done by Shunichi Terauchi's security team, they planned several routes in advance.Then on a certain route, observation points and ambush points were set up.It would be better if there is no tail, but as long as there is a tail, it can be detected in time and react quickly.The stalking experts sent by the Security Bureau are good at stalking themselves, and under such circumstances, they will inevitably be discovered by them.Fortunately, there was nothing to lose in the end.

Now Shunichi Terauchi is back in Shanghai after visiting the Northeast.After all, there are many big people in Shanghai, and it is also very developed. It would be more convenient for him to meet someone.So after visiting the Northeast, he still returned to Shanghai.

Similar to what Fan Keqin estimated, Junichi Terauchi is the devil's general, no matter how low-key he is, when he returns to Shanghai, someone will hand over invitations, greetings and so on.He was invited to attend some occasions, but he declined.But there were a few local big shots who wanted to visit, and Shunichi Terauchi was also doing it for the sake of honor, so naturally it was impossible to turn everyone away.

Therefore, after such a meeting, Fan Keqin just fell in line.The people from the Security Bureau followed these people and found the address of Shunichi Terauchi once again.

The place is definitely not the original big villa, but in the original French Concession, a French-style house left by a nobleman who has run away.

In other words, the choice of this French-style house is also very particular. First of all, it is independent.Moreover, there is a circle of trees planted in the yard, which makes it impossible to see the situation inside the house even if it is in a far away place or a relatively tall building.It is impossible to see clearly at close range.This is tantamount to having a natural covering.

Furthermore, this French-style aristocratic mansion is indeed magnificent, with many rooms inside.This point, in itself, would also confuse people, making it unclear which room Terauchi Shunichi lived in.

In addition, the courtyard of this noble mansion is very large, and the team of Shunichi in the temple has a lot of cars, and they can park enough.And a spacious house is equivalent to having a small buffer. Even if someone storms inside, the people in the house can use the windows as cover, but there is a section of the way for the attackers to be unobstructed.Therefore, it is very difficult to rush in even with the advantage of a large number of people.

In addition, there are convenient transportation, and there are some points nearby that can be quickly supported, as an auxiliary security force, and so on.

In other words, Mizugaki Hiroyuki, the person in charge of Shunichi Terauchi's security team, is indeed very clever.After entering the mansion, he went through the house again in detail, detailed the security measures, and made fine-tuning to make them more reasonable.Then he remembered one thing, that is Wang Zhaohai's death.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki knew clearly that Wang Zhaohai's death was caused by a large amount of explosives blowing up the house, and then burning it down, which led to his death.

But Hiroyuki Mizugaki also understood that the reason why Wang Zhaohai was assassinated in this way was not because it was easy, but because Wang Zhaohai's security team was already good enough.Therefore, the assassination had to be carried out with this seemingly grandiose method.

Therefore, Hiroyuki Mizugaki even personally took the manpower to find out the locations of all underground wellheads within and outside the scope of the house.Then went down and walked around.However, the underground is also very developed, and they definitely cannot hold it with their hands.

Therefore, Hiroyuki Mizugaki can only ask people to go down to the underground system for inspection every day, or at irregular times.This method seems to be nothing clever, but it is very practical.It's like Wang Zhaohai's time, you have to put a lot of TNT to have that power, but I check it regularly or irregularly every day, how do you put it.This almost completely eliminates this possibility.Even if the person who went down to the bottom of the well was killed, but after the time passed and the inspector did not come back, they would still be able to detect it.

(End of this chapter)

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