spy ace

Chapter 2673 Finding Problems

When you are eating, the other party is just pregnant, not deaf, so you can definitely hear it.Then you realize you're still chatting with yourself.This in itself can make pregnant women feel that their lover cares about them.So, companionship does not mean that you always stay by the pregnant woman's side, but to let her have this feeling of caring.As long as the feeling of caring is right, then there is no problem at all.

Therefore, Fan Keqin was basically in the company during the day, but Miss Tong didn't have any psychological problems.Because she can always feel Fan Keqin.

Conversely, this also gave Fan Keqin a lot of free time at his disposal.Dealing with Terauchi Shunichi now made Fan Keqin busy for a few days, but after the preparations were completed, he became free.

But this free time can be said to be very short. A secret message from the headquarters made Fan Keqin busy again.It turned out that the devils were mobilizing their forces and gathering in Luoyang area, and one of the family members of a guard in Luoyang came to Shanghai before.

The headquarters suspected that this guard named Ling Yongsi might have the tendency to defect to the enemy.But it was just a suspicion, because his family had left the Luoyang area before this, and probably came to Shanghai.Therefore, the headquarters felt that if his family was arranged by the Japanese puppets, then Ling Yongsi didn't need to ask, he must have surrendered to the enemy.But there is another possibility, that is, Ling Yongsi may have sensed the danger, but sent her family away via Shanghai.Or they deliberately used a trick to go dark under the lights and sent their family members to Shanghai.

The source of this news, the headquarters did not say.But he must have got some news, so he contacted Fan Keqin.After all, Sun Guoxin himself is also very rigorous, and he admires Fan Keqin very much, so it is impossible to directly dump unreasonable news to Fan Keqin.

Along with this secret telegram, there is also information about Ling Yongsi's family.With this, it will be easy to handle, Fan Keqin immediately asked all the insiders who entered the Shanghai channel to pay close attention to this matter.In addition, people were sent to the entrances and exits of the train station, as well as on the pier, to keep an eye on them all the time.

In fact, whether Ling Yongsi became a traitor or not, Fan Keqin judged from the current news, there is a high probability that she is.After all, instead of sending the family back, but to the enemy-occupied area, this behavior itself is very suspicious.

However, there is a saying that reality is often more magical than some works of art.Because it did happen, and not a lot.So Fan Keqin couldn't guarantee that Ling Yongsi must be a traitor.If he really wasn't, then if he misunderstood, then he really couldn't do it.After all, Ling Yongsi is one of the guards in the Luoyang area. If he misunderstands the other party, the consequences may be even more serious.

After three days of surveillance, the security agents who were monitoring at the train station suddenly received news that Ling Yongsi's family had been discovered.Among them, the other party's fiancée, the dead son born to him by his previous wife, Ling Yongsi's father, and their two servants all appeared.

This family keeps a low profile.How should I put it on? It's quite ordinary, but it's not the kind of person who is very difficult, but the kind of person who can get by at home.The materials of the clothes are not high-profile, and anyone who looks at them will feel that they are indeed ordinary people.Including the two servants, and they didn't say that they were running around and humming.The same is wearing ordinary clothes.

After Fan Keqin knew about this situation, it was hard to judge.Because if their family did this on purpose and didn't want to attract people's attention, then it would be impossible for the servants to say that they would be there to serve them at any time. In that case, something would be wrong.

Therefore, Fan Keqin could only send someone to continue to follow, but the follower carefully followed the other family all the way to a residential area in the west of Shanghai.Then I found an inn to live in, and then the two servants went out, but later found that the two servants were looking for a house again.

What's going on with this behavior, Fan Keqin is a little confused. Could it be that Ling Yongsi really let his family hide in Shanghai?Yes, but just when Fan Keqin was wondering, the following Security Bureau agents finally discovered something wrong, and that was one of the servants.After entering a residential area, go inside a unit door.It took a while to come out.

So this place became a key area for investigation. After understanding, the houses in this unit are already full, and most of them are old residents.From this point of view, there is nothing special.But the investigators saw a mailbox inside the door of this unit.

Another thing worth noting is that although the person who was following him didn't pay much attention to the mailbox when he came in, he could smell a slight smell of smoke.Same, didn't pay much attention at the time.

But now that the things that are combined with the investigation are combined, does that mean that the servant is likely to burn something?For example, a piece of paper.Based on this, we continue to speculate that he entered this unit for no reason, and if an outsider sees it, there is nothing wrong with it.But Fan Keqin and the others saw it wrong. After entering, there was still a simple smell of smoke. It is possible that this person came here and took a piece of paper. A bold guess was that it was a letter, and then burned it after reading it.Therefore, when the investigators came in to take a look after he left, they only found a faint smell of smoke.

In any case, once this situation happened, Fan Keqin was basically sure that there must be some problems with this family.However, there is another doubt, that is, if the other party is really a Japanese puppet.In the enemy-occupied area of ​​Shanghai, they can actually meet the Japanese and puppet secret agents openly, or make an appointment with a certain place.On the contrary, he still uses this secret method to hide it from whom?On the contrary, I don't want everyone, including the Japanese puppets, to know about this situation.

After such consideration, Fan Keqin immediately withdrew all the agents.But secretly found Dongyangde and Le Xichen.Let them keep watching Ling Yongsi's family.

That is to say, in the next day, after Dongyangde replaced Le Xichen, he watched Ling Yongsi's family move out of the inn and into a private house.Then around three o'clock in the afternoon, a servant went out again and went to the market for a walk.It seemed that he entered a telephone booth and made a call.

But under the attention of Dongyang De, a caring person, he found that the servant didn't call at all, but went into the booth and pretended to be on the phone...

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