spy ace

Chapter 2674 The old devil moved

Then it seemed that something was hidden in the gap between the phone and the back panel.

After Dongyangde saw this situation, he didn't know what to do.Don't care about these things, or wait until the other party leaves to check.But if you check it, you are afraid that the other party has made a secret mark, and you will know it as long as you move the other party.So I immediately contacted Fan Keqin on a phone by the side of the road.

After thinking about it for a while, Fan Keqin told him: "Wait where you are and follow the person who took the letter."

In this way, Dongyang De ran to a restaurant diagonally opposite and had a meal.Diagonally opposite to the other side, there is a coffee shop, where he drank two more cups of coffee.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening that Dongyang De saw a person taking out the letter.This person also pretended to be very similar, as if he really went in and made a phone call.

After Dongyang De came out, he began to follow this person, slithering far away and mixing in the crowd.This person walked normally at first, but then he started crossing streets and alleys, turning left and turning around.It can be said to be very alert, Dongyangde can be sure that this person is [-]% problematic, at least he is also a professional.But he can be sure that the other party is definitely not a Japanese puppet.

Because the Japanese puppets, there is no need to do this in this case, unless there is an extremely special reason.But after this person finally entered a small shop selling pastry, he never came out again.

Dongyangde went around this small shop, scouted around, then returned to the company and reported to Fan Keqin.

Fan Keqin deliberately waited for him for a while. After Dongyangde reported the matter, he finally frowned and said: "Boss, the other party doesn't feel like a Japanese puppet person. On the contrary, it looks a bit like the Red Party."

Fan Keqin glanced at him and said, "Why do you say that?"

Dongyang De replied: "Although the people in the military command may also use this method, but the style is different. It's so hard work in the pastry shop. It is absolutely impossible for people who live in the military command to do this. In fact, if our brothers want to pretend, they are unlikely to open a pastry shop. But the Red Party is different, they can endure hardships themselves. As long as they can conceal their identities, they don't care what method they use to hide."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, I see." In fact, when he listened to Dongyangde's report, he also suspected in his heart that the other party was the possibility of the Red Party.How to put it, it is indeed impossible to rule it out.Coupled with the fact that the other party came to Shanghai uncharacteristically, and kept a low profile all the time, at least the possibility of being a Japanese puppet became very small.

After thinking about this, Fan Keqin ordered Dongyang De: "Well, suspend the surveillance on him first. I will handle it as appropriate."

"Yes." Dongyang De is his man, so naturally Fan Keqin follows his lead.

A few days later, Fan Keqin did not come to Fengyu Company immediately, but investigated the family himself.He didn't see any exact situation either. After all, he wanted to make himself clear about the matter now. What Fan Keqin considered was that Sun Guoxin in the headquarters might keep it secret from anyone, but he probably wouldn't keep it from himself.After all, Sun Guoxin valued himself extremely.

And it was clearly stated in the secret telegram to myself before, if the other party is a Japanese puppet person, then they will be eradicated resolutely.What does it mean that the other party is a Japanese puppet?If the headquarters knew that the other party was a Japanese puppet, then there would be no such premise at all, just let yourself kill them.

This shows that the headquarters is actually just suspicious, after all, Ling Yongsi's move is indeed suspicious.But there are indeed examples of this on the national government side, so it is naturally impossible for the headquarters to be sure that the other party must have voted for the Japanese puppet.

Fan Keqin returned to the company and thought about it carefully.The initiative in this matter is now in my own hands.It's okay to act or not to act on your own.Just give the headquarters an explanation.As for the fate of this family, let it be left to Ling Yongsi. If he behaves well in the next period of time and fights with the little devil, then there is no need to ask, he must not be a traitor.

Although his family came to Shanghai instead of going to the rear.But this family did not appear to have any contact with the Japanese and puppet secret agents.So, maybe it really is the Red Party.

Therefore, from now on, Fan Keqin went to the family's residence every now and then to take a look around.It's okay, just do what you have to do.

Fan Keqin of this family was temporarily let go, but Shunichi Terauchi, Fan Keqin was not willing to let go.Just a week after this incident, news came from the airport once again.The boss asked the inside line to block the entire airport from tomorrow, and keep the plane ready to take off at any time.

This situation can be said to be exactly the same as last time.After Fan Keqin heard the news, he asked Bai Fengtai to activate the pre-plan, but waited for the order. As long as he did not give the order, he would not take any initiative.But people at several observation points should always pay attention and report immediately if there is any situation.

Soon the next day came, and this time there were no followers, only observation points arranged in advance.Fan Keqin believes that as long as the little devil is not lucky, he will never find out.

After Shunichi Terauchi's motorcade drove out of the French-style mansion, Fan Keqin had been waiting for news in the office.But for an hour in a row, no information was received.

Fan Keqin felt that something was wrong. Shunichi Terauchi's convoy, no matter how slow it was, couldn't be so slow.Although it is said that it may not be possible to arrive at the airport in an hour, the route of those observation points, unless the convoy moves at a snail's pace.Otherwise, it must be able to see it now.But why hasn't it returned?

Could it be that the other party really used the same method as the opposite, and avoided the observation point he arranged by such a mistake?It’s really not impossible, after all, it’s been more than an hour. If it’s going in the opposite direction, and would rather go around in a big circle, then this time itself is right.After all, the road is far away, and the convoy has not reached the observation point, or bypassed the observation point, so naturally there is no news.

Fan Keqin lit a cigarette, held his breath, and waited quietly.Bai Fengtai even came to ask once if he wanted to activate the means of the airport.That is to say, let the few people who broke into the airport before hide the bomb on the plane first?

Fan Keqin also considered this point, but he still vetoed it.What if Shunichi Terauchi, an old devil, was playing around with him?The bomb on the side of the airport was placed, but the old devil played such a game...

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