spy ace

Chapter 2672 Be Prepared

Chapter 2672 Be Prepared
This is also the reason why it was only handed in now. After Fan Keqin received it, he felt that it could be used.It's just that the person who sent someone to conduct long-term surveillance before reported a situation.In the house where Shunichi Terauchi lives, someone goes down to the underground waterway every day for inspection.

After Fan Keqin learned of this situation, he temporarily stopped the plan for the underground pipeline system.For a while, Junichi Terauchi, an old boy, really looked like an iron hedgehog, which made people feel a little bit at a loss.

However, Fan Keqin had someone prepare eight remote-controlled bombs.The wired one, with a detonator on one end and a bomb on the other.Because Shunichi Terauchi lived here, although it was hard for people to start, but on the other hand, part of the reason was that the house he lived in had a few paths leading to the outside.Then there are more path options outside.

In addition, the surrounding houses are not suitable for eyes. Therefore, Fan Keqin judged that other houses, Shunichi Terauchi's security team, naturally couldn't go to the houses.It's useless after all.This is indeed what the investigation results showed.

Therefore, Fan Keqin thought, since there is no way to start, then when you come out, you will not be able to fly.As long as you come out, detonate the bomb immediately and blow up the convoy directly to the sky.

It's just that there is a high-level area, and the arrangement of these bombs is also difficult.That's why Fan Keqin asked people to prepare remote-controlled bombs. How to use them, or even whether to use them, is still uncertain.

Furthermore, apart from these, Fan Keqin also has a trump card, that is.Trains, docks, and airports all have their own people.Terauchi Shunichi, an old devil, even if he has no way to attack in the urban area, but he always has to go to these places to leave.It is impossible for him to say that he settled in Shanghai.As long as he leaves, he can let his own people in these places do it.

So after Fan Keqin carefully studied the terrain, he chose six places, which were the roads leading to the railway station, the dock, and the airport.

That's not to say there aren't other roads that lead to train stations, docks and airports.It's the six places that Fan Keqin carefully selected. If they don't pass by, they will definitely form a situation that is completely different.Therefore, in these six places, send eyes to watch respectively, as long as Junai Shun comes out, the other party will almost inevitably pass one of them.Unless the other party really wants to make a big circle.In that case, Fan Keqin would have nothing to do, because if he wanted to make a big circle, there would be too many choices.It's impossible to see it.

It just so happened that those bombs that were ready were also used, two for each place.All hidden in cars parked on the side of the road.The lead wire is hidden in the sewer beside the road, and then controlled by another vehicle.Fan Keqin had used this method before, so he was familiar with it.

However, Fan Keqin considered that the security team of Junichi Terauchi, an old devil, was indeed very clever.If the car controlling the detonation of the bomb is parked on the side of the road, what if it attracts the attention of others.Or, the old devil's security team just played the same method last time.Let people be in a certain place in advance, on the way the car passes, and ambush the next group of people.

You know, the six places Fan Keqin chose are ingenious.It cannot be ruled out that if the other party also plays like this, is it possible that the other party also has a fancy for a certain location.If this is the case, the other party sent someone to ambush in a certain place in advance like last time, and if someone stayed in the car on the side of the road, it was very likely that the little devil would notice it.

Therefore, this situation must be avoided.The way to avoid it is actually very simple, that is, to lengthen the wire.Then the person who controls the detonator can be at the corner on the other side, or even parked in a small alley.But this place must be able to see the position of the observer.As long as the observer sends out a signal, he will immediately detonate it immediately.Otherwise the car itself is moving in time and is likely to miss it.

Of course, this is a double insurance, the purpose is to be able to save the railway station, the airport, and the inner line on the dock.After all, if something happened to these three places, those who acted would basically not be able to stay any longer.

So Fan Keqin should also consider the matter of transfer.Prepare the car, driver, and reception in advance.If there is an emergency, then the responding staff can start to act immediately.

In fact, it didn't take long for the above things to be safe, and basically all of them were in place in just one day.After all, they are all veterans, and they are familiar with the road, and there are many things that are prepared in advance, so naturally they will be fast.

But now, Si Neijun didn't move, and Fan Keqin didn't move either.So Fan Keqin drove Miss Tong and a few servants to the hospital, and gave Miss Tong a good checkup.Since Fan Keqin and the others hired a family doctor, they even helped Miss Tong customize some recipes.Therefore, Miss Tong was in the hospital, after a detailed examination, nothing happened.

It's still a long time, let's go home and rest first.Fan Keqin was with her, Miss Tong had gained weight now, and she herself hated looking in the mirror for a while.There is no way, edema is still there. Although I have money and can use all kinds of methods, no one can recruit the natural reaction during pregnancy.

How to do it?Easy to handle.That is to make Miss Tong feel at ease. It’s okay if you don’t like to look in the mirror. Please enlighten her. Fan Keqin, who knows psychology very well, will accompany her whenever he is free. In fact, don’t need to say anything deliberately. Don’t worry, the child is born. , you can recover.It's only temporary now.

Needless to say, talking about other things, normal chatting can already make pregnant women feel at ease.If you are too deliberate, it will make her worry about it.Another point, pregnant women need more sense of security than usual, how to do it?It's also very simple, that is to let her feel the existence of the other half.

So Fan Keqin, although he goes to work every day, sometimes even comes back quite late.But I would call from time to time, for example, when I was having lunch, I picked up the phone and laughed, while eating, while holding the receiver, I chatted with Miss Tong about the company's experience, for example, I saw someone fell into a puddle , or a singer sang a broken tone today.Are you bored?In fact, boring, or not boring, is not the point at all.

The point is, pregnant women can feel that you care.Think about it, you are eating...

(End of this chapter)

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